Sunday, October 29, 2006
bcoz i couldn't guess the no. of strawberries on top of my cake, i "won" myself 3 sabos. THANK YOU TING. I NOE U LURVE ME SO V MUCH! *sacarsm intended*
1) peel all the prawns throughout dinner.- there muz be like 30 prawns?
- the shells filled a WHOLE plate! (i hv the pics to prove it!)
- urgghhh, my nail polish!!!
- prawn-phobia.
status: success2) personally invite manager, andy, to sing bdae song loud enough for the whole sakura to hear.- paiseh can..
- unsporting manager. bahx.
status: failed3) sing a birthday song to myself.- voice muz be loud enough to be heard frm the sashimi counter.
- no way man. i hv a image to upkeep!!
- for public interest n safety of their ears, plan was scraped.
status: abandoned4) call johnathan n say: "wo xi huan ni hen jiu le. xian zai ni zhi dao le, ni hui zhen mo ban?"- translation: i hv liked you for a long time. now tt u noe, how?
- cher: "she attach le. cannot play like tt de."
- loti: "yeah, dun jeopardise her relationship."
- mz: "huh? JOHNATHAN?!?"
status: abandoned5) call zest n read out ting's script.- script was long n mushy. ("i miss u", "i love u", "dar dar", etc.)
- couldn't stop laughing.
- he was busy.
- accidently left script at
sakura. omg. 0_o'''
status: failed6) call zest to say: "i'm lost n alone at night safari."- went better then previous lie.
- i'm a bad bad liar.
- though he didn't really believe, he offered to cab down to pick me. *touched*
status: successn bcoz of sabo 6, i got him to offer to come safra to fetch me hm. awwww... hey, its nearer than the zoo yeah? lol. n since it was kinda early (before midnight), we took a stroll by the pool n somehow ended up sitting in it. such a pity there wasn't any stars. BLOODY HAZE! hehe.
went studying at tamp mart wif him n two of his frens today (limin n weicong). saw bee bee who hv shrunk even further since we last met. haiz.. ting ting sure heart pain de. lol. GOOD LUCK FOR UR As DEARIE.
came hm to please mommy n go changi village with the family. the place is amazing. little ppl, moderately clean pathways, nice sea breeze, magnificant views of pulau ubin. even the bbq pits hv cute pavilions behind them. n the best bit, its near my hse!! n there r loads of gd n cheap food!! nasi lemak, carrot cake, satay beehoon, i cld go on naming forever.. yippee..
Joy talked at
11:35 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
my first day as an 18 year old. hmm, it started with a night severely lacking in sleep and a back-ache frm lying on the floor. but
sleepovers are still fun!! i love movie marathons, i love midnight snacks, i love cher's minestrone soup, i love pizza delivery, i love xbox games, i love blasting music, i love gossips, i love pillow fights, i love eating
ben and jerry's ice-cream straight out of the tub! and of course, i love cher, ting, suyee n loti. =D
i got a lovely
strawberry cake frm
breadtalk. the strawberries r miniature.. cute cute!! and i also have another
sunflower and rose bouquet. this time, its chilled NOT frozen! =P
sakura dinner tonight. gosh, another buffet to pile on the kilos. i shall fast frm now till 6pm. lol. and i am no longer that terrified of sundae - cher's shih tzu. i actually let her lick and sleep on my lap. ^^
oh ya, every new year should hv a good beginning. so here r my *drumrolls*
15 bdae resolutions:
- complete all tutorials properly. (not on the mrt. heez.)
- attend all my classes punctually.
- make weekly revision a must. (i still wan my As!!)
- reach home before the clock strikes 12. (cinderella?!?!)
- start a regular savings plan. (millionaire by 30? HAHAHA.)
- embark on a realistic exercise regime.
- no more satisfying of ridiculous cravings. (greedy me..)
- no more impulsive shopping sprees.
- keep my bedroom organised, neat n tidy.
- don't argue with my siblings just for shuang.
- say "i love you" to my parents, and actually mean what i say.
- appreciate my friends for who they are.
- 50 smiles per day. (spread the JOY!)
- have a gramatically-correct and spelling-checked blog.
notice: this entry does not have those sms language that i am so fond of. haha.. just humour my efforts lah. XD
Joy talked at
1:15 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
happy birthday to me,happy birthday to me,happy birthday to ME!!happy birthday to me.(sing to the tune of the standard HAPPY BIRTHDAY song. like duh!?!)eighteen at last!! its now legal for me to smoke, drink n go clubbing! not tt i'll do those of course. haha. being able to do them doesn't mean i wanna do them.. lol. oh ya, M18 movies, here i come!! hehe..
thank you for all the birthday wishes (not in order of merit):
ting, mz, lynn, cher, suyee, loti, tianhock, jessica, sengwang, michelle, jess, serkee, anna, shimin, nina, guowei, thiam hee, gerald, amanda, jason, xueqin, wangjia, carolyn, santoso, richard, earth, yingjie, trixie, ivan, zhouxiang, jiajin, xinyu, hazwani, maziah, gaozheng, johnathan, edwin, suting, serene, khang jing, karkoon, max, tiffany, amir, my parents, the psycho tutor, cher's sis-in-law n last but not least, zest.
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO ME!! (most impt. lolx.)
Joy talked at
9:31 PM
the last hrs of being 17 was spent with him.- i got roses! *squeals*
- evening stroll down pasir ris park.
- saw saf marches. (our army boys are
short! lolx.)
- they even hv leaves in their hair n they carry rifles!! coool..
- dinner at "mid summer nites breeze".
- fish n chips, black pepper chicken chop n top shell (spicy.. slurp!)
