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Friday, December 01, 2006

stomping away to a new address..


xoxo, joy

Joy talked at 6:25 PM

Thursday, November 30, 2006

the purpose of this entry today is to lambaste* singtel for their completely non-existant reception for a grand total of more than 4 hrs! its so suay tt it was the same 4 hrs of killer lect n having to live through tt w/o my jacket is bad enough. but w/o sms?!?! its torture i tell u..

imagine, an ultra emergency happens n i'm uncontactable? wat if i needed to urgently get someone? wat if i won a million bucks in some lucky draw n they gave my prize away bcoz i was unreachable? who can ans for tt??? tis was not the sorta service i expected of s'pore's no. 1 telcom provider! one which is widely known for it gd reception actually had the cheek to provide nil for such a lengthy period. plus, sp is a mere walking dist away frm the singtel HQ. so there is absolutely no reason at all for tis cock-up!

plus, it got me all freaked out tt my darling baby was spoilt! my hp is my everything. w/o it, i'm virtually nothing. tts the lvl of dependance n reliance i hv on tt small piece of plastic. so scaring me tis way is soooo wrong. in fact, its outrageously cruel n inhumane. =(

aft the service was finally restored - a long while later - my inbox choked with 17 new messages! many of which required replying to. now, my reputation is tarnished! i've become one of those ppl i hate so much.
the type of ppl who 1) dun reply sms. 2) takes forever to reply sms. n i resent tt! totally, 100%.

n how dare singtel send me 8 caller alerts?!?! "XXXXXXX tried to call u when u were unreachable." wtf. i was not unreachable hor. i was simply denied line access by the provider itself. so dun push the blame to me u irritating n irresponsible thing! bahx.

so much for giving singtel a 'very gd' rating at yesterday's survey. damn pissed lah. n it does not help tt i'm cramping pretty seriously. grrrr..

so tempted to switch to ur rival brands juz bcoz u put me through tis anguish today. stupid, idiotic singtel n its connection prob. hey, it irked anna, daddy n jessica's frens too. so its not coz i nv pay pay my bill, whatever. n i bet there r many more singaporeans tt had to suffer due to tis fault of singtel. so much for being the trusted brand. zzzzzzz.

luckily, my mood didn't stay sour for long as the d&d meeting was pretty successful n the meeting with kel was great! aft surrendering the money to santoso, i felt soo v poor. its $140 okay! sobs sobs. dinner was at pasta mania bcoz coincidentally, both kel n i were craving for italian cuisine.. ;P n we even went d&d attire shopping.. got a pretty white feathery brooch frm some pushcart. its buy-one-get-one-free so we both now hv them in matching colours. =) mommy says i'm a typical singaporean. hahaha.

*to reprimand or berate harshly.

p/s (ikea tampines opened today. there was a super super long queue for the free shuttle bus as early as 8am in the morn. honestly, i tink the queue stretched frm the mrt stn to the interchange. singaporeans..)

Joy talked at 11:14 PM


ting: oh.. so long ago n haven subside ar? poor u.. muz rmbr to rub leh.. if not the blood not moving will keep getting darker by the day then not gd for u also.. perhaps boil an egg to massage or something. sayang sayang k.. haha. btw, my tagboard is smart, it can censor wrds. lolx. =P oh ya, thanks for saying tt no matter what happens, i'll always be ur darling. *touched* i love u too. =)

xueqin: i copy u? haha.. anyhow lah. ^^ n i'm sooo jealous. my bear is getting much more attn then me. *sulks* =P

jessica: i tink its ok le ba.. dun worry ba dear. keep smiling. we must keep pessimism at bay. stay happy forever n ever (X1000) okie?? hehe.

zest: we call for proj sake leh.. u call just for fun lor.. police station somemore, careful kenna arrested for prank calling sia. haha.. =) really nothing? if u say so lor..

gerald: yeah, the food was gd. n it wasn't an afternoon date lah.. we were v far apart although in the same premise. i noe ur concerned but u better concentrate more on urself lah.

frm an email, food for thought:
a successful man is one who earns more than his woman can spend;
a successful woman is one who can find such a man.

true, it is gd to be able to live a worry-free tai-tai life forever. but i resent the fact tt a successful woman is not determined by how much she can support herself but instead, by how much she can leech of her man. i tink a person's success (regardless of gender) shld be measured based on an individual's capabilty to upkeep herself n her extravagant lifestyle. finding such a man to complement is prob just a bonus. yups.


