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Sunday, May 28, 2006

i hate stats.
in lect, in tut, at hm, all catch no ball.
cannot make it ar..
now even hmwrk oso can't do.
i'm soo confident tis sub is gonna pull my gpa down like nobody's business.

XINYU!!! save me..

Joy talked at 9:51 PM

mommy n daddy hv left for their romantic getaway on sentosa island. haha.. it was v impromptu so couldn't go far. or mayb, they'll juz miss us. lolx. anyway, wif them gone, its party time. junk food galore!!

we'll start tonight wif pizza delivery n dessert before main course. yummy. n the best is yet to come!! wif them faraway having their kinda fun, *winks* i can hv fun too. coz i'm now no. 1, the unofficial head of the family. muahahaha.

aw shucks. its juz tt they all hv finished their exams n r looking forward to the coming hols. all i hv impending is nxt wk's pacc ca1. =( btw, i attempted the stats quiz le. it was ok but i didn't do as well as i hoped. bri says i shld aim for perfection. but wat r the odds?? its only 3% anyway.. mayb when i find time again ba.

watched 'king kong' juz now. the dvd version.. i tink kong is sooo poor thing. beauty killed the beast.. tts sad. n the big, huge, gruesome bugs were gross. even worse than the t-rex lah. ewww..

n i can go out nxt wk again!! bank acc is all topped up already. hehe. juz in time. there r tons of movies i'm dying to watch! tonight is twin special on disney channel. i bet it'll be hilarious! 3 back-to-back episodes of zack n cody. my 2nd childhood!!

Joy talked at 5:54 PM

Saturday, May 27, 2006

slept in n got a scolding as usual.. "saturday n u nv do hsewrk!!" so i puttered (according to dictionary.com, it means, to occupy oneself in an aimless or ineffective manner.) around the hse picking up bits of mess to stop the nagging. nxt wk is pocket $ wk. so musn't anger the paymaster.

met maz, jj n haz at tm. then went bugis to shop n chat.. drank tis strawberry n kiwi shake tt tasted exactly like strawberry milk. =( hung around v8 trying to catch a glimsp of ting n let jj see wenlong.. but we only succeeded in letting all the egoistic male waiters tink we r looking at them. yucks!

saw kym ng filming tt latest "talent" show. where contestants pitch their ability to making audience puke at their desperate attempts to become famous. haiz... singaporeans so love to see ppl make a fool of themselves. funny mahhh. =D

bought 2 donut-looking biscuits for trix. strawberry n choc which she ate despite her sorethroat n said (i quote) "jie is so sweet." played tennis at hm n went tamp mart for dinner as usual..

Joy talked at 10:46 PM

Friday, May 26, 2006

tts it. my recent bochup behaviour has to stop!!! i didn't do my 2nd tutorial n skipped my first lect today.. n all for stupid, senseless reasons. like visiting tp. bahx.

had ideas presentation today n we did a skit sorta thing tt got me so tickled i cld barely talk properly. =( then managed to bluff my way through pacc w/o getting caught for not doing tut 5. hehe. but something is really worth mentioning. i lost my tennis racket. ser kee n jess actually went wif searching wif me. i'm really touched u guys. =) i found it in the end anyway..

went down to tp to support their carnival. (p.s. got dragged my cher.) saw loads of juniors (rosalind, edwin, etc..) [note: i put "etc" coz i can't rmbr the remaining names. i'm hopeless. haha.] then enli, lynn, suyee, pan xueling, karkoon n benjamin too. the place was packed n noisy. n guess wat? i did tis air-brush tattoo sorta butterfly on my ankle. really pretty. i hope it lasts though coz it cost $5!

won a doggie at tis game station. u gotta use a water gun to extinguish 7 candles in 20 sec. i finished 6 n was down to the last second, when jets of water came sprouting to help me. i love engine guys. haha. thank u to cher too. (she sponsored me ma.)

n another thing worth mentioning. earlier tis wk, i was upset tt i missed mon's tennis elect coz i wun get to see my tennis guy at all tis wk. but i saw him yesterday at bugis n today at tp too! izzit fate? *prays* aiyah, see so often, no kick le. besides, i dun tink he's tt cute anymore.

thanks to anna, i found out more abt my first shuai ge. the one i saw on day 1.

awwww... he talked to her lah. *envious* =P

Joy talked at 9:53 PM

Thursday, May 25, 2006

broke down n cried in sch today. its really hard. but today was slightly better. [to bernie: thank you.] [to the rest: i'm sorry if the things i did or said affected ur in anyway. i seriously didn't mean it. if i had a chance, i wld wanna relive tis couple of wks n correct all tt wld hv been inappropriate. i wan us to be frens n not juz simply "classmates".]

today had econs test. i tink it was alright.. but kinda skeptical if i can score. coz my ans dun tally wif anyone. so its kinda freaking me out. haiz.. then rushed down to jalan besar in a cab coz anee said mj was leading 1-0 at half-time.

got stuck in a jam n only reached in time to hear the terrible news. mj lost 4-2 to vj. no more champs. but runner-up is not bad. tis proves miracles do happen. vj scored 3 goals in the last 5min. how tyco can tt be. furthermore, the referee kayu. wtf.

anyway, the mj crowd was really gd. girls cried, the soccer boys looked crest-fallen n i swear i saw jon ma wipe away tears. but when we did mj cheers n sang the sch song, somehow i felt bonded. w/o the familiar uniform n heavy sch bag, i still felt tt i belonged. the unity was there. we stayed wif the boys even though they lost while the vj ppl were already leaving their champions. anyway, ms lai was nice enough to still give them a hol. i oso wan!! =(

met so many ppl. ppl tt i'm not even close too. n they welcomed me wif screams n opened arms. for the first time tis wk, i felt loved n wanted. so much so tt i teared again. i'm such a cry-baby. [to my darling earth: thanks for the big bear hug. i missed the times we shared.]

amanda . joyce . desmond . yuvan . jolene . phoebe . grace . yingjie . renfeng . magdeline . jeremy . sandy . manuel . jeevan . clement . suting . xuanqi . anee . michelle . teckpeng . horace . isabel . kavitha . derrick . samuel . tobias .