- slice of chocolate toffee cake. =)
- it was a starry starry nite. (PSI only 28 leh..) ^^
- the sea was nice. the breeze was nice. n did i mention a moon? yups. =D
- walked by the sea n got my slippers all sandy. niiccceeee..
- drew stuff on the sand. (ok, self-obsessed me juz wrote my own name.)
- sat by the breakwater*. (new wrd learnt frm him!!)
- there was COCKROACHES! so spoil mood lah. lol.
- presents!!
hello kitty.. *grins*
- sat on the spider web thingy till our butts were sore.
- candle-lit pavilion. ("i
heart u" too.)
- countdown to happy birthday.
- went down to the beach once more.
- cabbed hm.
*breakwater: a protective structure of stone or concrete which extends from shore into the water to prevent the beach from being washed away.he sent a birthday card via
snail-mail too. haha. i hv letters leh!! n its not adverts or bills.. oh gosh.. =X
Joy talked at
9:00 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
another surprise!! i love my frens!went to jurong entertainment centre wif thiam hee aft my yr 1 gathering for
kbox.. although i kept telling myself tt for kbox to be worthwhile, its best to keep the participating nos small, i had to admit i was kinda disappointed tt it was only thiam hee n jessica tt was coming for my celebration.
ok, i shld hv been able to guess when thiam hee accidently let slip some details at the reception or when richard's msg came or when jessica kept smsing an unknown someone. but it was a brilliant
surprise/shock anyway.
jess: dear, go toilet wif me.
me: oh ok.
(aft returning, n i seeing thiam hee leaving rm 50.)
me: oi, no one in the rm ar? wasted leh.
jessica n thiam hee: laughs n enter rm 25.
me: oh my goodness, wrong rm lah ur. *pulling jessica*
can guess wat happen le rite? hehe.
zest n gerald was inside already wif cake, lighted candles n presents. awwww.. they rushed all the way across the island aft their alliance meeting in tamp juz to join us. *hugs*
we then joined rms lor.. the choice of songs became funnier, photo-taking was more rampant n the degree of crapping brought lots of laughter.
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!the dedications:jessica: thank you so much for being a crucial planner in all tis. i love u dear. n thanks a million for the cutesy bear-bear charm bracelet. <3 color="#ffcc00">thiam hee: thank you for ur presence. =D hey, ur first song was in front of me n jess leh. we're sooo honoured! nxt time sing ppl other then
lin junjie okie? lolx.
gerald: thank you for coming. n thanks again for ur thoughtful present plus u didn't hv to pay our share of kbox which u kindly did. stay happy always. =)
richard: although u didn't manage to make it, thanks for ur present. i LOVE bears. hahaha.. thank you, thank you.
tianhock: exam ar?? haha.. but still, thank you for the bracelet!! =) nicey nice!
much as i dislike ppl who boast abt their boyfriends on public blogs. i shall make an exception for juz tis para. I ADORE MY BOYFRIEND.dar: haha. although i dun like ppl to lie, ur lie abt not being able to come but still came anyway, really made my day. i liked today alot alot n it was largely bcoz u MADE IT! hehe. love ya. muacks~!
Joy talked at
12:49 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
hari raya cum bdae surprise!!yesterday, santoso brought us for an indonesian dinner at lucky plaza. today, went for breakfast at telok kurau wif the family. carrot cake wif ikan bilis!! fat fat me. tsssk!! at 11 plus, i then went to bedok to meet up wif xinyu n gz. hunted around for chocs - cannot go haz hse empty-handed rite??
visited hazwani's family, an annual tradition for us. had lunch n stayed to chat. THEY HAD A SURPRISE MINI PARTY FOR ME!!! complete wif cake, candles, presents, flowers n singing!! omg! *touched*
later left to meet mommy. n i bought new shoes!! heels leh. haha. i'm gonna look taller. ^^ aft shopping, we had italian dinner at
raffles, the plaza. chunky ministrone soup n bacon caborana in egg yolk sauce. YUM. =D
a big thank you to:xinyu~ thank you girl for remembering tt i love sunflowers. thank you for rushing to order my bouquet aft sch yesterday. thank you for waking up early tis morn to collect it. thank you for making the effort plus incurring bus charges to cart the bouquet to haz's hse before meeting me. sorry for getting pissed at u being late. sorry for insisting on my bubble tea treat. love ya loads. muacks!
iheartyou.gaozheng~ thank you for spending 3 hrs drawing tt sunflower. thank you for leading me to believe tt the pic was my one n only present. thank you for letting me trust tt nice guys still do exist in today's world.
thank you, thank you!
hazwani~ thank you for going to such great pains in getting my cake n for hiding it too. its choc, my fav n i love it!! thank you for letting them use ur hse for my surprise. thank you for distracting me with dying plants while they prepare said surprise. thank you for accidently
freezing my flowers. o_0 hehe. its the thought tt counts lah. so i still love u all the same. =)
jiajin~ oi bimbo! haha... got tummy le ar? lolx. thank you for being such a joy today. thank you for helping me look on the bright side. thank you for ur part in the cake cum flowers cum whatever else. will miss ya on sat.. promise me dinner some other time yeah?
mommy~ thank you mommy for being ever-ready to splurge n take time off for me. thank you for the countless shopping trips, the hrs tt i spend in fitting rms, the splendid dinners n ur pleasant company. I LOVE YOU! XOXOXOX.