Joy talked at 11:01 AM

its been ages since i did something tt on impulse. on tues, i fully intended to go hm, perhaps swim before hitting the bks. but shopping with yilynn n bee bee proved too great to resist. afterall, its been approx a yr since i really saw beefong n i did need my d&d dress. =P

we walked frm orchard to dhoby ghaut. stopping at every shopping centre along the way, pigged out at gelare (1/2 price waffles!) n many other eateries. i walked soo much till my blister burst n there was blood!! whoever said slippers were comfy. bahx.

we ended up not buying anything.. sian, time is running out!! omg.. i wan tt perfect dress, tt perfect mani n pedi, tt perfect hair-do, tt perfect me. ladeedums~

btw, tangs lingerie dept is oh-so-fabulous!! the selection is huge.. not forgetting the superly posh changing rms complete with sofas, carpets, textured walls, dim lighting n all-around mirrors! each rm is specially designed to suit its fancy name. (e.g. luxe deluxe, queen of hearts, etc.) one wonders y the rm is soo big, large enough to prance around n the purpose of the sofas???

the kids section is also amazing. the clothes r miniature replicas of the adult version. (note: it is similarily priced as well.) the dressing rms also look like mini bedrooms with fancy lighting, sofas n dressing tables with those mega lightbulbs found in tv studios. no wonder kids today r spoilt!!!

sorry ting i couldn't meet u for dinner/supper. it was kinda late n as u noe, i do hv a curfew.. missing ya. =)

i can't wait for d&d! yippee.. plus, i'm super proud tt i surpassed target n sold 13 tickets w/o even taking up mommy's offer to purchase 7. joy has grown up n knows how to wrk for wat she really wants. yup yup.. its now time to change tt focus to the studies which hv been in "constant decline".

mr goh jon-keat: "ur will be part of the financial world. where u not only wrk u under pressure. u hv to perform n in fact, excel under pressure. stress is no excuse. carelessness is not tolerated as it is costly. a little more effort is nothing."

spent time with xq, wj n the other 2 girls in their class. one of them did my nails, french manicure. =) after which, accompanied zest to the salon to get his hair cut. its my turn on the 11th of dec!! yeah yeah.. everyone says the place is gd. its only sad tt they didn't treat me v well on the phone. oh wells, its free. so can't demand much.. lalala..

while waiting for his hair to be done, i sat at starbucks where mommy's voucher greatly subsidised my drink. GINGERBREAD LATTE FRAP. the new xmas flavour. yummy yummy. n i realised wat yilynn said was totally true, "eating alone is kinda therapeutic." so zen..

yes yes, start nagging tt starbucks coffee is packed with calories, i did do w/o whipped cream!! haha.. so hopefully tt helps a teeny weeny bit. there was also tis friendly n smiley uncle who spoke to me. he is old n nice in a grand-fatherly sorta way, but his eng is perfect.

old man: i heard tt u ordered gingerbead latte? do they really squeeze ginger inside?
me: huh? i dun tink it means tt..
old man: i wouldn't dare to try something so new. so abstract. u young ppl r brave.
me: haha.. its just coffee.
old man: oh, i'm old. we r resistant to change.
me: its a matter of trying. age shld not matter.
old man: *laughs* oh, there's my friend. i'll cya around. nice speaking to you.

i wanna grow old n b able to spend idyllic times jetsetting around the world n having coffee at up-market coffee joints with old pals. haha.. daydreaming again.

met up with santoso at cityhall before taking 174 to mr ong's hse for bbq. on the way to his place, we saw tis women who appeared to be having fits. having collasped on the floor, we helped her hail a cab to sgh. she seems ok at times n able to speak coherently but in the v nxt sec, she completely forgotten who we were n appears dazed. hmm, an adveture. haha.

but tis 2 somewhat aged ppl (old man at starbucks n woman along rdside) shows how diff two ppl of approx the same age can live two v diff lifestyles. i wanna be like the former. i wan my parents to live like the former. my grandparents likewise. so nv ever take health forgranted.

bbq was fun with, jessica, tianhock, sengwang, xueqin, wangjia, michelle, huixian, guiyi, santoso, richard, gerald, zest, guowei, darren and amir.

we played the swings till i scrapped my toes (ouch!), climbed on the playground, sang songs n gossipped till the food was done. the benefits of being a girl. hahaha. aft eating, we sat around to talk till it was time to head hm.

so much for waking up early n attending stats! the stupid newmann chew (i put his name bcoz he really is mei you yong can?!) tis time is not nv teach. he just conveniently opted to absent himself entirely. bloody hell!

awoke tired n sick today. stupid flu virus. so pon pacc.. but i will go for the 4 lects. i must. for the sake of myself n my grades.