walked all the way frm the stadium to bugis for dinner. i saw my tennis guy wif a whole load of mj ppl. but sadly, he didn't recognise me. but is there a possibility tt he's a mj-dropout too?? haha. *hopeful*

had dinner at bk n got mistaken as trix by one of her frens. oh puh-lese. then took the long long bus ride hm juz to chat wif the peeps. n drooled at mj's resident cuties. the standard tt is sooo not found in sp. lol.

clement asked: why did u come back?
my reply: i juz felt tt i had to be here.
clement: but we still lost.
me: its the spirit tt counts.

tt left me wondering. if i had stayed. wat wld my life be like now? haha. i prob wun be here making fake ipods out of cardboard. instead, i'll be mugging like hell n be the one (not renfeng) tt is getting "targeted" by mr chua.

but tis is my choice. i'll stick wif it. i can. i will. i must.

suting and nicholas.
may u guys hv the best in everything u do n be loved always.

Joy talked at 11:35 PM

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

special thanks to cher n ting who bitched, binged n accompanied me through tis mess.

thank you to ser kee, anna n jess who still stood by me even though everyone else ostracised me.

i wanna stop asking for reasons but part of me still wanna noe how come things can turn out so bad.

i dun ask for much. i juz wish tt i can finish tis yr in 1 piece. i tink i can. except for the projects. i'll do my best, i really will. but it takes two hands to clap. lets juz get tis over n done wif. if ur reading tis, i'm sorry if i did anything to offend u. i'm really really v sorry. the past 6 wks was lovely. thanks for being a vital part of them.

btw, maturity doesn't come wif age. i noe tt.

khang jing told me to "be strong". dun worry, i will.

Joy talked at 9:11 PM

i'm feeling down. so of course i visit the blog of one of my besties of all time. n tis is wat i found. damn hilarious lah. thanks for lightening up my day darling. =D

i shall reproduce tis for the benefit of all. but of course, some of u wun noe who is who. but if u do, laugh if u muz. coz i sure did. ahh, the fond memories. no offence though..

AWARDS for the best cls ever - 4E4. and of course, our much loved teachers.

winners for the student category:
first award: the weirdest person... goes to... none other than MR DEREK TAN! (no competition man.)
second award: the most hardworking one... Liting! (forever wif a ton of bks!)
third award: the most talkative ones (girls category)... Joy, Cherlyn and Hazwani.. (i talkative meh? hmpf!)
fourth award: the most talkative ones (boys category)... Ahmad (mr joker!)
fifth award: the class sleepers!! Jason, Qayum and Guolong. (qayum n guolong nv pay attention but they dun slp ma..)
sixth award: the quietest ones... Liting, Gao Zheng and Ivan! (yep yep.)
seventh award: the comic lovers... Kelly, Gao Zheng, Ming Fung. (i removed the others coz i beg to differ.)
eighth award: the class clowns... Ahmad and Rajen (*ahem* jj heart itchy le.)
ninth award: the break-dancers... Amsyar and Zaid (muscle boys!)
tenth award: biggest change in vocal prowess... MAZIAH. (shhhh to yadda yadda.. thanks to haz.)
eleventh award: the coolest guy goes to ... Syazwan (tall, "dark" n handsome.)
twelfth award: the friendliest award... Ahmad (i'm beginning to tink xinyu has a crush on him. why he keep appearing ar?!?), Cherlyn and Xinyu.
thirteenth award: the most crappy award... Ronald Sim!
fourteeenth award: the clever ones in the class... goes to... Ronald, Joy, Jocelyn, Ming Fung, Cherlyn, Sandy and Ivan (haha, i'm so honoured. i tink u forgot weehan n urself.)
fifteenth award: the loudest: Cherlyn, (ppl hear her way before they see her!) Jia Jin and Yuting.
sixteenth award: the blur ones... Chee Wee, (r u sure?) Xinyu... (sotong head!!) haha...
seventeenth award: the most naggy award.. Joy and Gao Zheng... (wat the hell lah. TEO XINYU!) ^^
overall champ.. the best class of the yr (most united, uncoopeartive (to teachers), fun and slackest class) goes to... 4E4(2004)

teachers award:
the teacher who likes to "cut trees": MR HO! (chop, PE, chop.)
the pathetic teachers... MDM SITI AND MDM LUBNA. (tts mean. its not her fault ma. hehe..)the boring teacher... MR RAJ. (hmm. i tink he's the laziest n only knows how to read frm the txtbk.. but not boring lah.)
the loudest teacher in the whole sch: (poor front row students) MRS NG! (eeee. microphone madness.)
the teacher most sarcastic... MRS LAM. (ya, i still hate her. wtf. i got A2 for chem ok?!?)
the fattest teacher... MS KWAN! (hmm, i tot its ms sharifah? did i spell correctly?)
the teacher who is forever pregnant... MRS GILL! (contribute to s'pore's birthrate ma.)
the most popular teacher... MISS TAN.. (i so love her lah.. most caring teacher award for 5yrs running.) MR TAN (gd motivator..)
the most slackiest teacher... MR RAJ. (ya, he dun mrk hmwrk de.)
the most bo-chap teacher.. will be... MR TONG (zzz..)
the second most boring teacher goes to... ... ... MISS WONG.. (born: 1000 BC)
the "goldfish" teacher... MISS FOK (ms big eyes)
the fiercest teacher is... MR LEONG (thank god i'm not in d&t)
the most crappy teacher of all goes to... MR ZUL
ms "please sit up straight n listen attentively" = MISS KOH (potassium hydroxide.)
the chiobu teachers.. MS VERONICA TAN and of course MISS ANG. (beautiful!!)