Joy talked at
10:49 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006
was blog-surfing.. n through some enormous brainwave, i decided to blog an entry abt the importance of friendship.
friends, the ones who keep u standing or help u up shld u ever fall..everyone in mj is writing parting n farewell entries. esp ppl frm
a201. the ppl whom i tot wld carry me through the hardest period of my life shld i hv opted not to quit the race. n by some miracle, i'm being mentioned on jo's blog.
jolene, fondly known to me as wen wan. was my pri 6 classmate. we were nv close. barely even talking in the halls of tao nan. naturally, we lost touch. n surprise surprise, we met again in millenia institute. seated side-by-side, i didn't recognise her short hair. but still, we didn't quite belong in the same clique. aft the release of the Os, og2 split up, n we went our seperate ways n by some eventful twist of fate, we met in the canteen of meridian junior college. strangers to all around, it was nice to see a familiar face. one frm a long way back. but the best has yet to come. we were slotted into the same class, 05a201!!! best buds frm day 1 - being 2nd intake students, all we had was each other. but as luck wld hv it, we found newer n supposedly closer frens. oh wells, was still touched when she named me among those who helped her pass the boring times in cls. love ya.
frm xinyu's blog:"A best friend may not kiss you or hold you through the night, but they will hold your hand through tough times. They cause tears only through giggles, and they will never judge you on how you look with your makeup off. They may not give you flowers on Valentine's Day but they will give you chocolate once a month. And the best thing about them is that no matter how many times you fight and no matter how loud you may yell, you always know in the end they're still going to love you, and that nothing you could ever say, or scream, could change that."Your best friend is the one who's laughs with you, cries with you, and despairs with you.Your best friend is the one who loves and accepts all the strange or quirky things about you.Your best friend is the one whose shirts are stained with mascara from your tears.Your best friend is the one who can look at you and have a whole conversation going without even moving their mouth once.Your best friend is the one who's seen you at your worst, and said you were the best.Your best friend is the one who fought for and defended you - even when they knew you were wrong.Your best friend is the one who can honestly say "I love you." and not think twice about how it was taken.Your best friend is the one who kicked you in the ass and straightened you out when you were about to make a big mistake.Your best friend is the one who knows you inside out.Your best friend is the one who never has to ask - they already know the answer.Your best friend is the one who fought with you, missed you, and made up with you after many bitter exchanges were made.Your best friend is the one who stood by your side when you were having a hard time, and always forgave you for being a b*tch.Your best friend is the one who doesn't expect an apology but deserves one.Your best friend is the one who covered for you to keep you out of serious trouble.Your best friend is the one who never judged you for what you had done, never called you a dirty name because you had been less than good.Your best friend is the one who is your main partner in crime.Your best friend is the one whom you may need most, who will always seek your company, but will push you away to avoid pulling you down with them when they know they can't win.FRIENDS FOR LIFE.
Joy talked at
1:53 PM
birthday celebration: day 2i cut my bdae cake yesterday!! its a 7-layer choc fudge concoction frm 'choc-a-bloc'. *salivates* hehe.. sinful sinful. n gong gong is not as generous as por por. i did not get any hongbaos. wahhhh.. T_T
watched a day of
devil beside you. such a waste of precious time. tssskk... painted n re-painted my nails. its
royal purple now. whee~
had breakfast n came to sch with him today. but something really stupid happened in the morn. I REALISED I LEFT MY WALLET IN DADDY'S CAR! the car tt was whizzing towards jurong at 7.30am in the morn. zzzz..
considering i dun hv a healthy savings habit, i had to dig into jeans pockets, old bags n purses for any loose change i cld manage. =( i even had to dip into my "
buy-an-ipod" fund so i wun be tt desperately broke. bahx. i hv successfully not opened tt piggybank in mths!!! grrrr...
thank goodness daddy dearest later drove down to sp to deliver tt sacred wallet of mine. i love my lao pa! hehe.
Joy talked at
1:15 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
yesterday, my
first bdae celebration of the wk!! naturally, its family first..
we went for
trunch (lunch cum tea) at marina madarin hotel. n greedy me glurped down loads of sashimi n so many sushis tt left me no rm for dessert. the dessert spread was the amazing one but i missed alot of it. *sulks* =( wif such a huge variety of cakes, pastries, kueh n fancy stuff, all i cld manage was ice-cream wif tons of toppings n heaps of fruits n marshmallows frm the 1m tall choc fountain!! so wasted.
i didn't even get to eat any of the delectable array of
strawberry tarts, pies, cheesecakes n jellies. *wails*
aft tt, we went shopping for clothes!! trust me, aft buffet, dun ever attempt to buy clothes coz u look fat frm every angle n in every mirror. so u succeed in doing nothing more but exasperate salesgirls who futilely try to convince u tt u look like miss universe..
liar liar, pants on fire!clothes aside, its hp shopping time! tt salesgirl muz hv been bribed to put down n73 n heap praises on sony ericsson phones. coz i hv nv seen a person tt biased against nokia!! bahx.
by now, bri was getting restless so we went to watch
Rob-B-Hood!! its gd. the storyline is funny. the baby is cute. louis koo is handsome. jackie chan is comical. charlene choi is pretty. the bad guys r stupid. wat more can u ask for?? must go watch hor. =P
Joy talked at
1:16 PM
on friday, i went for 55@SP. tt session was so technical tt me n jess were going, "huh?" practically throughout the whole time.. zzz..
deathnote was suprisingly gd. n the ugly 'god of death' wasn't evil.. its the human's greed n desire for power tt was shockingly scary. he cld kill innocent ppl n even loved ones w/o second thoughts. n the sheer genius in which light aka kira plot his murders r amazing. woah!
of course there are funny n comical bits too.. like when the 'god of death' gets hungry n scrambles around demanding apples or when "L" eats tons of candies n holds the phone or tea cup in tt gay-ish sorta way. on the whole, it was an enjoyable experience lah.. n i can't belive i'm actually looking forward to part 2. =)
oh ya, i'm supposed to gush about
jurong pt's foodcourt. its sooo nice can. not the typical shopping centre foodcourt. it kinda follows an open concept wif wooden benches as chairs, trees n high ceilings. actually, tt cannot be considered a 'ceiling' lah. coz its glass.. machiam like skylight. v
al-fresco dining ba? awwww...
gerald sent us hm again. THANK YOU. haha. i'm so well-mannered. =D
Joy talked at
12:32 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
actually we dun hafta act lah.. haha. its 100% N-A-T-U-R-A-L! ^^
i wonder wat the both "TH" r doing.. ohhmmmmm... *meditates*
us~ us~ us~ us~ us~ us~ us~ us~ us~ us~ us~ us~ us~ us~ us~
the royalites. hey, we hv tiaras ok? lolx!!
