Sunday, April 30, 2006
famous amos macademia cookies r addictive..
such a sinful delight..
tts 1hr of roller-blading down the drain...
i'll use all the above to substitute jogging n gym..
Joy talked at
10:23 PM
met khang jing at 11am at bedok.. supposed to go ice-skating but stupid kian yan say he scared cold. bahx. then john say meet earlier in case ppl late but he himself is the latest!!! kian yan had wardrobe malfunction so spent an hr dressing up. haha. diao..
makan le then went library for aircon. we took loads of self-obsessed n act cute pics at the kiddy section.. (note to self: muz figure out how to use cam's timer..) wanted to go playground take more pics but the sun was melting my make-up. haha. vainpot. went
giant to buy tidbits n met edwin. tt chao ah beng. haha. i can't believe xinyu say he not bad looking. last time so super guai. now hv a golden head wif earholes. horrible. =P
ppl change soo much.. nxt, we went to chai chee cc for ktv. 5hrs for 6bucks. include drink somemore. quite cheap ma. sing until sore throat le. me n edwin oso got some v discriminating pics of ky n john dancing n making a fool of themselves. hehe.
khang jing n edwin oso gave ky a makeover wif charlie chaplin hair. hehe. later, the guys n i went down to bugis so edwin can buy his bag. (khang jing had to leave) actually wanted to go marina for steamboat.. mayb nxt time..
walked bugis junction n bugis street.. played lots of
qian bian qns, took neoprints then went v8 for dinner so can
kajiao visit ting ting. aft dinner, went seiyu.. hope edwin doesn't buy my billabong bag. ok, at least dun copy my colour..
Joy talked at
12:00 AM
Friday, April 28, 2006
was late for sch today. coz there was such a big hoo-ha at pasir ris abt the coming elections. n there were campaigns everywhere. lolx. luq was soo extra. he specially alighted at pasir ris juz to kaypo the mps. lolx.
anyway, didn't miss much coz all we did for IDEAS was to put our noses to the drawing block n doodle. oh, we oso drew houses. haha. like pri sch arts n craft. cool... then supposed to go primers welcome party frm 7-9 wif shahirah, liyana n hidayah.. but decided not to go coz apparently tt cca hv christian connections.. hmm.. nothing against tt religion but i'm buddhist so yeah..
did mob proj aft sch at foodcourt 4 coz my spoilt grp wants aircon. haha. i'm such a considerate grp leader hor. bhb. n the fruit juice aunty is so funny. dunno why we suddenly started talking abt weight n lead to ivan announcing his weight outloud. hehe. he is heavy. lolx.
now, i gotta go put my nose to paper n draw like some lunatic..
Joy talked at
9:43 PM
Thursday, April 27, 2006
i'm now super irritated. first, it was a stupid fucked up day in sch.. some ppl juz gets on my nerves. hafta smile, be civil n pretend to LOVE tt person when i'm seething inside.. dun ask, coz i'm not telling.. then the bloody hot weather n freaking headache. plus tt super long mrt ride tt i hv to endure for approximately 3 more equally idiotic yrs. wtf.
now i hafta fend off stupid little boys who r ultra ultra annoying. i sooo mean it. wth. btw, tis is not my bro who i happen to love n adore v much... despite him being pesky sometimes... met tis *censored* when i was still in the maple craze. although i quit playing ages n ages ago le he still pester n pester n pester. for god's sake, why wld i care if ur character is weak or poor or freakingly stupid like u?!?!? n bloody hell, i dun even noe u n whether or not ur lying when u say ur in pri 6. anyhow, i dun i care n neither will i send u my pic u dumbass. first, why waste my 30 cents to send tt mms? second, even my crush dun hv my pic u idiot. or at least, i tink he doesn't hv.
so shaddup already! rahhh.
Joy talked at
8:50 PM
was early for breakfast again. poo poo.. ming xiang n luqman came shortly but bernie was late again. haha. as usual, we had burger king. n i still failed to break tt stupid straw!!! dunno why guys can do it so easily... bernie only came when the guys left to buy boxers frm watsons. 0_o''' hehe.