Joy talked at 9:00 PM

Monday, May 22, 2006

i used to tink tt poly was a happy, vibrant n colourful place.
it wasn't until today tt i realised it had an unpleasant side too.
apart frm the stress of sch wrk, ppl here r juz diff to perceive.

there r nice ones. but some r juz super unpredictable.
at least in jc, everything is clear-cut.

u dun hide ur dislike n everything is trashed out.
like mature 18 yr olds.
mayb its my age, but i've come to realise i dun fit in.
n tts a sad sad thing.

for once, i actually fear tmr's sch.
for once, i wonder wat if i had not come to sp.
wat if i had gone to tp like all my well-meaning frens suggested.
wld i be so confused? wld i be so lost?

i can't wait to meet ting tmr.
thank u ting, for being here when i needed u.
i kinda wish i was in nyp.
safe, coz i noe she's there.

Joy talked at 9:44 PM

by poly life in general

sad, disappointed, resigned
worse come to worst,
i'll juz get daddy to send me to sch,
pick me up frm sch
everyday in the yr
i'll juz go lead a mugger life.
the life i was supposed to lead until
i met her...

Joy talked at 9:07 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2006

woke up early to study. haha. but i tink i only succeded to drowning my txtbk in highlighter ink!! then did hsewrk before leaving for lunch at "the prata place".. yummy!!! cheese n mushroom, banana prata, choc prata, prata bomb, tomato prata, etc..

then proceeded to karibum admirelty.. (izzit spelled like tt??) anyway, its those pre-colonial bungalows tt daddy booked.. its freaking creepy lah, there wasn't much ppl, the rooms smelled stale n everything looked ancient. i can't believe he paid hundreds of dollars for a wk. none of us cld imagine sleeping in those beds at all. btw, ours was the "princess suite".. cool huh..

mommy made me delete all the pics i took for fear of capturing some supernatural occurance. its not suprising coz we felt cold at times. but nevertheless, it was a cool experience. i mean, the bar really looked like a replica for the cow-boy ages. the windows, balconies, staircase n corridors made me feel part of a movie. its really an awesome place if ppl bothered wif its upkeep.

anyway, played pool in one of those dingy "cow-boy" pubs. n bri has the makings of a gd player. i mean, he got style.. when he comes of age, i'll bring him legally into a pool hall. i tried to study mob in the dim lighting but to no avail. i'm so super screwed tmr!

we oso went to sembawang park which i belive i wld hv enjoyed it more if only i wasn't limping. the place wasn't as crowded as east coast or pasir ris. n yet, the big fields is a far cry frm elite park. i wanna play badminton!!

we played more qian bian qns. like "black magic", "i see", "mrt stops", "around the world in 80 days", "bang bang", etc... we nearly drove bri insane. then went sun plaza for dinner before heading hm.

okie, tata.. gotta go try my best at mob. can't fail my first test rite? =(

Joy talked at 9:05 PM

Saturday, May 20, 2006

my scraped knee hurts. its still bleeding since yesterday. only now, its hurts more n both my knees r bloated. needless to say, i walk like a penguin. its PENGUIN not duck. idiot!

i dunno izzit coz i haven fallen so badly since pri sch, the pain suddenly seems so unbearable. esp when u bathe. or apply medication. did i mention tt the medicine stinks? plus, it stings the wound terribly. bahx.

now, i hv ugly knees. as if they r not ugly enough. =( supposed to stay at hm the whole of today to rest my knees as well as to mug for mon's mob. but tv is a tempting treat n mob is boring. no need to guess which alternative is took rite? lolx. aft tt went joo chiat for jap. yummy.

on the way hm, we kept playing qian bian qns. n i've come to a conclusion tt bri is seriously, retardedly slow n stupid. muahahaha. gosh, i'm mean. no wonder i keep falling down.

poor, clumsy me.

Joy talked at 11:12 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006

today's sch was kinda boring. everyone seemed to be caught up in their own conversations w/o me. haiz, mayb i'm tinking too much... but i somehow find our cls is getting cliquish already. yeap yeap.

anyway, had club training today. n for once, i'm dissapointed in my play. i guess its coz mr lim made us run so much. n its a universally known fact tt i dread running!! missed loads of balls. so i guess, my dream of entering the sp sch team is drifting further n further away. bahx.

roller bladed w/o guards. the prescription for disaster n the recipe for injury. attempted to race bri n fell down. now my knees are all bloodied n it hurts if i straighten my legs. sorry to haz n gang, i wun be able to go out wif ur tmr. n i'll miss the chalet on sunday. wtf. looks like i can't go for tennis on mon too. shit!

Joy talked at 10:43 PM

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I am worth $1,485,038 on HumanForSale.com

n i resent tt. haha. i shld be priceless. lolx.

note: pri 5 boys r darn noisy. juz 2 of them n the hse is shaking!!!

Joy talked at 7:32 PM

went ica in the morn wif luq to extend his passport. then went sp mac for breakfast wif mx n luq. something really horrid happened. I FELL DOWN! i tink my outfit is jinxed. the last time i wore tt black polo wif tt same esprit cargo, i fell down too. only tis time is much worse. i dun wanna relive the agony by repeating it so i shall zip my mouth up.

went to bizIT to study.. but econs is too boring for wrds. bahx. n i proved mr goh rite. tis wk is wk 5 n i slacked off tutorial. wat on earth is happening to me?!? i even fell asleep during lect n bern had to wake me. even bernie, the 'happy-go-lucky' slacker (oops!) is bucking up now, i'm so in trouble! went down to raffles place to exchange my tennis bag. it was too big n bulky for my liking. n i ended up blowing $68 on a nike tote bag which everyone said "u're paying for the brand". shit. i kinda regret now. oso bought a new frilly skirt.. $27 leh.. wth.

rushed back to sp to do a little for IDEAS before going for econ tut. met mommy at kembagan n went back to jalan tua kong for dinner. arh, the fond memories.. i so swear tt when i grow up, i'll go back to living in tt area.

i'm the epitome of laziness.

Joy talked at 7:11 PM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

was blog surfing.. then i saw tis on suyee's blog. so decided to do it for fun. hehe. LAME!!