Joy talked at
10:13 AM
ehhhh, dunno wat caption to put. but we look gd, dun we?
notice: the chairs can't be seen so th appears to either be floating or riding upon sw's shoulders.
grp pic at the vivocity rooftop. nicey nice. =D
shot no. 2!!
credits: pics taken frm my dear jessica's blog.
Joy talked at
10:10 AM
WEDNESDAY~!!met up with gem grp at t2245 aft sch to do pyscho proj. ITS TAKING FORM!! i'm soo proud of it.. coz it actually looks achievable. lalala.. n horror upon horrors, wat happened to cher happened to me.. coz my dear but blur xq missed the sb bus stop so on my way to pick her frm the nxt bus stop which was quite a dist away, some uncle horned n stopped his truck by the rd side n said:
"xiao mei, shu shu shun lu zai ni."(translation: ah girl, uncle fetch u since its on the way.)
how the hell wld he noe where i was going n whether it wld be on the way anot. zzzz.. stupid, old deprived men. luckily mommy teach me, nv to board a stranger's car. hehe.
aft proj, there was a sharing session at idea centre abt
corporate social behaviour by mr ong (which funnier then i expected it to be.) n
networking by mr lim n gerald which basically juz tells u to mingle wif as many ppl as possible in all available situations.
mr lim: learn frm the past, adapt to the present n anticipate the future.aft the talk, its where the fun begins. went wif jessica, xueqin, thiam hee, tianhock n sengwang to IMM for dinner. me n xq was so into our conversation tt we missed the bus stop.
sengwang: walao, xueqin stay where? still can miss stop ar?!?shopped for awhile before proceeding to JEC for arcade n neoprints.
arcade:i love the drums.
'hse of the dead' 4 is scary.
the bball machines r scary too.. esp when ppl r competing n wayward balls r flying, bouncing n dodging the hoop.
we oso played daytona
6 times in a row. (i lost all of them. *sulks*)
neoprints:it was a random urge tt resulted in the poor shopkeeper not be able to end wrk on time. we had a blast when jess n thiam hee went to change the notes to coins coz wif less ppl, we cld see tt the chairs turned invisible in the cam so we cld pretend to be flying/floating or even mimick the 'thousand-hand buddha'. lolx.
left jurong pretty late which resulted in him worrying more then my mom. haha. oh, the irony. XD
btw, we were already on the platform when the announcement came abt the stoppage of trains frm jurong east heading to boonlay bcoz of the chinese garden accident. mrts oso came in w/o lights n ppl were sorta frantic.. scary rite? luckily east-bound trains weren't affected.
THURSDAY~!!yilynn n ting came over to my place for dinner, to slack, paint nails n borrow choc fondue machine. i love having frens over. nxt time, when i get my humongous bedroom (wait long long lah..) i'll throw a mega-gigantic sleepover party where we can jump on my bed in pyjames, paint our nails in 10-shades of pink, rewatch
meteor garden, sing songs frm S.H.E in high-pitched voices n drink hot cocoa till we r all puffy n bloated. hehehe..
my pricessy dreams..we oso celebrated julie's 25th bdae. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
(julie is my maid.)
FRIDAY~!!today, i overslept n missed itab. she already specifically say later then 30min = no attendance. so wats the pt of dragging myself all the way to dover at ungodly 8am?!?! 3hr cls leh.. 30 min late oso cannot. so ngiao.
got ppl late 45min in 1hr cls oso hv attendance taken lor. zzzz.. anyway, itab is not exactly fun either.
movie later.. hehehe.. although its
DEATHNOTE n i dun like tt sorta shows, its the company tt ulitmately counts. plus, its free. haha.
MY BIRTHDAY IS IN EXACTLY 1 WEEK. ~ i'm turning 18.. omg, tts old.
Joy talked at
9:50 AM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
i am officially swearing off vegetarian food! ok, juz the
mock meat - nothing but colouring/false flavourings! coz i strongly believe tt somehow or another, it muz hv contributed to today's
massive curse of itchy rash!
i scratch the whole day oso nv relive itch. in fact, it made my hands even puffier n redder. of course i noe scratching makes it worse. but other then scratching, there's really nothing much i can do!!
aft CD presentation (which was a success by my standards.) was when the real "i-cannot-tahan" set in. really felt like ponning CRS to go find him. but being the gd girl tt i am, i still went for cls lah. lol. but i still tink i'm soo utterly useless coz i actually allowed such a train of thought to invade my otherwise rational brain. =(
anyway, tinking of going to the clubhouse kept me alive in the super-duper boring CRS.. ooh, my saviour! dots. 0_o''' anyway, the rash was loads better when i was there. got ppl to
sayang n pamper me ma. haha. but it became worse, much worse, aft i left to meet mommy.
it literally spread all over my body n i looked red, swollen n diseased. totally.. like some severe skin ailment!!!!! i was amazed the woman nxt to me on the mrt didn't immediately quarantine herself. bahx.
btw, i saw an amazing thing at dover today. the train headed to boon lay actually brokedown or something. so everyone had to alight n crowd at the platform at peak hr while the train drove away wif its doors OPEN! omg. luckily i stay in the east. *smirks* hehe.