Joy talked at 10:27 AM

Monday, November 27, 2006

i was the gd girl the whole of sunday n went shopping with the family. i was even gd enough to visit the temple n go marketing. mommy, being easily contented as always, was elated. =)

today was mainly average.. had lunch with jessica at fc6 (she was at sb bcoz of the bazaar) n attended the d&d meeting.

note: blueberry + strawberry + mango yoghurt is superb!!

another note: the ramly burger uncle who rented a booth at the bazaar is full of trouble n is an excellent liar. poor jessica, guiyi n hx who hv to put up with his nonsense. haiz.. i listen to his crap for 5 min already cannot tahan liao. n to tink they'll hafta put up with him for the entire wk. =(

haha.. bcoz of crs debate lah.. u tink wat? we interested in abortion ar?

kudos to the BABES programme who kept calling me back - afraid i wld get depression n commit suicide i guess. hehe. ^^

something kinda unnerving happened today. me n my big mouth. =(
i hereby promise to stop gossiping n keep secrets ppl tell me to myself. although he said all is fine n there's nothing to worry abt, i still hv tis nagging feeling tt i made a serious serious mistake. haiz.. sorry to you if ur reading this. it was just lunchtime fodder n was not meant as a personal insult whatsoever. n if u hafta blame anyone, i'll accept full responsibility for my blabbering mouth.

Joy talked at 10:14 PM

Saturday, November 25, 2006

i was cheated into attending itab class yesterday.

1) she didn't return the paper.
2) she didn't even release the mrks.
3) she scolded me for being late.
4) she dismissed us late.

note: i was 5 min late for a 3 hr cls tt started at 8 am. plus, i didn't miss anything. so wats the big deal??

i was forced into going for crs today.

2nd reason being: i wun hv time for lunch before gem.
3rd reason being: she's boring. totally.

hmm, blogger refused to accept my previous entry. mayb its god's sign tt i shld not be tt rude to the elderly teachers. oh wells, i did finish venting my frustration at least. %$*€#$%^?>#.

i loved psycho bcoz:

- me n xueqin finally carried the same bag to class.
- me n xq both wore contacts.
- me n xq had lunch together at kfc aft tt.
- me n xq could talk, talk n talk.

gosh, i sound like a les. haha..

me (when leaving): miss me.
xq: haha.. we r both attached. cannot les liao. nxt life ba.

sobs.. ppl hv jack le dun wan me already. wahhhhh..

met jess, sw n th at the clubhouse where i drew the floorplan of vanda rm. u got it, i drew leh!! as in personally pick up the pencil n draw. hahaha. its kinda nice n tis is NOT a biased view. hmpf!

55@sp was fun. coz the speaker (i forgot his name, but he's the author of some bestseller.) incorporated jokes, videos n pesonality tests into his speech. APPARENTLY, I'M V SUITABLE TO BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR. against popular belief. haha.

like all other friday nights, last night was time for the usual R&R. only we celebrated richard's 21st bdae tis time.


the night started with us going for some shopping n a movie at tiong bahru plaza.. a battle of wits is one wrd, fabulous. =) totally worth my $9.

its 2.5 hrs long n the plot is fantastic. hehe. war, power, victory, defeat, love, hate, betrayal, pride, death n destruction all intertwine perfectly with lots of water n fire. its sorta like a china history sorta epic with marvellous fighting scenes n andy lau!! :P

was supposed to go MOS aft tt. but i was not in shoes! sobs sobs. through sheer luck, i managed to catch the last mrt hm which saved me alot on cab fares, although zest insisted on paying. guess someone feels guilty for going clubbing n leaving me to go hm alone in the middle of the night hor? hehe. but all is forgiven darling. teddy helped u put in loads of gd wrds. lolx.

coming hm early made my parents pleased. daddy came to pick me n mommy didn't nag despite it being already 1 am. =)

today started with an early morn visit to sgh. my nose is healing fine. so there's no longer a need for dr christopher goh. no more handsome doctor. haha. it was shopping for shoes aft tt. i got a uber cool pair of snow boats. dunno wat is snow boots? tink ski shoes.. yup yup. soo not for s'pore weather. i also got new slippers coz trixie broke hers n to be fair, mommy got me a new pair too. =D

but all gd things hv to come to an end. mommy n daddy having decided to go off for their own private getaway shortly aft we return frm japan had to go book air tickets. so being the filal daughter tt i am, i had to accompany them to the travel agency n spend 2 boring hrs there. luckily zest called to accompany me for abt an hr. thanks dearie. =)

sorry ting if i replied ur sms harshly. was really sleepy n fed-up coz they couldn't make up their minds n were taking forever...