What time is it: 9.01pm
Name: joy chua
TV show: cheesy dramas wif hunky leads. (dun deny.. i noe u like them too!)
Fav. Magazine: depends on cover content..
Fav smells: food. my shampoo.
Worst feeling in the world: resentment.
Best feeling in the world: being loved.
Fav. music/ soundtrack: depends on my mood.
What is the first thing I think when I wake up: "5 more mins"..
Fav body part: eyelashes.
Roller coasters fun or exciting: both.
Pen or Pencil: pencil..
How many rings before you answer the phone: immediately if possible.
Fav. ice cream: all!! esp "ben n jerry" n "gelare"!!!!!
Do you like to drive: sure. i like playing daytona.
What model would your first car be: mercedes slk if i can help it. but daddy say he'll get me a toyota. bahx.
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be: bill gates. n mayb wiggle my way into his inheritance list. muahahaha.
Fav alchoholic drink: those colourful cocktails!!
Zodiac: dragon baby.
Fav poet: errr, i'm not v literary.
Do you eat the broccoli stems: yeap! i love broccoli!!!
If you could have any job, what would it be: tai-tai..
What do you do when you are bored: eat, sleep, ans qns like tis!
Have you been convicted of a crime: nope, i'm a guai kia. haha. at least i dun get caught lah.
If you could dye your hair any color wat would it be: blonde n brownish streaks..
What is on your bedroom walls: paint?!?
Are you a lefty or righty or both: righty.. n damn proud of it!
Fav number: 27.. (i did not copy trix. its not my fault tt both our bdaes r on the 27th!)
Dream car: mercedes slk. but i'll settle for a bmw equivilant! =)
Fav sport to watch: tennis rawks!!!

Joy talked at 9:01 PM

went to sch n saw jonathan gan on my way out. he looks better than i rmbr him to be. n he kept talking abt suting.. how sweet is tt? if only all exes can be tt attached. (sotong: r u reading tis?? lol.) n something really freaky happened. abdul called n asked me to be his gf. diao. we r not even frens lah. more of hi-and-bye acquaintances. no prizes for guessing wat my ans was. i mean, i want a bf but i'm not tt desperate. n now, i'm a little paranoid. not picking unknown calls nor replying his messages. i even go to the extent of hanging out at white sands till my parents come n fetch me hm. wth.

anyway, bought mommy a belated mother's day bouquet of pink roses. they r no longer over-priced ma. hehe. n had dinner at east coast laguna!! yummy!!!

tis wk is wk 5. n true enough, i'm slacking off. i actually forgot all abt ec tutorial!! n had to rush it out on the mrt. yesterday, i blogged n surfed the net during itab.. tts so v wrong. 3hrs down the drain. seriously, i tink they shld break up the itab cls so it wun be so boring.

n i fell asleep in pacc today. tmr is econs day n i haven even started on my econs hmwrk. so much for wanting to be a model student. i muz not skip cls. not even once. coz knowing me, once i start, i wun stop. shit.

anyway, was seriously early in meeting mommy today so i took the mrt wif mx n jeanette to kallang n took it back to raffles place to kill time. bo liao ba. then sat at burger king trying to make sense of stats. gave up n spent over an hr listening to music at "gramaphone" n reading comics at "times".. oso, i bought a cool new wilson tennis bag. yep, looks juz like the one my tennis guy carries. haha. sometimes, my impulsiveness amaze me. anyway, my excuse to mommy is tt it can protect my racket. so shhh...

had yoshinoya dinner n viola, i'm hm.

Joy talked at 8:39 PM

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

i'm a naughty girl who dun pay attention.. haha.. itab is boring.. i'm so hopelessly lost n mr tay is still yakking away.. zzz..

i didn't noe excel cld be tt diff..


Joy talked at 12:57 PM

Monday, May 15, 2006

saw tis on an ee's blog. he got it frm jo n jo got it frm amelia. haha. n coz i'm bored, i shall do it too. lol. anything except study.. lazy pig!

My ex is a damn freaking sweet guy who apparently hv forgotten all abt me. wat an irony.
Maybe i should learn to live n let live.
I don't understand HIM! *slap myself* stats??
I lose my mind when i'm tired, bored or hungry..
People say i am a person that tinks too much n is often pessimistic, despite my name.
Somewhere, someone is living the life i wanna live. (hint: paris hilton)
Love is a luxury.. but more often, a pain in the butt. (izzit really better to hv loved n lost than to not hv loved before??)
I will always fantasize n daydream..
Forever is a lie.
I never want dishonesty frm ppl i love n care abt.
I think the current US president is not worth mentioning.
When i wake up in the morning i moan n groan abt the long journey to sch.
My past has been rather pleasant. but as i grow older, i realise tt perfection has flaws too.
I get annoyed by ppl who disagree wif me!! i'm bossy. so wat?!?
Kisses are the best when its wif tt special someone.
Tomorrow i get to fall further behind in ITAB.
I really want to go around the world. wif HIM. *slap myself again*
I have low tolerance for ppl who disagree wif me. haha. kidding lah. i'm not tt stuck-up!

Joy talked at 10:25 PM

so many tests r coming up!! i'm so screwed. haiz, nxt wk hv mob test on mon. which means i'll miss tennis elect. not tt i mind tt. i juz mind not getting to see him. 1 wk only get to see him for 2hrs. now cannot even see him.. haha.

ate at the pizza hut restaurant at foodcourt 5 during break. 3hrs leh.. of course we go try something wild n diff. its the most ex lunch i've had in sp. but for $8, i got a drink, pizza, salad n soup.. somemore no service charge n gst. kinda cheap as compared to outside ba..

n i saw him at engineering wrkshop today. the tennis guy. i shall call him tt coz i forgot his name. hehe. yiling n jeanette missed him though. haha. mayb nxt time lah.. i dunno why but i seem obsessed wif him. manling say he's not cute. haiz.. mayb my standard drop coz for now, i juz need someone new to occupy my thoughts n substitute HIM.

anyway, tennis sucked. coz i wasn't in his grp. lol. i tink my backhand wasn't too bad but john kept criticising n made us hit balls against the net. wth.. waste my time only. last wk, my tennis guy was so encouraging.. haha. i tink i'm biased. hehe. n manling wasn't there to bitch wif me. hmpf. i'll so ace the test. i muz. only then will he notice me. haha. i'm such a wimp!