i love my mom. coz she worries n fusses over me.i love my dar. coz he also worry n fuss over me. ^^mommy actually brought me all the way down to serangoon to see the doc por por highly recommended. she even wanted the doc to give me injection so there wld me immediate itch relief. naturally, scaredy-cat me objected.
but still, i freaked the doc enough for him to make me eat my medicine in front of him. hehe. but the wonders of modern medication; i tink i'm looking way better now. haha. perhaps, i'll hv fully recovered by tmr. *prays* =D
Joy talked at
9:51 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
the haze was bad. so bad, my nose itched, my eyes teared n i had a stomachache. hehe. no link wif the stomach upset lah.. prob juz the ice milo plus vegetarian hotdog doughnut. which was horrible btw! zzz..
he waited for me to finish sch leh.. 12-5pm!! awww.. *touched* lol. so i decided to be a gd girl n go straight hm to mug for stats instead of heading to cher's hse to slack. although stats is not really a last-min sub, at least i made an effort to try study! hehe.. *denial*
n guess wat, in all attempts to rush hm n be tt
guai kia, bus 3 broke down!! n it was juz mere stops away frm hm. bahx. anyway, they gave us free rides so i'm not complaining.. haha.
n dinner was nice! julie is one weird girl. sometimes, dinner can be juz 2 dishes of veg. other times, it can be mountains of meat n delicious stuff, like today. thank goodness i didn't miss it. haha.
ok, i hv procrastinated enough.
STATISTICS, GO SHIVER IN FEAR. BCOZ THE JOY IS HERE.hmmm, tts the lamest thing i hv heard all wk. -.-
Joy talked at
9:40 PM
when i was younger, i used to tink everybody in the whole wide world was paired up with another person. your destined other would be connected to you by an invisible red string of fate, so no matter how far you go or how long you take, you'll always be able to find each other again..

but now that i've grown up and seen life, i believe that if you do not treasure what you have, once lost, it won't ever come back. regrets are worthless.
btw, i came across this saying on bus 21 today.
"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters most in the end."joy, its time to slow down and enjoy the finer n smaller things in life. success is not everything.
Joy talked at
1:33 AM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
THURSDAY: 12TH OCTOBER 2006||> vivien's 15th birthday bbq.
accompanied him to her birthday. ehhh, turn-out was pretty small. including us, there were only 5 ppl present. she's a really nice girl so it was somewhat suprising. n no, i wasn't bribed by the bracelet she gave me!! =X
i kinda find tt we both hv alot in common (eg. problems in sch, cam-whoring, cutesy stuff, pink, ice-cream!) n we share the same birthday!! such coincidence. n being the oldest - zest was meddling wif the fire. so i got the noble job of buying the alcohol. being 17 yrs 350 days old at tt pt of time, its illegal to do so..
cashier: miss, can i hv ur IC for verification?
me: sure. (trying to act calm n collected.)
cashier: ehhh, ur not of age yet.
me: oh come on, its juz a couple more days.
cashier: ...
me: my frens r throwing me an early bdae bash. n tis my
truth-or-dare dare. gimme face lah. *acts cute*
cashier: ok ok. (laughing to herself)
the bdae cake was a swensen's ice-cream cake, they off all the lights n brought the candle-lit cake upstairs to her leh. so sweet ba. haha. then, we played the REAL
truth-and-dare. came hm early in the morn. *snores*
FRIDAY: 13TH OCTOBER 2006||> friday the 13th. *shudders*
||> gerald's bdae/jessica-promised treat.
||> xinyu n gz's 2nd mth anniversary.
hung out at the clubhouse aft gem. (note: the sofa is a really comfy for napping!) aft tt, went
55@SP to hear some hairdresser talk abt entrepreneurship. n we got on the papers coz he is apparently hotter than david gan ($460 per haircut)!
lian he zao bao. but dun hv my face!! poo poo.
aft the talk, we had refreshments! then milled around w10 - IDEA centre before cramping into gerald's car n heading to vivocity! gerald promised free movie. but being new, the 15 multiplex cinema (biggest in s'pore) was flooded wif kaypo ppl too. imagine, at 7pm, the earliest tickets we cld get was for midnight screenings!!! in the end, gerald paid for our dinner at
hans instead. 9 ppl leh, 70 over bucks.. no joke.
the power of love ^^ oopsy..
xinyu called while i was at vivo's rooftop. btw, the view is amazing w/o the haze. u can see cable cars n even sentosa!!
to xinyu: dun expect too much all the time or the disappointment will be overwhelming n even too much to bear. sometimes, the simple things in life is wat makes it all special. cherish wat u hv coz there is no end to comparison. i love you n i wan u to make the best decision for urself. rmbr, dreams r always opp frm reality. smile always. =D
SATURDAY: 14TH OCTOBER 2006||> mass bdae celebration.
||> bbq at east coast!!
jessica . tianhock . santoso . zest . gerald . richard . michelle . xueqin . sengwang . jingjing . jackie . william . guowei . weijian . maybelline . setha . thiamhee . darren . guiyi . me .
~ did i forget anyone??the beach was lovely, the sand was soft n the sea was awesome. but someone wld rather play
risk then to enjoy the outdoors. bahx.
jess: we cld juz stone here forever.
stupid haze.. PSI of 100+ leh.. if not it wld be all the more wonderful.. considering tt the food was great n the company was even better! :) even though pit 55 was at ulu area E, it was gd coz the place wasn't too cluttered n crowded.
halfway through, some of us left for parkway to buy the bdae cake n more drinks. n for some reason, instead of juz singing "happy birthday" to santoso, gerald n jackie, they sang it for me too. n naturally, tt meant i had to partake in their sabo, which was to _______________.
but at least it was better then gerald who had to walk a dist wif a coconut wedged between his legs or jackie n santoso's striptease. lol.
when the bulk of the ppl left, tis weirdo came to ask for leftover food. n he sorta scolded santoso for calling him an uncle. dot dot dot. n coz the remaining us can't really speak hokkien, we juz stared in silence n gave him all the otaks he wanted. haha.
aft tt, gerald sent us hm. thanks again. =) oooh, i got
curfew extension. haha. aft returning hm in the wee hrs of the morning consistenly for a couple of nites, mommy was appalled.
mommy: u better get hm by midnight everyday or we will lock u out!
in directly, tt is a 3hr extension of curfew. haha. i see the sliver lining of the dark cloud. hehe.