left for sch early so we cld go popular.. on the train, they were crapping as usual.. something like pretending to be talking on the phone or "1, 2, 3, .... ha ha ha." lame.. no wonder everytime we come sch wif the guys, we juz can't seem to fall asleep.. haha. being early for econs lect, we had to choice of seats n the cls for the first time can seat together in mlt 10.
during the long 2 hr break, we went to singapore polytechnic graduate's guild (SPGG). its not tt great lah.. students prob only go there to play pool, arcade or bowling.. it isn't tt big a deal as ppl make it out to be. =P so over-rated.. but at least its exclusive for sp students n alumni only..
then during econs tut kenna ans qn abt opportunity cost. lucky i got it correct if not paiseh sia.
- mixed feelings.. why does everything i deem mine all suddenly seem in danger of leaving me for good to belong to "others".. i wish time cld turn back or tt u nv even appeared to disrupt my life.. perfection seems so far away...
Joy talked at
8:19 PM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
woke up at 5.30 am.. for morn exercise literally. daddy gave me a lift to the bus stop but aft he left, i realised i brought stats lab notes instead of lect notes. had to run all the way back in n run all the way back out so i wun be late in meeting yj. i was still late anyway..
discovered tt trix was oso going to macs for breakfast. bahx. haha. she muz be so ashamed of me tt we took diff bus n sat on diff lvls in macs. (white sands mac is 3 storeys ma..) had a huge breakfast wif yingjie, renfeng n anee.. it was crapping time wif rf busy folding paper, anee being the 'psycopath' n yj being the gossip queen.. hehe.
supposed to meet bernie n mingxiang at 9am but they were early... i guess we r all kiasu ppl. lolx. climbed tt dreadful hill n started a day of mugging. we had lunch as a cls in foodcourt 4 - the aircon one.. decided on cls tee design n watched the guys play wif the straw-snapping thingy..
aft lunch was ec. as usual, singlish, oops, i meant ENGLISH cls was hilarious. luqman, ivan, me n asyikin were debating on the pronunciation of 'ticket' n 'basket'. mimicking hongkong, aust n china accent. lolx. btw, there's a new gal frm ite. she's 20 yrs old.. tt brings our cls total to 22. 8 guys n 14 gals...
guoquan's introduction: "i'm cruise, u can call me tom."
tt phrase reminds me of jon ma.. who frm wat i rmbr, tinks he's brad pitt. haha.
speaking of jon ma, i heard frm yj tt the love poem competition only had part of a201 plus 2 other competitors. no wonder he cld emerge champ. haha.
went wif the bulk of the cls to collect their ezy-link n saw their horrible photos. haha. then went foodcourt 3 to makan wif asyikin all
gaga bcoz of a certain "teddy bear"..
came hm wif mx n luq. but stupid me forgot an umbrella again. so took bus down to tamp to meet alisa n had octopus takopatchi, fried sotong n pearl milk tea... mmmm. btw, tts not my dinner. fat fat me.
Joy talked at
8:16 PM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
BOO! today sucked. hv mob tut where as usual david chong kajiao me abt everything. there's something in his eyes frm the way he looks at u tt makes u feel uneasy n guilty even though u didn't do anything wrong. except wear strapless shoes lah. bahx.
he's nice teacher but his lessons r v unnerving. mayb tts how he ensures every student is paying attention. its juz my luck to sit in the front row... but i muz score in mob. i'll prove him wrong!!! juz bcoz my dad owns a family business doesn't mean i'm against management. =( haha. reverse psycology. gambette. anyway, he made me "manager" for nxt wk's tut.. wat an honour. haha.
then there was long n zzzz itab. 3hrs of excel. wahahaha. its easy lah.. but, i did learn some useful shortcuts.. but i dun tink it deserves 3hrs. bahx. i'm sooo behind my acc. i mean, i noe all the debit n credit but i actually had to tink like 30 sec for the drawings acc. looks like, i dun hv much of a headstart afterall..