Joy talked at 9:50 PM

Sunday, May 14, 2006

shld i join sp's tennis team?
i really wanna represent something.
i wanna be s'pore's ans to russia's maria sharpova.
a beautiful but impractical dream..

i'll be all alone.. manling confirm plus guarantee wun join me. much less bernie.
besides, i'm not even confident of getting in..
or shld i juz join the recreational team till i'm more pro?

i guess i'll juz wait till the end of the elective...
8 sessions. 1 down. 7 more to go.

Joy talked at 5:03 PM

i tink i'm having short-term memory loss. can't really seem to recall wat happened yesterday.. i noe i went to the hospital to check on my nose. dr chris goh says its healing v well. but the freaking scar is still there!!! n there's a hard bump too. bahx.

bought a bouquet of 11 roses for por por.. 11 means "you are my treasured one".. sweet ba.

then booked the club's court to play tennis. yeah!! alisa n trix were teaching me the serves. coz apparently i've been doing it all wrong. hmpf! we lost a slazenger ball coz trix was being stupid n attempted to hit it over the to neighbouring condo. which she succeeded! oopsy daisy.

then we had dinner at "the palms".. gosh was i tempted to go for buffet. sashimi spread leh.. but had juz chicken bento instead. then my darling sisters pangseh me wif the bill. which i credited to the card anyway.. alisa went back to dhs (opp the rd) for drama concert n trix went to mug. we saw olivia too. she's oso going for tt duman high concert to support her angmo fren. in exchange, her fren wld support her performance at the rgs concert nxt mth.

me n trix studied at the bar. attempted to study at least while ogling at the ntu guys, slurping smoothies n doing general ppl gazing.. i tried tis new 'black cherry' soda drink coz the bottle looked like a beer bottle. cool..

btw, a guy approached me. whee. lol. he juz wanted to noe where i bought my shoes frm n if there was a guy version for it. i told u my new tennis shoes were nice. =P

today's lunch was at emperor's soup kitchen. i love abalone! hehe.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mothers.

Joy talked at 1:33 PM

Friday, May 12, 2006

you are my rock
in times of trouble
you lift me up
when i fall down
all through the storm
your love is the anchor
my hope is in you alone

i used to strongly believe in the above. but now tt its all over, its time to move on. there's no pt pining on wat was nv meant to be mine.
it hurts to love. so frm now on, i'll put my all into my studies, my family n my frens. my 100% on tennis, yoga n roller-blading. ppl n stuff then wun ever forsake me. ppl n stuff tt keeps me happy...

slap me if i dare tink of him again.
a fren once told me, "guys tt make u cry r so not worth ur tears. the only one worthy of it, wun ever make u cry." i'll wait for tt one to come along. 1 yr, 10 yrs or even 20 yrs. someday, my prince will come.. *sings snow white theme song..*

Joy talked at 10:34 PM

vesak day.. went to pray at the waterloo temple n jostle wif a large crowd. yep, i didn't noe the buddhist population in s'pore can be tt big n ungracious. its true. so many aunties n uncles push n shove ppl w/o consideration whatsoever. n tis ah ma hv the cheek to "tsk" me when she steped on my toe. hello, me in slippers n she in clogs. the wooden sort too. ouch.

had a vegetarian breakfast before going to bugis junction to watch "mission impossible 3" its sooo nice. although i still dunno wat "the rabbit's foot" is... izzit an anti-god?? n tom cruise is gorgeous.. suave n charming. for tt, i can overlook the fact tt he's short. lolx.

anyway, mommy promised to bring me shopping for more new clothes. yippee.. nxt, we went to queensway shopping centre for tennis stuff. the stupid man says there's nothing wrong wif my grip!! its all sticky for crying out loud! anyway, bought new shorts n shoes. tried addidas n reebok but eventually still bought back nike. what to do? the new ladies range is juz fab. i got tis purplish pink shoe wif glossy n glittery sides. bri says it looks v barbie. hehe. i like... had a horrible tasting pearl milk tea then went down to the club. had a private court today. nice..

played tennis in the rain. u still perspire but the weather being significantly less humid makes the game much more comfortable. didn't play up to standard today. i guess, if u go for cls w/o much expectations, u tend to perform better.. nxt time i shld not pressure myself too much. lol. excuses only..

anyway, for some reason, bri was v nice to me today. honest. i mean by usual standards, he wld hv made me so angry by now tt i feel like strangling him. tis new him will need some getting used to. but is nice. other then the fact tt it makes me feel mean when i pick on him. hmm.

btw, he was nice coz he didn't make fun of me, poured water, picked my tennis balls, ordered food n carried my stuff for me w/o complaints n wif his own initiative.. oh, n he said i looked cute wif my hair in a ponytail. (note: wif zero sacarsm!!) gosh!

anyway, saw jarod in the courts n he still looks handsome. wonder wat alisa wld say if she knew.. =P

Joy talked at 10:00 PM

Thursday, May 11, 2006

i got 83 for IDEAS!!! wahahaha. mr anthony say there's nothing wrong wif mine n tt they loved it. =D hehe. fine, i'm gloating.. but its my 1st CA n i top the cls. together wif hany at least. ivan n asyikin got 80.. yippee!!

anyway, my ideas grp is bernie, ivan, jerry n me. blah blah blah. its so pw lah. stupid n boring..

today was a v groggy day. woke up at 5am to do mob. coz hafta set gd example ma. yup, i'm manager again. hehe. i hv a leader face ma. lolx. anyway, i was elated when i tot i found the model ans to "winter survival".. but apparently, shaun cld oso find it pretty easily. so prob the other grps r not tt dumb either.. so we jumbled our ans order n added external info so its not tt obvious. i so hope we r the 1st grp in 6yrs to get the perfect ans. *prays*

n bernie was soo sweet. she bought me fruit tarts coz i've been pining for them for so long!! n she picked one wif extra strawberries too. muacks. i love u. hehe.