SUNDAY: 15TH OCTOBER 2006||> "gathering"..
||> dinner wif zest n frens.
i dunno if only 3 out of 5 ppl turn up can be considered a gathering. but i had lunch wif johnathan n kianyan. khangjing n edwin didn't make it due to academic purposes or so they say. oh wells, there is always nxt time..
spent an hr deciding wat to eat thanks to the
aunty-ness of a certain K character. oops. hehe. n i actually indulged in dessert!! omg.. fat fat me. we also played
house of the dead 2 the standing sort coz its 50% cheaper then the sitting one ting adores so much. lolx.
we also prank-called the gf of a common fren whom we suspect to be dating alot of girls at one time. n the horror is, our hypothesis seemed kinda correct. tsk tsk.
guys r not always wat they seem. n it is said he even has a diff no. for each girl so if they ever get suspicious n check his hp, nothing will be discovered. in fact, the girl will be touched tt ALL calls n smses r directed to her n only her. little will she noe tt the no. she 'reports' to is designated to juz her. sighs, the pro-ness of cheating boyfriends!!!
nxt stop, zest's fren's uncle's house for steamboat. lol. it was fun n i made it hm before 9.30!! mommy is happy. haha..
time to
pia CD slides now. bye bye.
Joy talked at
11:51 PM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
sorry, haven been blogging in days. so not me ba? haha. the couple of days hv been hectic. came hm too late to use com le. i mean, still can use lah. but will get mommy angrier than she already is abt me breaking curfew. zzzz.
n nope, not blogging now either. juz replies to my tags to show tt i'm
ALIVE! whee~
gerald: haha. thanks alot. but i tink u really shld spend more time on ur final yr stuff. stories can wait. totally. but thanks again for the kind gesture though. =D
thiam hee: ehhh.. u try guessing lor. haha. ^^
ting: oh. mayb ba. n tt one considered scolding ar?!?! u cute leh. haha. n i where got dun read ur blog de? only tis couple of day abit busy. ehhh, i oso wun spend SUPER LESS time wif u bcoz of someone new. i not tt sorta
zong se qing you ppl k. hehe. missing ya. <3
tianhock: wow!! i oso wan a wi-fi phone. *whines* lolx.
candy: awww. tts so sweet. no wonder ur name is candy. hehe. i love purple too!!! dun worry abt it, we can always chat some other time. stay happy always sweetie. love ya.
xueqin: ya. i'll rmbr ur advice, try not to tink so much n look on the bright side of life.. but u muz oso practise wat u preach hor. hehe. hmmm, n i really tink we r quite similar. in terms of tinking patterns regarding members of the opp sex.. lolx. take care. muackies.
arghhh!! 15 min left to rush out more fom before my 2nd bbq in 2 days. gosh, i'm soo gonna get fat at tis rate. oh wait, i am already fat. ciao~
Joy talked at
12:48 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
disclaimer: i hv removed yesterday's post bcoz i acknowledge tt it was one on impulse n was v mean. although now is prob a little late, i juz wanna say tt i regret it. a thousand apologies.skipped sch n went shopping today! n it was coz i
overslept. n not according to popular belief - escaping frm reality or refusal to face up to my problems. met cher at orchard. n i bought a green top frm
topshop.. its nice. like duh! hehe. then we went to grab a fruit juices n chat. typical us. hehe..
aft tt went far east plaza to shop somemore. new necklaces!!! i'm a happy girl. but a v poor one now. bahx.. then went heeren. tis time, miraculously, i window-shop only. *pats myself on the head* but splurged again on lunch. had sakae buffet. yummy!! food is always, n i repeat, ALWAYS, worthwhile!! :))
greedy greedy..
bdae mth, muz pamper myself. lol.
met up wif ting n went bugis. sat on the mrt platform chatting. then proceeded to the outdoor area of mac to talk somemore. i nv seem to run out of saliva. zzz.. can feel a bad sorethroat coming up. but ting was such a dear, she pushed her wrk schedule back by an hr to pei me coz zest was late!!! we went arcade n had ice-cream..
when he finally arrived, both of us went to buy vivian's present, a metal watch frm bugis street. we oso got bdae cards for some other oct babies. haha.
xueqin: i got heed ur advice..n is going to her bbq tmr leh. lolx.
came back to tamp area n pei him cut hair lor.. bubble tea. =D tts abt it i guess. tmr hv 4 straight hrs of lectures. ultimate boredom. zzz. [X10000]
Joy talked at
11:00 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
"If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see is obstacles."credit:
ann jiajin.
went wif the family to the beach bcoz the haze wasn't tt bad today. but haze aside, the rubbish-filled sand was stinky enough to spoil anyone's mood. who ever said s'pore was CLEAN N GREEN?!?! eyes hv stamp ar??
i still wanna go west coast. *hint hint* =P
had dinner at tis fusion restaurant n i had 'parsely rice'. of course it had a much fancier name which deceived me into ordering it. disgusting!! bleahx. but the softshell crab was scrumptious n the mango prawn rolls were aye-ok! plus i stole some of trix's tempura fish n chips, alisa's udon n daddy's laksa. only i had rotten luck n awful food i guess. bahx. =X
sch tmr. zzzzz...