went for photography meeting wif manling n asyikin... we saw mx's -fill in the blanks- haha. then went cityhall meet mz.. had half-price gelare waffles which set me back abt 11 bucks.. juz wats wrong wif me.. i keep eating!!!! waited for ting to come before heading to tamp.. helped mz wif her pw. which is super sucky not to mention boring.. but i can't say no to a fren rite?
got into trouble wif mommy for reaching hm at 11pm. way past my curfew.. n dead tired. mayb i shld stop all tis stupid extra activities n find more time to slp.. yeah, speaking of slp, i better get some now.. sweet dreams ppl.
Joy talked at
11:41 PM
Monday, April 24, 2006
yeowch!! acne cream hurts!!! i got a big ugly pimple on my right cheek. i bet its all tt curry i've been having tis couple of days. grrrr....
life is sooo not fair. n i'm so really getting fat. the daily 'mountain' climb juz dun seem to be working. mayb i'll start morn swims.. brrrr... not forgetting my long overdue yoga n tennis... i shall refrain frm jogging coz bernie says it'll make my calves big.. cannot risk it. lolx.
going to sp makes me tired.. i used to be such a nocturnal animal.. i guess sch cures insomnia... zzzz.. tmr is another long long day..
Joy talked at
10:35 PM
went sch wif new hair today. despite me getting it wet n trying to fluff it out when i slp, it was still shockingly flat. :P anyway, i got mostly gd comments frm the gals who tot it looked alright other then the ultra short fringe.. well, i can't possibly let the sharp fringe poke my eyes rite?? n mx says i dun look 'joy' anymore. what the hell.
n the short fringe made yiling aware of my shaped eye-brows. haha. u v outdated leh. lolx. n asykin says my white eye shadows is nice. haha. i'll soo gonna make an effort to dress-up in future. =)
anyway, today is a long n deary day.. 10am to 8pm. yup. i juz reached hm only.. thanks to the stupid mob proj. anyway, i tink 'courts' is better then 'breadtalk'.. n i felt so studious clocking in the 10hr day. hehe.
had dinner all alone in white sands coz apparently, i'm too late n missed dinner at hm. *sulks* anyway, had a mega delicious ebi bento. yummy!! anyway, i shld go shower le.. all damp frm the downpour. =(
Joy talked at
9:04 PM
Sunday, April 23, 2006
i'm soo
firstly, alisa say i look chio frm the back. (new hair ma.) haha. tt means i'm halfway there. haha. everyone has to start somewhere if ur not born wif an angelina jolie body n fiona xie face. =(
secondly, earth said she missed me. tts v rare frm the expression void darling. haha. for tt, i'll go back to mj to hv lunch wif her.. wat a reward!! lolx.
n mingxiang played guitar
live over msn webcam for me leh. haha. ok lah, its no big deal but no one has ever done tt. so its unexpected n according to mob, ppl love thrills n will pay for the experience. hehe. i did my hmwrk. lolx.
ok, not so happy anymore coz jason say sp gals r not pretty. n i resent tt coz i'm part of the so-called "sp girls" *glares at him* haha. kidding... gf most pretty lah. haha.
Joy talked at
10:03 PM
got tis via email n i tot it was really sweet
to all girls:definition of the perfect manfind a guy, who calls you beautiful instead of hot.
one who calls you back when you hang up on him.
the one who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
wait for the guy who kisses your forehead.
n shows you off to the world even when ur hair sucks.
who holds your hand in front of his friends.
the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares n how lucky he is to have you. the v one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."all these r small gestures tt makes up some of the best things in life.. n they r all free. no need for expensive perfumes, bouquets of flowers, endless chocs n pricey dinners. u juz noe u hv gotten a man worth keeping n cherishing. a man whose love for u is much deeper then his wallet.
