Friday, March 31, 2006
met mommy for lunch at
cedele... had cold pasta n prawn wif avocado sandwiches. mmm. then posed for a photo wif an apple. yeah. the fruit sorta apple... as part of the health promo board initiative... n bcoz jason han made me do it. bahx. i wonder how much he earn running around making ppl pose wif fruits. coz i tink its quite a cool job!!! he still looks the same... haha. but i nv recognise him.. even aft he said 'hi', it took a while to register who he was. i'm slow alright..
then finally went for yoga. did two sessions today.. aching man. oso spent $5.80 on mags. supposed to be $6 but tt nice indian man gave me a discount.. i dunno wat happen to me recently. spend money like drinking water like tt. somemore i end up regretting the v moment i walk out of the shop.. super impulse. haiz... i muz not go out so much nxt wk le or all the money i saved n collected n begged for will be flushed down the toilet!
mommy oso got me new make-up products n a whole range of cleansers, toners n moisturisers frm
missha... the bottles all pinky n nice. n its blended wif rose water. hehe. i love my mom.
aft tt went
challenger at tamp to buy microsoft office programs n a nicer laptop bag coz the acer one was horrible. fat, bulky n hideous. she then bullied me into getting tis carrier tts not v bad but still screams: "I'M A BLOODY LAPTOP BAG WIF STUPID FAT HANDLES N PUFFED UP CUSHIONS! N I COST 50 BUCKS MORE EXPENSIVE THEN THE ONE SHE PREFERS. OH WAIT, I'M WATER-PROOF SO TT ADDS LIKE 500G!!" wtf. naturally, logic wins. n she's the pay-master... wat to do...
then went to the interchange food court for dinner n a grp of anglican girl guides sat nxt to us. chattering in loud, hateful noises like typical sec 3.
girl 1: i dun wanna go tj. if i can't get into vj, i'll go mj.
girl 2: eww. why u wanna go mj?
girl 3: why cannot? i tot mj not bad. score v well leh..
girl 2: of course they score well lah. they retain ppl like nobody's business!
girl 1: really ar. scary...
omg. criticisms is harsh. i wanted to defend my ex-sch oso paiseh to do so... coz some parts r quite true... if only trix was there.. hmm, then mayb her loyalties wld make her defend mj (current sch) or push her to promote tj (ex-sch)..
Joy talked at
11:05 PM
saw tis on trix's blog... try it out!
Your crush is the Class ClownSeriously forks. Only a guy with a great sense of humor stands a chance of making it as your fun-loving sweetie. Going back-to-school doesn't have to be a bland and boring time. With a funny and cute guy to crush on, things will definitely put a smile on your face. Even when attending mandatory student assemblies and classes that last for days, you're a girl with an active mind and funny bone. Thankfully, your new crush should liven up even the dullest of moments. Maybe he's cracking jokes in History class, writing witty pieces for the newspaper, or hamming it up in the lunchroom. Wherever you find him, you'll be in for an entertaining school year!
Who Catches Your Eye?Brought to you by
Joy talked at
10:41 PM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
she spent to whole of yesterday nite putting in invisible scrollbars, re-aligning the boxes frm the extreme left to right smack in the middle... now all it needs is a suitable music. any suggestions??
ok, tis entry is meant to glorify my sis. but she's quote a html pro. check out her blog... she did the whole skin all by herself frm scratch!!! power.
www.whatever-crap.blogspot.comi tink its nice... mayb i shld add her name into my credits. juz to be nice...
tausarpau is her nick coz she's
chao ta frm all the tennis playing...
n in case ur dun notice, i got a new tag board to blend wif tis minimalistic look n a new counter which stupidly started frm zero since i changed its design. i wonder wats the diff lah. 2000 worth of hits all gone. haha. but 136 visitors in 2 days is gd. i didn't even noe i had tt many frens... hehe. its quantity not quality tt counts!