today's econs is starting to look more like econs - complex n complicated. haiz... found myself zoning out n writing notes to berns n asyikin for the whole lect. bahx. no more guai kia le. oso, made 2 stupid, careless mistakes in my mcq so no full mrks. so much for wanting to create a gd impression on mr goh. luckily i nv get my whiteboard qn wrong..

went to white sands mac to wait for dinner as well as to memorise mob. hardworking hor. haha. saw suting, eileen, xuan qi, amelia, sam n jeremy who were slacking while waiting for meridian superstar to start. pasir ris is so easy to meet mj ppl.. its positively flooded wif them.. n the ns guys too. hehe. hot hot hot. =P

Joy talked at 9:00 PM

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

recently, one of my closest frens quarelled wif her best fren. i dun wanna name names. but yeah, if ur reading tis, i'm talking abt u.

apparently, one is upset tt the other has distanced herself n the other tinks tt the upset one is over-reacting. everyone has to grow up, go to new places, hv new commitments, meet new ppl n eventually, hv new best frens. its inevitable tt we wun be able to spend tt same amt of time wif the old frens.

mayb girl A is occupied wif sch wrk, cca, family n new frens.. to such an extent tt girl B feels neglected but much as girl B throws tantrums, nothing much can be done. tis is life. ppl change. circumstances change. but as the friendship drifts apart. someone, regardless whom, hv to make an effort to bind it together. it is diff. it is a challenge.. but like any other concerned fren, i hope u do make an effort to salvage tis friendship. i'm not saying its ur fault. neither am i taking sides. its juz tt if u dun try to bridge tis gap, it'll really be a waste. u may not feel much for it now but 5yrs down the road, u'll regret. totally.

but i hv a msg to girl A.. "friendship is like wine. they grow better as they age." 6mths is nothing compared to 5yrs. the 5yrs where she stood by u n vice-versa. u shared laughter, tears, gd times n bad times.

make the right choice now n u'll continue to share all tis precious times together. i love u both. n i trust tt ur matured n intelligent enough to noe wats gd for urself. anyway, rmbr our date for nxt tues. i hope everything will be rosy by then.

stay happy my dears.

Joy talked at 6:27 PM




yeah, bought all these frm white sands ntuc. cost me well over 10 bucks. shit. anyway, see the cassis-flavoured meiji choc bar n the lemon cheesecake kit-kat? yup.. new flavours. haha. i'll try the sakura-flavoured one tmr if i can finish all these by tonight. (note: all these does not include 3 kit-kat bars n a pair of kinder buenos i had in sch today..) my cough is so not going to get better. shhh.. dun tell mommy. =P

i hate pmsing. mood swings n food cravings. i always hv pimples n put on weight during tt time of the mth. esp now tt i hv more money to indulge in sugary temptations. haha. i dare not weigh myself.

Joy talked at 5:27 PM

Sunday, May 07, 2006

pics frm meeting on the 29th of apr.

john n khang jing acting cute at bedok lib.

we r genuinely cute. lol.

san jie mei (3 sisters)

(frm left) edwin, johnathan n kian yan

karoke madness!!!

okie, sent khang jing the pics le.. john owes us somemore.. n i hv yet to pass him the chi stuff yet. bahx.

Joy talked at 8:08 PM

he has found a gf. i shld be happy for him.. but no matter how hard i fight, my eyes feel moist, my mouth feels sour, my throat feels tight n my chest hurts.

i tot i hv gotten over him already. n tt nothing he says or does can affect me in such a way anymore. but ironically, the more i try to distant myself n run away, the more i wanna look back.. the times we had so v long ago still remains painfully fresh.

i eat. alot. hoping to numb the pain. it used to wrk but now, it has failed. shopping today has too lost its kick. i'm spending for the mere sake to spending. all my energy seems to hv been sapped. i'm in no mood to do anything.

like a walking zombie in a nightmare tt seems to ebb in my sub-conciousness.

Joy talked at 7:49 PM

got is frm maziah's blog.. all lovey-dovey coz who doesn't want to love n be loved??? its better to hv loved n lost then to hv not loved at all.. but why izzit tt some ppl juz nv seem to lose?

Take this test at Tickle

You're single because you don't want to commit
Once the blush of first love wears off with your partners, do you get a little antsy? You probably crave excitement in all realms of your life, and you need a relationship to keep you filled with possibilities. Let us guess: Someone has probably told you that you haven't quite grown up yet, that you're still holding out for the perfect "whatevers" (job, car, home, date) in your life to come a knockin'. Or perhaps you're just having a difficult time accepting that your comfortable little place in this world is always growing, always evolving — and that means you have to be willing to accept big life changes, too. Not that there's anything wrong with that. After all, you're probably a lot of fun to be around and may be the life of the party.But when it comes to settling down, you leave without looking back twice. Now's the time to ask yourself: Why? What's holding you back? Maybe you don't want someone to get to know you fully? Perhaps by saying "yes" to someone, you're afraid you'll lose yourself, or the possibility of something better coming along. Just remember that the best relationships are those that never stop growing. That's something you can identify with, right? So keep that in mind next time you find someone you're really comfortable with. You never know, it may prove even more exciting once you really get to know each other, teensy flaws and all.
Why Are You Still Single?
Brought to you by Tickle

Take this test at Tickle

You find love in a Mischievous Meeting
A foreign affair with an exotic stranger. A surprise weekend getaway with your long-time love. These are the fantasies that fill your daydreams. When it comes to romance, your imagination and sense of adventure are in the driver's seat. You have a zest for life that welcomes spontaneity with open arms, and you look for a partner who has the wit and wiles to keep up with you...or to lead the way, as long as you're tripping the light fantastic together.While you love mystery and mischief in your romantic encounters, you're also not afraid to make a commitment to someone. You just make sure that keeping it interesting, passionate, and fun are high on their agendas, too.
Where Do You Find Love?
Brought to you by Tickle

What is your dream theme?