frm a
nike womens advert which i found v apt.
to all girls who had bad experiences..
"you think you know me but you don't.
you have these ideas about me that
are left over frm years n years ago.
you underestimate me and i am going to
suprise the hell out of you!"
love yourself
Joy talked at
7:48 PM
I REBONDED MY HAIR!!! yeah, spent 4hrs at
jean yip - tamp to make my hair look n feel like sticks. lolx. anyway, i wanted blond streaks of highlight too but i already spent $150 on the rebonding tt i felt bad to ask mommy for more. hehe. i so considerate ba?!?
i look v diff.. mayb kinda weird but
xi guan jiu hao. lolx. mommy oso coloured her hair copper brown. now she looks so young. not tt i'm saying she usually looks old lah. hmm, back to my hair... if u ppl tink its nice, compliment me tmr k. if u tink otherwise, juz keep quiet. but if u wanna collect gd karma, juz say its nice. haha. a little white lie wun hurt. *grins*
trix bought a new hp. sony ericsson w800i.. n i soo like the nokia 6111.. trix say's there's a pink version tt she bet i'll love even more.. but singtel '
hello' shop only sell the black one.. haiz..
i oso tried the new gratin burger frm mos.. not bad leh...
Joy talked at
5:32 PM
Saturday, April 22, 2006
bernie has finally moved to pasir ris!!! haha. we r the crazy, insane pasir ris ppl who study at a freaking far dover.
welcome to the club dearie.. the
east-sider's headquaters (bulk of us stay here ma!) so she hv officially 'upgraded' frm the bedok zone to the exclusive n prestigious pasir ris district. lolx.
member count: 3 (me, mx n berns)
ok lah, luqman can be an honorary member.. hehe.
Joy talked at
10:49 PM
today is binge day. haha. i finished 1 tub of ice-cream. yup, the 16oz size!!! but before u scream "omg.." i had jap dinner too. temptation is hard to resist in a jap restaurant... not wif all the elaborate sashimis, cutesy sushi n delectable deserts.. no prizes for guessing how i stuffed my face.. yep yep.
i finished all my tutorials!! haha. i wonder how long my enthusiasm will last.. anyway, everything is v easy now.. i mean econs is the basic CEP n pacc is exactly like sec 3 poa. haha. i noe all liao so it'll be v paiseh if i fail lah. not tt i'm ruling out tt posibility. wif my kinda brain, everything n anything is possible..
today went to marine parade
popular. THEY LET ME PLAY WIF PENS!!! only stingy simei n tamp dun allow. =( anyway, wanted to go buy my new mob bk. coz mommy kinda dun like me to use 2nd-hand bks... so much for wanting to save some money.. =( haha. ok lah, i appreciate my mother's effort to let me save face. lolx. anyway,
popular dun carry poly ref bks.. so looks like i gotta make another trip down to foodcourt 5 on mon. luckily hv 2hr break sia..
Joy talked at
10:28 PM
saw tis on gaozheng's blog first.. n he actually rank me no. 6!!! then xinyu put me no. 3.. but why not no. 1??? gz n xinyu is each other's no. 1 leh... am i missing something here?? haha. anyway, i noe lots of ppl miss me. haha. =P
name 20 ppl you can think of right now at the top of yr head. don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 20 ppl. then tag at least 5 ppl.. ready? START!
ting ting2)
jia jin3) bee bee
cher5) nicholas
6) ming xiang
7) luqman
khang jing
9) johnathan
10) edwin
11) kian yan
12) ming fung
13) ronald
14) bernie
15) jason
16) yi ling
17) man ling
18) jeanette
20) xinyu
1. how did u meet 14?
in sp. my new cls mate n fellow pasir ris resident.2. what would you do if u've never met 1? find another 1?
NO!!!!!!! i can't ever imagine life w/o her.. (ting, r u touched??)3. what would u do if 20 and 9 dated?
erm... dunno, xinyu hv a knack for liking shorter guys. hehe. joking lah. (later gz jealous..haha.) they dun even noe each other..4. did u ever like 19?
of course.. she's like my longest ever gal pal.. unless u mean "like" in tt other way then NO. (hey, i'm 100% straight!)5. would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