Joy talked at
8:32 PM
went shopping wif ting n jj today. for the first time, ting was early!!! haha. muz go buy 4-d. i was on the dot n jj was late. expected lah. oops...
ok lah, i got myself lost, somehow missed my stop n while changing train at cityhall, got myself to marina bay. then i sat there lost n alone before the station master approached me at tt ulu station n plotted my route to bugis for me. so paiseh lah.
aft tt, we went to 'icon' which was quite nice only w/o any escalators n wif 90% of the shops still closed. then went swensons for lunch where i was cheated into spending $24 on food. imagine tt. the stupid $1 ice-cream offer only starts at 2.30pm n tt equally stupid waitress nv tell us. not tt the sundae was fabulous either. *sulks*
we then went to play arcade. feeling damn pissed abt the wasted money, i didn't change any tokens. juz watched tis pro play "hse of the dead 4". ting n jj oso played bishi bashi. aft tt, i couldn't resist playing daytona. n i won. ting was close behind n jj was far far away!!! haha. i led frm the start leh. lolx.
then went to take neoprint n spent 45min decorating it. no time limit ma. (note: eyes dun magically become big n small with the tap of a pen!!!) ting mutilated my beautiful eyes n i had to hide it behind love-struck sunglasses!!!!! *dies of humilation*
then shopped somemore with me buying a happy hse camera pouch n meng zi joining us. jj n me left shortly for hm. we crapped alot on the train... no wonder ting say jj absorbs all my brains turning me into a giggly bimbo juz like her. (i used to be brainy. lolx. n i resent being called a giggly bimbo!) bought dinner n went hm.
Joy talked at
8:20 PM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
my first post on my new laptop. =)
on monday, it was raining terribly so any inkling of me feeling fit enough for yoga dissipated. haiz, i nv go for damn long le. starting to feel wobbly again. mayb will start juz before poly starts so wun be tt lethargic.
went tm to buy my
nail polish. red earth de leh. hehe. bought pale pink n a shimmery pearl colour. nice. oso, got no one to stop me frm buying
famous amos cookies tis time. so i had 100g of choc n pecan. $4 for such a small pkt. i feel cheated. like barely 10 pieces so tt wrks out to abt 40cents each. dumb me.
met mengzi at tamp kfc to help wif her
pw. then johnathan came aft a while. we ended up crapping alot n not doing much. n john resembles trix when he moans abt being an
but we saw something damn sad. tis two ultra skinny gals. 1 chinese n 1 malay. i tink they max pri 5 only. come n ask us for 90 cents to buy food. then they asked another table for more money. all juz to buy a shrooms burger set at $2.55. so cheap still hafta beg. some tables gave them leftover food which they still accepted. muz be damn desperate. they look dirty n hungry... prob some runaways ba. sad.. i didn't noe s'pore oso hv such cases..
then met ting aft dinner. jalan for a while then went hm. i can't wait to see her tmr. hopefully, she'll be less cranky tis time. (ting, u heard me??)
yesterday, my
laptop came. supposed to come in the morn so i woke up at 8am to wait but it idiotically came at 3.30pm. stupid acer. made me late in meeting trix too. met her at white sands n then went taka to buy her doughnut. stupid rite? like the east dun hv doughnuts like tt.
i gave up my seat to a pregnant woman on the mrt leh. haha. trix says she's v proud of me. *applause* lolx. then we argue abt alighting at orchard or somerset. she got her way eventually so came frm heeren instead of wisma. bought her special