aft picking bri frm tuition, we went to buy his shoes n i found a pair of nice white leather puma ballet flats. they were lovely. but since mommy expected me to pay tt 99 bucks on my own, there was no way i cld afford it under my current financial situation. zzz..

called up kim robinson salon in the evening to book appt but the friendly receptionist turned snobbish once i said i had complimentary vouchers n had 6 other frens coming with me - all hv free vouchers. naturally, he claimed they were full n rescheduled waaay aft the wanted date n wif us all having seperate timeslots. haiz... talk abt making things difficult. :(

Joy talked at 8:49 PM

Thursday, November 23, 2006


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he came by my place at 7am tis morn to wait n give me the biggest bear i own to date. plus a note promising to not oversleep ever. *touched*

trixie is giggly, alisa is jealous, mommy is awed n daddy says i'm blessed. only didi says: "i wun ever be such a guy."

i pity his future gf. lol.

early tis morn, when moi is still in the shower.
trix sms: i think i just saw zest. haa with smth.....
my reply: huh? wat thing? where where?
trix sms: cant tell you. you'll see la. ;)

n mommy saw him as she was going to wrk too. so there came a super long msg abt how sweet he is. n how lucky i am. she seems to be in a v gd mood juz cause my bf was nice to me. oh the irony.
i guess tis is ai wu ji wu ba. =D

but its really funny how wat he intended to be a surprise was seen by 2 extremely kaypo members of my family. hehe..

i'm happy. v happy. v v happy. need i say more?

Joy talked at 9:25 PM

yeah, the long awaited gathering came true yesterday!! bee bee hv finally finished her As so we cld all meet up. ting, cher, mz, bee, lynn n me. no show frm ivy n jj. hp die le ar?!?!

completed fom e-learning at bizIT while waiting for zest to finish his cls. aft tt, we went shopping at suntec. stopping for carrefour sushi n new zealand natural sundae. yum yum. time passed real fast. before long, it was time for me to go find the girls. n he was nice enough to go out of the way to send me.. see, i'm appreciative. HAHAHA!

anyway, we met at plaza singapura so cher n lynn cld ogle, drool n feast their eyes on their eye-candies cum cuties cum 'mine-is-cuter-then-yours'!!! as both tt said crushes r waiters at PS cartel, we went there for dessert n to chat aft dinner. oooh, FAT me.

cher: i wanna fade into oblivion today.
cher: walao, how come table 8?? cannot see the action!
me: i tot someone wanted to fade into oblivion?
cher: dots.. who wans bread?
me: dun find excuses to walk around lor.
lynn: table 17 is still the best lor.

my frens hv the uncany ability to make me laugh over the most mundane conversations.

came hm with bee n lynn. beefong even took the same bus as me. oh man, its been ages since i had company hm with the exception of zest lah. it was like the gd old days. n we missed almost all the last buses. thank goodness for 3A! or its midnight surcharge to greedy taxi companies. =D

its also been a long long time since a gathering had an atmosphere soo high. even on my way hm, i was practically floating. lalalala.. the power of friendship. true friendship. n guess what? the day was made even more perfect bcoz there were stars in the sky. lots n lots of them. n there was a particular bunch tt even resembled a certain formation. hmmm, a horoscope?? which one? haha.. i need astronomy classes.

the night sky was so so so beautiful tt i stopped on the overhead bridge for a gd 5 min just star-gazing/stoning despite being already past curfew. hehe. luckily mommy nv lock door. lol.

Joy talked at 9:00 PM


lynn pinching cher who is up to her hua chi antics again.. lol.


beefong, me n yuting.
beefong: studying makes u super thin.
yuting: look, no more braces!


cherlyn, the queen of the lighted forest. pretty pretty.

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me and cherlyn.