hahahaha.. u nv noe.. but it'll be great cls gossip! (aiyah, manling is attached already n mx has someone in mind.. so wat r the odds?)
6.describe 3.
v nice girl.. cute n bubbly.. perfect study buddy. *winks*
7. do you think 8 is attractive?
of course!!! all my frens r attractive! (dun u dare disagree!)
8. tell me something about 7.
he's one funny chap.. haha. practical joker n fantastic fren. =)
9. do you know any of 12's family?
not really..10. what's 8's favourite?
erm... being wif me? haha. i'm soo egoistical!
11. what would u do if 18 just confessed he/she likes you?
erm, freak out??? no lah, she's straight too, i tink.. lolx.12. what language does 15 speak?
english, chinese, dialects???
13. who is 9 going out with?
haha. gd qn.. i'll make it a pt to ask him..14. how old is 16 now?
17 yrs old.
15. when's the last time u talked to 13?
as in talk face-to-face? at his bdae chalet ba.. late feb..16. what is 2's favourite band/singer?
jj only listens to herself sing. hehe. kidding.. izzit jay chou??17. would u ever date 4?
no.. as i mentioned before, i'm straight.
18. would u ever date 7?
no.. coz we r only v gd frens. now n forever!!!
19. is 15 single?
nope.. at least i believe he's still attached.20. what is 10's last name?
edwin SIA??21. would u ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
nope.. he's my junior.. so technically, he fails my basic dating requirement. hehe.22. what school does 3 go to?
nanyang junior college..23. where does 6 live?
PASIR RIS!!! haha. my mrt buddy..24. what's ur fav thing about 5?
dunno. i like alot abt him.. even the stupidest bits. haha.25.Have u seen number 1 naked?
siao. no lah... like for what???note: tagged ppl r the above in
Joy talked at
11:36 AM
Friday, April 21, 2006
woke up late today. rushed out to simei to meet luqman w/o having breakfast n was forced to buy a cold, hard (according to luqman) "doughnutti nut", copyrighted by mingxiang. haha. anyway, i dunno wat got into me n when i bought tt $4 sweet... its cranberry flavour!!! haha. ok, i'm so bursting my bank acc on trival stuff.
bernie was late today so she cabbed to sch. bedok to dover = $18... god, i wonder how much pasir ris to dover will cost. i miss mj. coz if i'm late, the cab fair wun even exceed 4 bucks!!! anyway, bernie is shifting to pasir ris tis sun! tt means even if mx pangseh me to go pei someone else, i wun hafta go sch n come back all alone. lalalala.
today, i discovered tt "IDEA" somewhat equals pw... haiz, juz when i tot i escaped frm public speaking forever!! then bought a new econs bk frm popular. v heavy n looks damn cool.. until i dropped it on my foot lah. ouch.
on my way hm, i popped by
billy bombers at century sq to wish mag a happy bdae... went to
montip for a while wif yingjie n renfeng to look for accesories... i tink we drifting apart. conversation seems so strange n strained... we juz dun seem to hv much to talk abt anymore...
saddened coz they all wanted to go hm so soon, i drank pearl milk tea. hehe. the price increase by 2o cents le, the pearls were super chewy n the tea was damn milky... ok, mayb its juz me having an off-day n i resent the world.. dinner for the family cost me $10 n robbed me of the chance to go raffles place hv sakae buffet dinner wif my meis. tts the plain n hideous truth abt being the dajie... *sulks*
HAPPY 18TH BDAE MAGDELINE!!!i really need to do something abt my nails n hair. they suck.. ok, everything abt me sucks anyway..wth, muz go do my PACC tut n MOB proj before thinking of anything else... i muz perservere for the sake of my perfect GPA. i muz strive on for my MAS scholarship.. ok, strike tt.. i'll aim for the SB scholarship first... tts if i rmbr to print tt bloody form!
Joy talked at
6:23 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
sch starts at 12pm today. met mingxiang, luqman n bernie for breakfast.. wanted to hv roti prata at century sq's food court but since it was closed, we had burger king set breakfast instead..