The recurrent theme of your dream life is Empowerment

You're dreaming about antagonistic people and situations that are threatening to diminish your personal power. This means that in some area of your life, you're searching for ways to regain your sense of security and certainty.

Joy talked at 1:42 PM

Saturday, May 06, 2006

went east coast park for entrepreneur club outing. its was fun on the whole. we played games regarding garlic, watermelon, ping pong balls n bananas to collect points for bidding at the end. my grp, grp 1, won overall n had "$245,000" to bid for building materials for our dream hm - a white, snowy palace. which we won champs too. got 2 boxes of chocs which i didn't get to eat bcoz i didn't stay for dinner. bahx. but met some new frens n got to noe my dear shahirah better. haha. we were calling each other girlfriends by the end of the day. =D

anyway, spent loads of $ on food n cab fare. had macs fillet-o-fish meal, not student one coz i wanted to try the apple dipper n seaweed shaker fries. which sucked (the apple dipper i mean.. caramel sauce was too sticky!!). then took cab frm east coast to cineleisure to meet suting, kel, jiajin n huiyan for dinner. had ramen n shopping before taking cab hm frm pasir ris. for the first time in my life, i had to pay midnight surcharge on my cab fare. thankfully, i manged to take the last train nearer to hm. if not jialat.. my wallet is considerably flatter n suprisingly, mommy nv scold me for reaching hm in the wee-hrs of the morn. mayb she's juz elated tt pap won the election yet again.

note: i brainwashed olivia into not eating sharksfin for the cruelty of it 3 yrs ago n she wrote a passionate n touching article which won 1st prize in the asian international competition 2006. her 2nd prize for tis same topic. her first win was a s'pore competition a yr ago. now, her whole family has sworn off sharksfin.. even my stubborn grandmother who used to be an avid sharkfin-lover. lolx. hip hip hooray! no more sharksfin during cny!!!

Joy talked at 11:54 PM

Friday, May 05, 2006

went to sch wif bern n her fren, nicolette, today. nicolette really reminds me of lynn. size, hair, face, features, dressing n even behavoir!! ok, close topic. made it juz in the nick of time for IDEA which i was v thankful for. coz CA ma.. poor asyikin.. but she made it in anyway.

i was soo nervous before presentation coz my wrk looks forced. totally. the butterflies were fluttering around in my tummy, my hands were shaking n my mouth repeatedly mumbled line aft line all through the waiting time.. nerve-wrecking leh. not only present in front of ur cls but in front of another cls whose wrk looks totally diff frm those on ur side. it makes u wonder if u did the right assignment.

but, sorry i hafta brag. pls pls.. juz a little. a tiny, small-teensy bit.. ok, i shall minimise the font.. david cheong tot my drawing was fab. hehe. gd enough to hang in his hm, yada yada.. i forgot wat he said le. but he did talk n gesture alot. gosh, so honoured. he didn't even say so much flattering stuff for his cls ppl.. wahahaha. n my own tutor tot i was gd too. so tt means my average can't be tt bad. i wun fail at least. or rather, i hope not. ok, funs over. wat a big show-off i am. fine, i cheated. i didn't put my nose on the table while i drew. (i did for the middle, messy part only.) but neither did the whole of david cheong's cls. i mean it. theirs is so NOT ontography!!! at least mine was abstract n didn't make any sense at all.

but the whole 2hrs was crap anyway. i bullshitted abt randomness, my feelings n life in general.. besides, everyone lied abt their inspiration. at least bernie n shahirah did. coz i noe for a fact bern didn't take part in tt pool competition she apparently lost n sharirah has nv tasted pretzels in her life. so much for tt being her fav food rite? haha. btw, they openly confessed tis to me. so i didn't like spy or anything.

dunno why but today's lunch was popular. there was no seats at foodcourt 6. no seats at foodcourt 4.. ok, there were but we had to wait ages anyway. n the aunty cheated me. say grilled fish but turns out to be obviously fried fish. now my throat hurts more then ever n i had severe coughing fits halfway through mob.. n mommy refuses to buy me lemons. no honey n lemon drink. bahx. i shall buy my own lemons!! lalala.

then had tennis cls wif mr lim at ssc today. it rocks coz i cld hit most of the balls. he said i hv potential. haha. i shall go for tennis elective wif much more confidence tis mon. wheee~

oso, i wld like to apologize to the 8 msn conversations i didn't reply to. its not my fault. my dad used to com n my acc auto sign-in. he didn't noe how to log-out so he left it running. btw, he forgot to off the com. so technically, i was online but yet not online for god knows how long..

erm, sorry i missed the cls conversations. both the a201 n dbf 23 one. i hv nv been so popular before. haha. ego sia. but i did read all tt ur typed out... although it didn't really make sense wif tons of nudging. was those nudges for a non-existant me?? haha.

sorry to xinyu too. i noe i always complain abt u being sian n not talking to me. but when u finally did so on ur own accord, i wasn't there to receive it. a thousand sorries... =(

Joy talked at 9:28 PM

Thursday, May 04, 2006

juz read cher's blog. realised i long long time nv read liao. coz she updated sooo many entries. haha. some how, i felt kinda sore when i read the story she composed abt 3e4 n 4e4. its like ages since i ever felt such a connection wif any cls. 05a201 was a really cool cls, dbf 23 rawks bigtime too.. but 3e4 was something special.. we didn't always get along but we were united in face of adversity. we stood together through thick n thin. i rmbr if some of us failed to do our hmwrk n was made to stand outside, the whole cls wld march out together. ya, its v ah beng n ah lian but it was tis small things tt bond 38 ppl of v diverse backgrounds n personailites solidly together. we didn't hv a cls tee, we didn't all end up in the same place but somehow, the memories r still there..

damai is not a branded sch nor izzit a rich sch.. we always complain abt it being on budget, not having toilet paper, etc.. but it was within tt 4 walls tt we found true friendship. frens we cld count on n trust for yrs to come.