Joy talked at 8:59 PM


full moon!! haha. no lah, tts just a floating advertisment balloon.. but tis pic looks like an enchanted forest ritey?


cherlyn, the tree hugger.. but dun she look juz ghostly? oops, bad wrd. *smacks mouth*


tis bell was supposed to be a hat. but i'm too short. =(

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NG YILYNN! smile for the camera~

Joy talked at 8:58 PM

his company before i went for the girlfriend gathering hehe.. satisfied all my cravings - town, shopping, sushi n ice-cream!! ^^


it was supposed to be ben & jerry's ice-cream. but its fattening fattening.. so i decided on new zealand natural instead. OUR DIY SUNDAE. strawberry suprise, fruit of the forest (yoghurt), something chocolate. added choc n strawberry syrup, frozen blueberries, hundreds n thousands (those colourful bits). yum. =)


the tall tall space in the middle of millenia walk. cool rite?
btw, there's candy empire here too!! *faints*


millenia walk to cityhall.. in tt funny looking, ancient bus. machiam step into some storey book. =)

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the company. <3

Joy talked at 8:57 PM

Monday, November 20, 2006

blah blah blah, wat happened today.

1) someone overslept n made me angry disappointed.
2) had to wear formal as ordered by ivan. (black top n jeans.)
3) fom presentation was not as screwed up as i tot it wld be.
4) d&d meeting aft sch. (tickets, tickets, tickets.)
5) visited the vanda rm.
6) comments on the vanda rm: ok lor.
7) visited the clinic n joe at loyang pt.
8) i can now wear contacts!! whoopdeedoo~
9) julie cooked fish & chips for dinner. yum!
10) rushed cd 3-pg report.
11) crs, 12 article review..
12) FINISHED! haha.. i had help lah.
13) thank u. =)

i'm bored. seriously. arrrgghhhh!!

Joy talked at 11:59 PM

Sunday, November 19, 2006

back frm my bks n notes. its time for a photo log!! enjoy. heee.

last sat:
was seriously supposed to be studying but decided to take time off for richard's steamboat treat. yum yum. haha.. reached yishun mrt at 1pm before heading to cold storage to buy groceries. the weather was horrid n according to michelle, "we hv to cross 2 rivers n climb one mountain to reach!" the rain was pouring n we lacked umbrellas.

the ppl who turned up: zest, jessica, tianhock, sengwang, xueqin, santoso, gerald, richard, michelle, huixian, darren n me.

it was also really funny tt at the void deck before richard's block, we met darren's neighbour who carries the exact same umbrella as tianhock! talk abt coincidence. haha.

there was an amazing spread of food. the usual steamboat ingredients plus fried tempura prawns (absolutely delicious!), chicken wings, fried fish fillets, mussels, pork balls n much much more. *drools*


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had to leave shortly aft lunch coz i arranged to meet yang xueling at bugis which resulted in me lugging the ultra bulky compaq notebook for her proj purposes. u owe me a million "thank you's" man. considering how i braved the raging storms n actually slipped n fell at the busy bugis crossroads!! hehe..

aft meeting cher n mz at bugis cafe n discovering tt there was no wireless access afterall, we adjourned to the national lib for pacc studying.

p/s. the lib is just another late night lover's hangout. making out on the pretext of mugging. tsk tsk.

aft studying for a bit, we went shopping n i got materials to DIY my own pencil box. haha. its ex but i like it. n its limited edition. personalised by myself n being the one n only in the whole wide world. muahahaha.

the past wk:
exams. exams. exams.

- still trying to remain hopefully.
oh fairy god mother, goddess of mercy, tooth fairy n tinklebell, pls do bless my results.

Joy talked at 9:00 PM

the wednesday:
went with jess to queenstown ikea to source for d&d deco ideas. its gonna be such a blast!! but i wun be posting related pics n tentative deco snapshots so as not to spoil the surprise for those who bought tickets. hehe. =D


jessica's long-awaited meatballs. the sauce is nice.. n there's some sort of raspberry jam. sweeeeet. =)


strawberry scented candles. they r pink!! n they r really cheap too.. less than $5 for abt 50 pieces.. *inhale*


BACKSIDES!! haha.. cute hangers rite?? half a dog?!?! its head its prob rammed into the wall. =P morbid but oh-so-adorable!!

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the forward view of the cute little tails. *gushes*

Joy talked at 8:59 PM


<3 <3 <3

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my dream bedroom. only tis is smaller. but the walls r just perfect. =) the white bed frame n chest of drawers look so victorian. so princessy. i like..

aft a fab fab time, we came back to sch to visit the HU bazaar. as usual, earrings get better of me.. so much for saving. oh man..