went to sch for a pure econs day.. met shafiq (damai), pei li (tns) n jason (mi) at food court 5.. haha. mayb its a gd thing i left tt super secluded biz canteen n visited the cca fair. signed up for photography n some sorta "interact" club... ok, i joined photography bcoz of aysikin n joined rotary club bcoz of pei li. haiz, i soo dun hv a mind of my own.. now thinking of some changi thingy bcoz of yiling n jeanette... wat can i say?!?!
the econs tut was v inspiring... i tink the tutor resembles mr chua frm mj v much. the way he tries to motivate students at least. n he is v comical too. lolx.
aft sch, i went hm alone... sad case sia. haha. mingxiang hv a date wif his *ahem*, luqman pei guoquan go see chiobu n bernie go bugis play pool so left poor me all the way to pasir ris. haiz.. anyway, i dunno why i had tis sorta sudden brainwave to go
popular play wif pens.. yeah, when i feel moody, i like to doodle wif all the colours
popular has to offer. i dunno why, mayb its the weather or something, my thoughts start to wander n i hv mood swings esp when i'm all alone.
anyway, didn't wanna jostle wif the overbearing tamp crowd so stopped at simei instead. how was i to noe tt east pt
popular ban ppl frm testing pens other then by the cashier?????? how dare they!!! ok, i was kinda pissed then. n for god knows wat reason, i walked into tis salon to hv my eyebrows plucked.
yeah, i paid $10 to make myself cry. yup, n i scared the hell out of the "eyebrow-plucker".. v painful leh. i really dunno wats happening to me nowadays. try to smile n laugh in front of the world but is all broken inside.
its all ur fault. u make me lose my bearing, my sense of focus, my everything.
Joy talked at
7:14 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
wheee... had
retail therapy today. haha. went to bugis wif jeanette, manling n yiling... bernie is supposed to come but her ankle was really bad..
i dunno how i did it but i spent $50 in 2hrs. ok, it isn't much but i'm not working ok. anyway, got a whole new outfit for tmr. lolx. all of us bought similar "levi's" skirts n i got a "puma" bag.. oso got a t-shirt together wif manling. we r all gonna wear it tmr. seh hor.
i dunno why but i kinda feel rejuvenated aft spending all tt money w/o having to pause to tink. tts the danger of having an atm card i guess.. haha. mayb its kinda true tt the stats lecturer used
"girls spend on impulse" as a general statement.
mayb i need to spend lots of money to feel in control.mayb i need to indulge myself to feel loved.mayb i'm juz looking for excuses to pardon my buying.prob the's ec tut was fun too. i nv knew singlish cld be tt fascinating. lolx.
Joy talked at
9:31 PM
Monday, April 17, 2006
today is day one of studying... n there r 4 new members in our cls. for gd or bad i dunno. ok lah, gd lah. haha. dun wanna offend anybody.
but studying in poly is one expensive affair. totally man. the txtbks r freaking expensive!!! today, we celebrated hidayah n shahirah's bdae by the steps! yup, bought a $10 cake frm the bakery. the guys oso played guitars during the super-long 3hr break. we v attract attention ba. hehe. but i'm so happy.
haiz, i want to elaborate more but need to get my beauty's slp. haha. tmr sch starts at 9am. n ends at 5pm.. zzzzz.
i hope kel gets well real soon n come out of tt dreaded place known as the "hospital". =( btw, ash nominated me assistant cls rep leh. haha. i dunno if the cls is supportive anot lah. but no one voiced disapproval. well, juz play by ear i guess.
Joy talked at
10:30 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
ok. spent the whole afternoon sending the sentosa pics to my new classmates. not tt i'm complaining lah.. haha. anyway, i finally uploaded my camera pics. at long last. so enjoy. (btw, if ur here juz for the sentosa pics, juz scroll past all these. they r at the bottom.)
pics frm sakae bdae celebration..