my so-called clique:
yuting - a.k.a miss pinky.. she loves to decorate the cls boards, write encouraging stuff on the whiteboards, can always be counted upon to hv comb, mirror n tissue. haha. kinda always the first to come to sch n v talkative. not forgetting, the ideal toilet buddy!!
cherlyn - miss blue.. the life of the cls n mr raj's pet. top student n top slacker. nv fails to brighten my mundane mornings wif her 'morning blockbuster movies' co-starring jason chen kaixiang. oso my math buddy. (only other gal frm tis grp to leave mdm lubna's cls for advanced math wif me. haha.. i'm still proud of tt!!)
jia jin - my beloved partner n fren of 4 yrs. haha. a v wacky girl wif a natural flair for chi.. hardworking n always let me copy hmwrk. forever infatuated wif rajen?!?! hehe.
yi-lynn - super cute girl wif a rebellious streak. who loves to draw, design n decorate.. she oso loves to tie ppl's hair. i like it when she challenges mdm siti. haha.

the partners-in-crime:
hazwani - looks guai but is v cheeky. mr raj's nxt fav besides cher.. really into romance n bull-shitting. will always be remembered for her waist-length bushy hair.. u wun get to see tis anymore coz she's in tudung now..
maziah - my closest sec 1 fren. v quiet wif strangers but v talkative among frens. she has mastered the art of giving the skeptical "are-you-sure" look tt is sure to irk ppl.
xinyu - hyper-active n super enthu gal. she can talk to u on the phone for hrs n not get bored. v random n weird but tts wat makes her unique n special.
kelly - the vocal one among us wif loads of frens. we dun really contact each other already. rarely at least. sad.. my classmate for all 4 yrs in sec sch n com club pal.

the "close" guys:
mingfung - my motivator n irritator... it was a challenge frm him tt made me study for the Os. so i guess, i owe my grades to him. lolx. but we drew in the end so yeah.. top chem student in lvl. cool.
ronald - he juz loves to kajiao jj n me. super slacker wif his long hair n big shoes. poa pro n mr tan's fav!!
gao zheng - really quiet guy who used to adore kel. he now like x**y* haha. d&t genius n really sincere guy.
jason - cher's playmate. prob the only one who allows her to bully him on a daily basis. love is so all-forgiving. haha. super slacker who doesn't even own a pencil case. hafta always borrow bits of stationary frm haz!!

other damaians who make my life special:
khang jing - com club bestie. really fun-loving n smart too..
johnathan - closest junior... ultra lame n fun to be wif. likes to make fun of me though..
edwin - mr wee's darling. lolx. used to be nerd nerd one.. now in poly become chao ah beng.. com club vice-chairman for 2005.
kian yan - v chi-educated. often leaving me lost for words while in blabbers out idioms n sayings. only met his match in ting n cher..
suting - SOTONG!! lol. she's really sweet n chio girl *pukes* [jk lah..] n my first mj fren.

Joy talked at 8:17 PM

sorethroat.. but i juz made it worst wif roti prata. me n my itchy mouth. haha. today is thurs. breakfast day wif the east-siders. for once, we decided not to eat burger king then went simpang to eat prata..

they all ordered fancy stuff like plaster prata, mushroom n cheese, etc.. according to bern, there's prata bomb, strawberry, choc, n even banana. haha. but i v conservative juz had an egg version. i oso bought an expensive sweet. costing $4.30. hehe. i'm a cheapo so tt for a sweet to me is ex.

wanted to cab to sch but decided to save $ n take the public transport known as mrt. during the 2hr break, we decided to venture faraway to food court 1 near the optometry sch. the other end of the sch. the food was so-so only.. asyikin say sp deliberately seperate the optometry ppl frm the biz sch coz we both r the brainy ones. so they dun wan a clash. lolx. lame rite?

then bcoz the food sucked. i had lousy mushroom n sausage pasta wif tasteless mushroom soup.. we went foodcourt 2 for mac. yup. then wanted to go foodcourt 3 for ice-cream but bcoz of time constraint, we had to be guai kias n go for cls.

n unlike bernie, asyikin n luqman, i'm a nice girl. so i bought portugese egg tarts for my lil bro. so sweet of me hor. haha. trying to make it up coz i yelled at him for using my blades yesterday.. not so nice afterall yeah?!?

Joy talked at 7:00 PM

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

monday (labour day hol.)
went to changi village for lunch. i so swear tt tis place is understated as a foodie haunt. everything seems nice n delectable. the only turn-off was the stinky toilets but wat do u expect frm a place so near pulau ubin?? slurp..

sch day again.. was kinda late for mob but david cheong didn't say much.. but we were not the latest though. halfway through sch, my nose started acting up again. used up 3 pkts of tissue n ate loads of strepsils.. it was a horrible horrible day. was cranky, had a red nose n an awful headache. n for once, itab was difficult. all the excel formulas... being such a com noob, i'm soo gonna flunk out.

had yoga aft tt. it was torture. i haven stretched like in ages so all my muscles were refusing to cooperate. not to mention my sickening nose making me sneeze so much tt i actually teared. yeah, my yoga mat muz be ultra dirty.

went down to the club aft cls coz i dun hv hse keys. blur, forgetful me. anyway, its DIY popiah day.. my fav.. i had 3 popiahs. handmade by yours truly. lolx. anyway, the highlight was we sat nxt to olinda cho. tt s'pore idol finalist. awesome.

i muz hv looked pretty sickly coz mommy got all worried n sent me hm first, leaving daddy all alone wif his ice-kachang. they came in seperate cars anyway. mommy banned me frm blading n no yoga for a few days. sucks man. she said either tt or no tennis. wth.

btw, i signed up for tennis wif mr lim. starting at the club tis fri. hehe. can't wait!!

medicine is gd. i woke up feeling loads better other then the v red eye. it got better aft a while. thank god. anyway, went to sch wif the east-siders n got the guys all kaypo abt "the gal who tinks shaun is cute". it was more fun for me n bern coz we noe n they dun. lol. actually, all the girls noe n we make it damn obvious tt only dumb ppl (boys in general) dun notice. lolx.

atlasticanhonestlysayidunlikeyouanymore - byebye

Joy talked at 7:09 PM

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