Joy talked at
8:59 PM
I TREATED TING TING TO BUBBLE TEA COZ SHE WON A BET.ting, i posted le.. now everyone noes i lost. sobs sobs. lolx.
went to
vivocity wif mommy dearest n the sisters yesterday.. it's not tt big a
hoo-ha as the newspaper made it sound. like
kiasu singaporeans tt we are, we rushed to fill carpark spaces at an ungodly time of 10.30 am. luckily we did, coz the place was packed!!
not all the shops were open. n those tt were, smelled of paint n wood shavings. ewww. nevertheless, i got loads of new clothes!! but alisa bought much more. haiz, the luxury of being thin. she dun even need to queue at the end of the never-ending line leading to the fitting rms. *sulks*
the place was sorta unready for ppl. the floors r sandy n there is no hp reception!! oh the horror! hehe. went to find ting.. n gosh, she looks cute in tt pink uniform! happy ma??
n coz there was really nothing much left to buy, the family left to some other fun shopping paradise leaving me 2 hrs early to meeting my frens. zzzz. hung around n got guy ask my no. leh.. cherlyn, u reading tis ma?? hehe.
at 5pm, met up wif zest, richard n gerald at habourfront mrt. we went to walk the
roof-top of vivocity.. its a really nice place wif the exception of the terrible haze. can actually see cable cars leh!!
when santoso finally came, we went for chicken rice dinner at some hawker centre near nus before going to watch
SuPerstar at their cultural centre.
we got circle seats right nxt to the stage so visibility was awkward.. but the whole area was specially reserved juz for the five of us. cosy huh? HAHAHA. the show on the whole was nice. some lecturers even sang songs..
4 stars?!?! they oso had an sms voting system where u cld vote ur fav superstar. GO SHELLY! i dunno they got physically count votes anot but in the spirit of
boliao-ness i did vote for fun. whee~ n
kelly poon guest performed too.
aft the show, we had midnight supper of prata at upper thomson rd.
santoso: ur prob the first spse member to eat wif all four of us at the same time.ya,
bigshots alright.. haha. president, vice-president, advisor n welfare head. i'm soo honoured. but like all normal ppl, they crap alot. n when i say alot, i mean ALOT. anyway, the contents of their conversation is M-18 n not suitable for mention on public blogs. lolx.
it was way past midnight by the time we finished.. n there was no more mrt left. thank goodness gerald drives!! THANK YOU CAT!!
Joy talked at
2:05 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006
woah.. my hp died on me. n when it finally revived a couple of hrs later, i had 3 missed calls n 12 smses. i nv knew i cld be tt popular. haha.
met ting at tamp aft psycho for dinner. then hung around till zest came then we went to play arcade. it was a blast until tis really weird guy came along to challenge zest to the 3-puck game. like whatever lah. extra lor.. *rolls eyes*
played bishi bashi, daytona n hse of the dead. yeap, my accuracy 40% leh. haha.. pathetic ba. but at least its not negative n i'm proud of tt! dun laugh, i forbid u to.. hmpf! ladeedums~
saw suyee, yixin n mag at tm too. missed mag so v much!! i guess prelims n promos at mj shld be over le ba. coz meridians flooded the tampines area. n trix was among them apparently, but i didn't get to see her. no fate. haha. phew.. ting then left to find mz aft her movie so they cld go find cher at PS cartel. its complicated. yeap.
n coz its zhong qiu jie, zest n i proceeded to some
hdb annual celebration. the children r soo adorable can. haha.. esp when they dance, shake n scream. btw, got some wearing the colourful croc shoes tt jess hates so much. but they somehow still manage to look kinda cute lah. =P there was oso performances n riddle guessing. some ans were kinda lame. but juz watching the little ones scramble earnestly to ans them was pure delight. =D
qn: wat looks like a dog but is not a dog?
ans: puppy.
dots.. 0_o'
sparklers!! lanterns. i oso wan! wahhhh... awww, i dun wanna grow up. lalala. aft i reach hm, its celebration part 2, mooncake-eating wif the family. i'm now so super duper full! but other then the normal, standard, baked, yolk-stuffed, lotus-tasting types, mommy oso bought green tea snowskin, yam, macademia nut, strawberry yoghurt n ever champagne-flavored ones. omg! the calories?!?! n i can't stop munching. stupid me. *whines*
anyway, its once a yr. so can afford a
small indulgence lah. hehehe. n i'm soo keeping all these nice nice mooncake boxes. hey, i bet the box costs abt the same as the mooncake itself lah. dun waste.. tsk..
i am a karang guni! ^^
time to zzz, tmr will be another
hectic happening day.
shopping: my fav past-time.
vivocity here i come!!
p/s (trix wants tis blogskin now. why muz she always copy me?!?! previous skin oso like tt. hp model oso like tt. i noe i hv gd taste lah mei. hehe.)
Joy talked at
11:11 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
went out wif my darling ting yesterday to make-up for not meeting her on tues. sorry lah.. wear the earrings some other time k? =) we went bugis. so typical. lol. had swensens dinner, n i actually didn't hv ice-cream!!! haha.
nxt stop, shopping. bought matching red
puma bags. sweet ba? jess n xq hv matching princess bags n now i oso hv le. whee~
gosh, i'm so immature. haha. but i lurve my ting ting. heez.
to someone: sorry i was unreasonable n insisted u msg me. then showed attitude n made u worry. but i loved tt phone call. hehe. ur such a dear. muackies. <3had 4 solid hrs of lect today. zzzzz. super boredom!! but i did not slp! n i did copy notes. haha. achievement.. *floats on air*
tip: sour skittles r a lifesaver!went for d&d meeting aft sch n made it hm early for once. i had dinner at home-sweet-home leh. haha. mommy was pleased but she said something abt forced implementation of curfew if i continue to disregard it. tts soo unfair. i'm 18
NOT 8!!!!!!!! bahx.
the parents juz dun get it. haiz.
on a lighter note, the mother n father r out on a date! (they left juz aft nagging at me.) omg!! n they r going to
Ministry Of Sound! i didn't tink they'll be tt hip. lol.