yi lynn's bdae cake..

wen long's cake!

loti n cher...

mengzi n boyfriend, wenlong.
(to jj: curiosity satisfied??)

beefong n lynn... cute as ever.
Joy talked at
8:20 PM

wenlong aft ting's sabo..

(frm front)
left: loti, cher, bee n lynn.
right: wenlong, mengzi, ting n me.

grp pic!!

choc cup filled wif whipped cream!

cup aft ting FINISHED the cream. pro!
Joy talked at
8:19 PM
actually, there r more to tis set of photos. but either i look terrible or the ppl in it dun concern me.. lolx.

frm left: trix racket, my racket, alisa's racket!!

the nicest of all we hv rite?? haha. tis is mine lah.

frm left: naomi, alisa (my mei), juan ling, andrew, bhavesh, jarod...

jj eager to attack her sundae!

my doodling madness.
Joy talked at
8:18 PM
national inter-primary school wushu competition 2006..

bri wif his championship trophy for
nan quan.

frm left: andy, bernie, alfred n my didi

alfred (blink blink) n bri.

brian n his super-cute buddy, bernie.

note: they hv been holding tis postion for abt 1min le.
Joy talked at
8:15 PM
cls outing on within the first week of meeting. nv hv i met a cls tt "on-the-ball". haha. we r already planning cls t-shirt n hol chalet. omg.
ok, tt was sorta random... but i dunno why i feel kinda empty now. is tis wat u get when the person u like cuts himself away frm u? when u make things so plain n obvious but yet he still seems oblivious. true or fake i dunno. mayb i'm juz lying to myself.
friendships like everything else is not tt concrete and everlasting as i tot it to be. w/o significant effort, we'll all drift apart juz like me n tt certain someone. i wonder, if i told u how i felt then, wld things now be any diff? or wld u juz run away. too far n fast tt i can't catch up.
ur lying when u say we r not strangers. coz juz how much do u noe of me n vice-versa? i dun care if u read tis. heck, i dun noe if u even bother. (ps. the reason why i put my blog add in my msn is bcoz of u.) i juz wan u to noe tt i value u.. n our past.. if only time cld turn back. mayb i wld hv put a stop to all tis. n made things wrk out. then, perhaps i wun be living in a state of regret now.
if really, u did read tis n choose to ignore it, then hv nothing more to say. take care my lifelong friend.
.evol ym erac ekat
i'll be strong. i still want my perfect GPA n i still hv dreams of tt perfect someone.
tt someone i tot was u till i realised how wrong n foolishly blind i was.
Joy talked at
4:09 PM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
PICTURES!!!! choose wat u want frm below. then talk to me on msn so i can send them to u. pls dun say "all" coz it'll take forever... hehe.

sentosa: siloso beach

picnic by the sea..

yummy yummy..

best buds forever. lolx.

yi ling n me. i look awful coz i forgot to un-zoom the camera. =(
Joy talked at
11:55 PM

frm left: manling, bernie, yi ling n me!!

chiobus of biz sch. haha. ok lah, everybody but me ok.

bernie n yi ling.. cute ba.

ash n manling...
Joy talked at
11:53 PM

kelvin.. the thorn among the roses. haha. kidding.

the '
jie mei' clan. hooray for the sisterhood. haha.

ivan n zhou xiang...
to zhou xiang: my sis tinks ur cute. haha.

ivan n manling on the coach to sentosa..

the guys of our cls. wat a crazy, out-of-control bunch.
Joy talked at
11:52 PM

look at the load of stuff. bernie, yi ling n i carried all of tis single-handedly leh. power.

darlings frm DBF 23..

frm left: ming xiang, zhou xiang, luqman, bernie, me, yi ling n manling
behind: ivan n guo quan.

we 'love' each other. haha.