milky doughnut then went shopping. as usual, she treated me my share lah. tts wat i adore abt my mei mei. always so generous despite only having $11 left. poor gal. but i love going out wif her coz i didn't hv to spend a single cent. cheapo me.
supposed to go suntec eat "ben n jerry's" ice-cream but i dun wanna spend $5 on 1 scoop so we decided to meet mommy for dinner. had dinner at tis marvellous
jap restaurant at suntec. all the sushi even those on the conveyor belt looked like a
piece of art. n there's my fav - salmon sashimi. i love having dinner wif mommy. haha. then we walked over to 'carrefour' area to eat our ice-cream. i had
chunky monkey n trix had
dublin mudslide on
BIG cones. mommy pay ma. hehe. my 2nd "ben n jerry".. first was wif vicki. oso mommy pay for both of us. haha. i'm such a cheapskate. wanna eat but dun wanna pay. btw, vicki is my cousin.
we oso went crazy buying
junk food at "carrefour". tts the gd thing abt not having maids. u can buy pricey
snacks w/o worrying if she'll secretly eat it. n no maid means muz eat more
convenience food. i lost count of the no. of veg mommy chuck out of the trolley replacing them with canned food, sausages n ham. yummy!
Joy talked at
10:45 AM
Monday, March 27, 2006
been watching less n less tv tis few days bcoz of hsewrk.. mommy says she's v proud tt i'm finally showing improvement n dun throw tantrums everytime i gotta wash dishes.. n her mood is getting better too. at least she nv scold me much le. n she wanna gimme her palmtop leh.. not coz she wanna upgrade but coz she wanna go "back-to-the-basics" n use notebook n pen. haha. i tink its coz i caused her system to crash bcoz of my games n everytime she looks at it now, she'll feel sad over the info n contacts she lost. oops. tok abt giving the "victim" to the "murderer".. tt muz be a first in hist!
anyway, back to the tv.. the living rm plasma like abit hay-wire liao n my rm tv so freaking small n the vcd player oso kinda cranky so nv watch my mtv or cartoons for a long long time. i hope the repairman will come soon or i'll miss all the upcoming movies.
nanny mcphee le. quite a nice show. heck, i like shows wif lots of kids. the more the merrier coz the trouble they cook up is always v hilarious. but on disney, there'll be
chicken little n
the incredibles nxt wk. i sooo wanna watch!
later going to meet meng zi n johnathan at 4pm.. thurs gonna meet yuting n mayb jiajin..
btw, mommy called n yelled on the phone to acer coz they bloody hell haven't delivered my laptop! apparently first-yrs aren't supposed to buy online but mommy got her way eventually. like she always does.
mommy: "wat sorta service is tis? i'm nv gonna touch another acer product for as long as i live!"
head of sales department: "oh, dun worry mdm, we'll make an exception tis time."
she somemore call everyday to assure my mom tt they hv not forgotten my order but instead hv to coordinate wif the delivery side. who says shouting can't solve matters?? lolx.
Joy talked at
11:21 AM
Friday, March 24, 2006
woke up early in the morn thanks to brian's banging of doors. (slept in his rm coz por por slept in mine ma.) bri slept wif mommy lah. tt idiot was screaming tt he can't find his wallet n turned on all the lights. talk abt being inconsiderate...
went tamp to eat ya kun kaya toast then went ntuc n mkt. i carried lots of stuff coz i can't let my elderly grandmother carry rite?? then the upstairs neighbour v nice gave us ba zhang (rice dumplings) n delifrance pastries... coz mommy told her to keep an eye on us since we got no maid n adult supervision so she worry we skip lunch. so thoughtful hor. will really miss all of them when we move.
oso, por por has been pestering me to tell mommy to move near her hse so easier for her to visit n she offered to cook dinner for us everyday. so sweet... only she dunno tt we already bought a new place tts not exactly near her place in serangoon.