Joy talked at
8:52 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
blogging frm stats lab session bcoz it is an utter bore n so not worth waking up at 6am for!!%^$%*&@#^stats was already so hateful last sem but at least we had a dedicated teacher - one who makes u do tutorials outside her T7 office, like some pri sch kids. annoying then but at least we cld pass wif pretty acceptable grades. *grumbles*
the new tutor, one who nv even bother to intro himself, pales in comparison.
last wk, 1st cls ever:- he came late.
- he nv even open classroom.
- all he said was: "there is no cls today." (wth! i stay pasir ris leh.)
- oh, he also said: "8am is too early for me, nxt wk, lets make it 8.20. n no, 9am is too late."
- stupid, irresponsible teacher in his white golfing pants. 0_o
- grrrrrrrrr.
- so much for gd first impression. tsk tsk.
- hey, we had a 4hr break leh. such a waste of time. =(
today, 2nd cls:
- i was late. oops.
- he changed cls venue but told no one. *rolls eyes*
- he still nv mrk attendance.
- old habits die hard, he's still irresponsible!!!!!!!!!!
- self-practise of spss. (shld hv stayed hm!)
- there's a test in wk 4! die le lah.
- n he cannot even ans serkee's qns properly. so lousy.
- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
another bad wed morning. thank goodness there is club hse opening later today. can get see jessica, xueqin n many, many more. hahaha. counting down. 3 hrs n 23 min more to go. :D
Joy talked at
9:37 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
came to sch n was late for goh john keat's cls, the 2nd time in a row. so much for gd impression! (its was the rain!!!!) haha. thanks to serkee, i cld ans the tutorial qns which i obviously didn't bring. ok fine, i didn't do. lol. i'll do the nxt one. promise! *cross fingers*
then in CD, was 'lucky'-drawed together wif mingxiang to coordinate the volunteer activities, children's orphanage. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. so much for wanting to keep a significantly low profile tis sem. sobs sobs. T.T
oh wells, tts all abt sch worth mentioning i guess.
thank u to my dearies who helped me relive the anger n bitterness n made me feel so v much better abt the low-down n downright mean ppl we hv no choice but to meet n endure in life. they r such a awful pain in the neck n they hv ugly faces to match their ugly insides too. *grins* thanks for criticizing, slamming n bitching abt them wif me the whole of today. love ya to bits! muacks.
wif every challenge, i'll emerge stronger.insignificant ppl hv no bearing on my existance. poof!went to suntec, office tower leh. haha. it was boring. worse then CRS. hehehe. then went to
thai express for dinner.
happy happy.
Joy talked at
10:13 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
had tis dunno wat
inter-poly alliance meeting thingy at the bugis national lib. each poly sent only abt 3 ppl? some only had juz one representative like rp n ntu. but all the excos represented spse. plus jessica n me - the yr 1 extras. lol. we were v intimidating i guess. haha.
then coz there were not enough tables at
HANS, jessica, xueqin, wangjia, michelle, tianhock, joel, sengwang, carolyn, santoso n me went shopping for wj's bdae present!! (which we gave to her in the toilet. lolx.) haha. then went to find huixian at her wrk place n we all squeezed to take neoprints!!
aft the "heads" finished their discussion, we went to liang seah street for dinner. hor fun n lime juice. yum yum.
came hm.
pure bliss. =D
btw, jess mentioned tis.. at the dinner place, xueqin, jessica n me ordered the exact same food - horfun wif egg. n we were sitting v far apart frm each other. telepathy? probably. tts y i love them both so v much. *grins* sisters forever!!
Joy talked at
11:10 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
24 relationship questions1) Single, Taken, or Crushin?<3 single.
2) Are you happy with where you are?<3 erm..not exactly?
3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?<3 yeap. i guess so.
4) Have you ever had your heart broken?<3 sadly yes.
5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable?<3 never. cheating is wrong.
6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?<3 nope. a leopard will nv change his spots.
7) Have you talked about marriage with another?<3 yup. loads of times in boring history class wif haz, maz n jj. haha. ^^
8) Do you want children?<3 perhaps. if they promise to stay cute forever! heeee.
9) How many?<3 2 (one boy n one girl if possible!)
10) Would you consider adoption?<3 no.
11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think is a cool way for them to let you know?
<3 FLY ME TO MAGADASCAR. kidding. :P ehhh.. dare to admit it to me in person, face-to-face?12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get?<3 sounds fun. hohoho. :P
13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating?<3 wat 'game'???? *innocent*
14) Do you believe in love at first sight?<3 no. its prob juz 'lust at first sight'. sighs.
15) Are you a romantic?<3 totally. flowers, sunsets n music pls. hehe.
16) Do you believe that you can change someone?<3 definitely.
17) If you could get married anywhere, n money is not an object where would it be?<3 rome! paris? arrghh, cannot decide. lol.
18) Song of the moment?<3 girl in your dreams by m2m
19) Do you give in easily when you are fighting?<3 depends on who the other person is.
20) Do you have feelings for someone right now?
<3 hmmm, tts for me to noe, n you to find out. *giggles*21) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you messed it up?<3 yes.
22.) Have you ever broken a heart?<3 technically yes.
23.) Would you get back with your last ex, if you could?<3 no way. 好马不吃回头草。
24.) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other?<3 erm, no comments.
Joy talked at
12:41 PM