say cheese!!
Joy talked at
11:51 PM
got my
atm card today. haha. went wif por por (she stayed over last nite ma), alisa, mommy n daddy to parkway dbs to start a new acc. coz mommy scared i spend my existing savings accidently. anyway, the whole process was v fast. 15min n i got a card i can use wif immediate effect. mayb coz i was the first customer ba. i queued frm 8am (they open at 8.30) while the rest of my pangseh-ing family was having
ya kun breakfast. bahx.
since it took so fast, i decided to go
harbourfront on my own instead of getting a lift frm dad.
at first, i tot i'll be v late in meeting my cls but in the end, i was so freaking early. 45min early leh. how 'punctual' was i. ash was the nxt earliest. thank god for her company. aft a while, the whole gang came. ok, actually not the whole gang lah. only
ivan, kelvin, zhou xiang, ming xiang, yi ling, bernie, manling, guo quan, qing hao, shaun, ash n me turned up in the end.. but we had fun all the same.
took bus down to sentosa, before boarding the blue line to head for
siloso beach. had chicken rice lunch sitting on the grass. picnic. hehe. then played some frisbee n captain's ball. my team won. haha. but there was no fight lah. it was me, ash, zhou xiang, ming xiang, kelvin n qing hao vs ivan, manling, bernie, shaun, yi ling n luqman. so in the end, we 'traded' kelvin for yi ling. but we still won. haha.
later, when the weather got too hot, everybody went into the sea. i wasn't supposed to go in lah. but tt stupid wave make me fall down. since wet already, why bother. we played n crapped somemore n bernie got "picked-up" by tis guy who had no guts to approach her himself n sent a gal fren instead.
girl: hey, my fren wld like to noe u. cld he hv ur no?
bernie: i'm attached. (btw, she's not!)
luckily i lathered on alot of
sunblock n wore ash's visor so i didn't burn as badly as all of them. lolx. had dinner at a kopitiam in the interchange before heading hm. sat the mrt wif fellow east-siders n for the first time in my life, i actually sat on the floor. haha.
sua-ku ba. reached pasir ris wif mingxiang n was abt to go hm when mommy called to ask me meet them at downtown east.
had to drag a tired n dirty body go meet them. finally, i'm back hm in the nice warm comfort of my bed. hehe. nite nite everyone.
btw, mommy says i'm
red. omg. how is tt possible??? she shld hv seen the rest lah. i mean ash said i'm still white, bernie n i compared non-existant tans n mx exclaims tt apparently, "u're not charred".
my mother is so hard to please.
Joy talked at
11:18 PM
Friday, April 14, 2006
QUIZZES FOR A VERY BORED ME!What shld u spend ur last dollar on? (a romantic date)A penny for your thoughts? Sounds about right. Whether or not you're flushed with the green stuff, you're always a romantic at heart. Some say love doesn't pay the bills, but you'd choose love over money any day. For you, it's the thought that counts, and spending time with your sweetie is what means most to you.You tend to think about others before yourself and enjoy showering loved ones with gifts. From a sweet note gently tucked in their coat pocket to an extravagant weekend trip, you'd rather save your pennies to enjoy time with someone special. How romantic!Love or Money? (hopeless romantic)For richer? For poorer? It doesn't matter to you because you're the Hopeless Romantic. Whether your sweetie is an oil baron or a grease monkey, it's all about until death do us part.Even if you haven't met "the one," you'll judge your soul mate by the love letters, roses, and foot massages — not the size of their bankroll. And even if their wallet is as fat as their sonnet collection, the toughest part of your relationship will be arguing over which charity to choose, who loves whom more, and who's the bigger Schmoopie. And if that diamond ring turns brass, no biggie — your love is totally not-for-profit.What is you fantasy island? (St. Lucia)Indulgence - that's your focus when considering the perfect island getaway. That's why a luxurious Caribbean gem like St. Lucia is right for you. After all, it's a vacation — what better time to indulge every whim? Can't you just hear the steel drums as you delight in spa treatments or have cocktails served on the beach? Or maybe you'd rather shop the day away and splurge on a fancy seafood dinner? Whatever your extravagances, you find that pampering yourself is the best way to let go of stress and revitalize for the road ahead.With your style and elegance, you expect the very best from yourself and others — and St. Lucia is just the relaxing, pampering place to give you what you want. Live it up!What sorta fren are u? (sympathetic sidekick)No one ever accused you of not having a soft side. And that's why friends flock to your sympathetic ear and well-thought-out advice. You are tuned in to the world around you, and you are always looking for ways to bring people together and enjoy each other's company. While some people might have one or two close friends, you like to spread your wings and socialize with any number of people. You are open-hearted and free-spirited, making it easy for you to find common ground with anyone you meet. Keep up the good work — everyone could use a friend like
Joy talked at
1:43 PM