feeling lazy abt yoga le. but i'm not giving it up since the newspapers say its a lifestyle tt more then 58,000 females in s'pore take up. making it the 8th most popular sport in s'pore despite it being previously unranked. i'm a trend-follower.. wat can i say? haiz. muz really make an effort to go. but raffles place is so damn freaking far for juz an hr of cls. of course, can go for more sessions but i lazy ma.. mayb nxt time...
Joy talked at
5:59 PM
xinyu tagged me to do tis..
Select 5 people to pass the love on:
1. an ee
2. khang jing
3. earth (though i noe u wun do..)
4. suting (its time for u to update ur blog.)
5. jia jin
Here it is:
What were you doing 10 yrs ago?
1. playing monkey bars. (till i became to heavy to swing. lolx.)
2. eating lots of macdonald. (accounts for my size today!)
3. not studying n getting fantastic grades. (all band 1 till pri 4 where i got my first band 2 leh.)
4. surviving on $1.50 a day.
5. doing hmwrk for stickers.
5 songs that u know the lyrics right off the top of your head:
1. right here waiting for you - richard marx (all-time fav.)
2. strangers like me - phil collins (tarzan song tt bri adores.)
3. someone's watching over me - hilary duff
4. i need you - westlife
5. there can be miracles - mariah carrey
5 things you would do if u were a millionaire...
1. splurge on my family.
2. jet-set around the world.
3. shopping.
4. eating.
5. let the remainder earn interest in the bank.
5 bad habits:
1. indecisive
2. lack courage n self-confidence
3. lazy
4. pessimistic
5. zero willpower (evident frm my diet n exercise plans.. they all seem to fizzle out.)
5 things i like doing:
1. sleeping
2. eating
3. chatting on the phone
4. shopping
5. daydreaming
5 things that u'll nvr buy, wear or get a new one again?
1. creative mp3 (sucks!)
2. 2nd-hand clothes/shoes/bags (even if its close to new. unless they r frm family.)
3. love n friendship
4. pets (coz they poop n shed fur.)
5. vegetables (juz kidding.. mommy will buy it anyway.)
5 fav. toys:
1. my plushies
2. my hp
3. my laptop (although it hasn't arrived yet.)
4. my digicam (to take beautiful pics of myself. hehe.)
5. my mp3 although its "creative"..
Joy talked at
5:50 PM
great, juz great. i tried out aft i came across it on - daddy's fav blogger. then i tried to match my face wif a celebrity. dunno if its real anot but the first pic matched me the
kristen dunst. [cool. i dun mind!!] n my 2nd pic says i resemble
takeshi kaneshiro. n i so resent tt. i mean he's amazingly cute n all but how can they say i resemble a guy??? oh, the horror. but luckily, my 3rd self-obsessed pic says i look like
ayumi hamasaki. wahahaha. i so love tis ego-booster!
giving up on myself, i tried the same thing wif everybody whose pic i happen to hv on my camera..
mengzi apparently looks like tis model,
alyssa milano.. [p.s. tt model looked nicer as a kid. i watched "who's the boss" on
hallmark n she was positively adorable back in the 1980s.]
n they couldn't identify
ting's face till i marked it then it says she looks like
michelle yeoh.. not bad..
alisa matches a dozen middle-aged men before being matched to
kristen kreuk.. i wonder who kristen kreuk is...
brian =
wong kar-wai (hilarious! both his pics match the same person.. now, tts accurate.)
daddy =
phil collins (if only he cld sing like him too.)
mommy looks like
ha ji-won. a pretty female korean actress. duh?!? even the name sounds korean..
n coz trix keeps evading the cam, she has no proper matches... go on, try it urself..
Joy talked at
4:36 PM
jj found tis online design thingy at so i decided to be as
insane as her n hint ppl on wat i like. my bdae is in exactly
217 days time. so u can start saving $ for my present now... (0_o) *squirms in delight*