Joy talked at 8:58 PM

once zest was done with his meeting with joel, we took the bus to vivocity for my first m18 movie!!! of which we were late n they didn't check my ic. *sulks*

of course, i watched 40-yr old virgin in cher's hse.. but tt doesn't really count does it? haha. tis time, we watched, THE OH IN OHIO. its a sex comedy. coz i demanded to watch an m18 film n is horribly allergic to blood, gore n objects supernatural in nature. so tt didn't leave us much choice. haha.. go find the sypnosis if ur interested. as tis blog is pg-rated, i shall not comment further. =)

aft the movie, we shopped around n had dinner at superdog. a kinda mos-burger style restaurant.. we also visited the world's largest floating bookfair. it was onboard a cruise liner. cool rite?!


the boat..


on board the liner.. we even had to walk up the metal gangway thingy..


at the fair. the boat was suprisingly steady.. no sea-sickness. hehe.

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aft embarkation, along the vivo sidewalk..

Joy talked at 8:57 PM


the tall tall snowman.. i look like a midget. a hobbit. *whines*


MERRY XMAS!! a teddy bear tree.. <3


ok, i just like the wrd.. chocolate factory.

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playing with ketchup at superdog.. hmmm.. =D

we also went to vivo's rooftop n sat at the amphitheater till it was time to go hm. hmmm, i forgot to mention, candy empire is every child's dream come true. but the dentist's nightmare n a parent's pain in the wallet. i cld go crazy in there.. lalalalala..

today was sorta like an aft exam celebration. where u let ur hair down, bust curfew n bum the night away. nice nice. =)

Joy talked at 8:56 PM

the thursday
aft roaming much of tampines for the perfect cake, with a whole lot of requirements to fulfil. (eg. no prima deli, no non-halal, no neighbourhood cakeshop, no mint flavours, below $30, etc.) polar satisfied all in the end.

jj n i met up with xinyu, maz, haz, gz, szerui, andrew, kelly n maki at pasir ris to celebrate haz n maz's 18th bdae.

we went to the halal foodcourt at downtown east for makan n chatting. =) bbq stingray, tomyum soup, nasi goreng, sambal kangkong, satay n bandung. ^^


grp photo!! n my hair looks funny. bahx. =P
[clockwise frm top left:] me, kelly, jiajin, maziah, hazwani, xinyu, szerui.


jiajin with the 2 female leads. act cute lah!!


same grp of ppl with hilwa. i think? haha.. she looks diff!

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teo xinyu n nur hazwani. =)

Joy talked at 8:55 PM


our sitting arrangement.
1: sze rui
2: andrew (szerui's bf)
3: xinyu
4: gaozheng (xinyu's bf)
5: kelly
6: maki (kelly's bf)
7: maziah
8: me
9: jiajin
10: hazwani

thank goodness me n jj nv bring bf. if not the 2 most impt ppl present tt day will be all alone. n dun the sitting pattern just sooo resemble those speed dating dinner functions? lolx.

the day before:
jiajin: joy joy, u bring zest then i bring wilfred.
me: u bring then i bring lor.
jiajin: so u bringing ma?
me: walao, we talk like we bringing objects like tt.
jiajin: ya.. bringing pad?

dots. -.-

in the end, no one brought. haha. empty wrds..

the couples took an awful long time to order.. by the time our food got delivered, all they had were drinks. LOVE CAN FILL UR STOMACH AR??

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my darling hazwani (11th nov)
my dearie maziah (13th nov)
my precious khangjing (14th nov)

may u all hv the best life can offer. love ya loads. <3

aft 'partying', zest came to pick me.. we then proceeded to the beach. it was perfect. nice sea breeze, starry sky, soft waves, ideal company.
i'm a happy girl. =)

Joy talked at 8:54 PM

the friday:
it was raining so he offered to come pick me frm hm. awww.. n though he was late, i couldn't really bear to stay angry for long. went to concourse to steal d&d deco ideas again n came across many great bargains!!

highlight of the day: he bought us matching helium balloons. (pink n blue.) hehe..


the killer flowers pink n pretty when alive, become a threat to slippery shoes aft they wither esp during the rainy mths! =(


fly my babies, fly. \(0_o)/


mrt reflection. hahaha.. i couldn't resist lah. XD

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close-up, picture perfect. ^^

aft shopping, we went back to sch for 55@sp (yeap, with our balloons.) the talk was by valueair n jetstar asia's CEO, miss chong! such an honour sia.. n her speech was interesting. totally.

aft the talk we went out as usual.. IMM for dinner n JEC for arcade.

Joy talked at 8:53 PM

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