cupcake tote bag.. cutesy!!

comes in ambulance or fire engine.. so adorable.

"fruit + veg = poop" sweatshirt...


oh, honey bee. sweeeeet...
Joy talked at
2:01 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
yesterday, mommy took leave to care for a v sick bri so cannot pei me go
sp enrolment. kiasu daddy wanted to meet me at 12.30pm there, although my scheduled time was 2.15. anyway, had lunch at foodcourt 2 n waited for v long to get all my registration done.
then toured the cca booths with all of them trying to psyco u to join their camps, etc... met a new fren. her name is
tiffany.. a v nice gal frm banking n finance too. we hung around n exchanged nos. now i dunno shld i go for
freshmen orientation camp afterall.. i dun wanna be all alone unless i can drag geri wif me. pls pls. lolx.
n i got a
lanyard. wif my face! i'm so super proud of it. tt means i'm officially an sp student! =) everything was settled by 4.30pm. thank god i actually went early if not i'll prob be stuck there forever. but mayb if i went later, i wld hv met geri n aunty esther... then i wun be so alone anymore.. [daddy pangseh me halfway ma. hehe.]
bought breakfast n took condo bus hm. i nv take condo bus for a long time le. coz $1.20 per trip kinda ex. but anyway, got
nagged for watching meteor garden. according to mommy: "i dunno why u keep watching tt show. its not the first time ur watching it!" n "if u dun keep ur mess in order, u'll slp in the utility rm in the new hse. dun tink i'm kidding." blah blah blah.
firstly, i'm now watching meteor garden part 2.. which i only watched it once before n tt was at least 2 yrs ago! besides, its in every gal's nature to
fantasize abt a rich n handsome prince charming.. n my rm is much neater then for example, suting's rm or even cher's one. haha. oops, sorry gal.
today, por por came to cook for bri n i had nasi lemak. nice. she'll be staying over tonight n she wants me to go
marketing wif her at tamp mart tmr coz dear mommy has
no veg at hm n her mother (por por) is appalled when mommy actually suggested tt we go w/o eating veg. haha. so grandmotherly of her..
i had the weirdest dream last nite. it was a v nice dream... i wun mention it here coz its highly personal but it beats tt dream where i found pink n glittery purple tennis strings. *winks*
Joy talked at
12:33 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
lots n lots n lots of photos... whimsical me. lolx.

mengzi outside auntie anne's suntec branch...

planning her speech for pre-u sem.

ting ting act cute only..

show off braces only.. =( haha.

acting cute again...
Joy talked at
7:52 PM

pink mirror.. so typical yuting!! n her fav candy...

i like the pretzel-covered wall..

auntie anne's pretzels!! ting had sour cream n onion.. i had cinammon sugar.. yummy.

my side view. haha. ting ting itchy fingers.

yuting's hp. as vain as the owner!
Joy talked at
7:50 PM
turn back the clock to the nite before valentine.. i helped alisa wrap all tis presents... n i nv even do tis for my own frens lah.

painstakingly hand-tied name tags. the star star v cute hor..

midst of wrapping in the candies..

viola. v sweet ba... my idea leh...

messy mambo jumbo of gifts!

all packed n ready to go!!!
Joy talked at
7:49 PM

wrapped parcels in a heart..

lovely lovely..

my new hp keychain. a crown for a princess. lolx.

nice case rite?

super cute drinks. every pkt hv diff face leh. haha.
Joy talked at
7:48 PM
happy 45th birthday mommy dear..

mommy on date wif daddy..

along s'pore river... near esplanade..

my birthday bouquet for mommy. i more generous.. give tulip leh. daddy only give daisies. haha.

grocery shopping at giant, parkway branch..

along the ultra long travelator wif a camera-happy daddy.
Joy talked at
7:45 PM
the club...

competition arena... actually hv lots of elite swimmers wif hot bods swimming... but can't see frm tis height.

nice blue swimming pool.

macadamia tart.. hmmm...

apple juice... look at the layers.. cool.

tennis courts frm the roof-top view. tis is courts 2 n 3..
Joy talked at
7:44 PM
now, my 2nd hm.. the yoga centre at ocean towers..

one of the three waiting lounges..

tealight candles... so romantic..

glittery cups. nice..

locker 44.. my fav cubicle..

my mess.. notice alisa's hp in the foreground? i bet tts the first time she can forget to bring her hp to sch..
Joy talked at
7:42 PM
tennis mania!!!

viewing gallery nxt to court 1..

new flooring.. the old one had red interior..

gleaming headlights..getting brighter as the nite gets darker.

mommy n daddy watching the match..
Joy talked at
7:41 PM

annual tennis novice championship match schedule...

alisa's pre-match training...
trophys for the winners.
frm left: naomi, alisa, juan ling, andrew, bhavesh, jarod, nicholas

frm left: sports com chairperson, naomi (2nd runner-up), alisa (1st runner-up), juan ling (women's champion) n andrew (men's champion)

all the winners...
frm left: sports com chairman, naomi, alisa, juan ling, andrew, bhavesh, jarod, sports com vice-chairman..
Joy talked at
7:39 PM