Monday, January 30, 2006
cny celebrations!!day 1woke up much earlier then the rest coz i intended to struggle wif my mascara n had a breakfast of all the cny goodies like pineapple tarts n love letters. as usual, we were supposed to go visit the hse wif the big balcony a.k.a tai ma's hse. but as usual, we kids complain tt going there so early wld mean less hongbaos (coz hv nobody there yet rite?) so we whine n moan so mommy changed the schedule. we went ahma hse in the morn instead. as usual, she ply us wif food, food n more food. we sat for a while before heading backwards, back to tai ma's hse. she stay at tamp ma. n guess wat? there was nobody there except por por's family. so no extra red pkts. bahx. we had delicious sandwiches n nasi briyani before going to mommy's uncle hse. the hse was v small so when the 6 ppl frm por por's side plus the 6 of us, we flooded the living rm. n guess wat? more guests came.. abt 5 more ppl. there were no more seats n alot of us had to go stand in the rm. packed like sardines!!! lolx.aft chatting for a while, admiring great uncle's impressive collection of antique toys n munching on a whole load of pistachios, we left for lunch. kim kim booked tis vege restaurant at the quality hotel n the meal was the best vegetarian meal i ever tasted. the shark fin n abalone taste suprisingly real n the fake prawns hv tis tangy twist. of course, we paid alot of money for juz veg n flour but it was a nice lunch.aft tt, we took lots of wacky shots wif olivia n angel's new digi cameras. (yeah, both of them got new ones each. rich parents.) =( we adjourned to por por's hse to pai nian n hung arnd n sat in their study chatting wif the kids for quite some time. the adults were gossiping abt god-noes-wat downstairs. soon, we left for hm. olivia took a long time wearing her knee-length boots so the chua family left first. now, tis conversation between uncle jason n trix is damn funny..uncle: hey brian u wan xbox?brian: u wan give me?uncle: yeah. i hv one in the living rm.trix: wah. u speak like u giving out chocs.uncle: huh?trix: lelong lelong, i hv alot of chocs at hm. who want? juz take.diao. haha. anyway, bri took a command n conquer game which he is v addicted to.. he didn't take the xbox n halo stuff coz its too violent for me to allow it. hehe. they watched 'tom yum goong' at our place. it was v action-packed but kinda gory.. no wonder is nc-16. anyway, i was busy spearing fruits for the fondue while my sis juz sat watching tv. bahx. lazy!! we then had steamboat.. i can't eat seafood so ate frm the vege pot instead.didn't hv much hongbaos today.. so sad. =(day 2nv go visit dad's uncle tis morn coz its bad luck for us to go out today (according to mommy) kinda quarrelled wif mommy tis morn coz she's her usual naggy pms self. irritating. can't even read newspaper in peace w/o her saying "ppl hv daughter to help. mine juz sit there n rot." dammit lah. when i help u seem oblivious to my efforts. the moment i stop, u start bitching. excuse me, its not my party lah. u wanna impress, u wanna show-off, do it on ur own. dun claim all the credit for our wrk n take all the praises of "wow, liana, u muz hv worked soo hard." my foot ar.soon aft, daddy came hm n his frens started arriving at abt 2pm. somemore, tis yr abit more happening. i played blackjack wif the other kids in the garden (grown-ups play inside.) n won $1.70 wif alisa. we played wif 10 cent stakes n everyone else lost money leh. haha. power... i bet sparks were flying between alisa n ryan. they keep kajiao each other. he's sec 3, she's sec 2 so can lah. he's rich too. lolx. only he's frm victoria n she dun like victoria. well, daddy is a victorian too. ryan's family hv 4 kids. same as us only they hv 3 older boys n one lil gal. complete opp. all the guys r in victoria. (sec 4, sec 3 n sec 1 i tink..) juz like their dad. so loyal. bahx.alisa: BAO! quick, let me win.ryan: suay ar. everytime u say then i kenna.alisa: muahahaha.ryan: i bet u check the fengshui then sit in the auspicious direction. or mayb, u voodoo us before we come so we wun win.alisa: u tink wat? hm ground advantage?? wats ur name?ryan: dun tell u. wats urs?alisa: dunno.amanda: tis r my cards but i keep losing thanks to ur sis (ryan's sis keep sabo her by reading out her cards.)ryan: ur cards nv mrk ar? muz be mrk wrongly so can keep losing. haha. wah, u frm using popular plastic bag of coins change to use old chang kee one ar?amanda: lose all le ma.we oso played bluff n alisa spoiled my winning chanes. i almost won. but she keep accusing me. even till then, ryan still kajiao her. haha. (note: they sat nxt to each other..)ryan: u steal her bf before ar? y she like dun trust u?me: ... she oso disturb u. tt means she still ur bf oso ar?alisa: haha. his bf? he gay ar?alisa won in the end but we found lots of cards on the floor so ppl start saying tt all the winners throw cards on the floor then announce they win. lolx.i was the oldest except for tis other guy. 18 oso. dunno frm which jc but previously frm RI sia. the food was such a spread n i tink overall, it was quite a success. the kids became somewat closer. even exchanging contacts. but i doubt we'll keep in touch. its only a once a yr meeting.. i oso collected quite a few hongbaos. n tried my hand at command n conquer.
Joy talked at
7:59 PM
Saturday, January 28, 2006
read a few blogs, talked to a few girlfriends (close frens tt r gals. dun read too much into it..) n hv come to a conclusion.
GUYS = JERKSthey r soo not worth the time n effort. move on darlings... =)
Joy talked at
10:26 PM
nv do much today coz mommy n santi was hogging the kitchen. too busy to talk much. well, there's two parties n a large spread for reunion dinner to cook for. i woke up at 7 tis morn to cook a breakfast of sausage n scrambled eggs for my family. last breakfast for the yr of the rooster so muz be a bit diff ma. i so sweet hor? lolx.
did some dry errands, attempted to watch
alexander but it was soo boring n i dun like angelina jolie coz she stole brad pitt frm jennifer aniston!! ok, tts so passe but i'm still indignant tt hollywood's golden couple broke up showing tt eternal n everlasting love prob dun exist in reality anymore. =( so much for my fantasy n dreams. watched pocohontas on disney instead. (i like her hair..)
been sitting at tis com for ages uploading songs into my mp3. its been ages since i up songs in n ppl say i waste the 6GB of space if i juz hv 20 songs. so i now hv an impressive playlist of 400. its an improvement ok. haha. btw, i dun do illegal downloads juz in case the crimewatch ppl r on the prowl. oso, i hv finally uploading my hp pics into daddy's hp n transferred it to the com. coz i dun hv samsung cable ma. will upload the pics in the nxt post.
had a late mac lunch so now still kinda full. muz try to eat later aft mommy's hardwrk. bye bye rooster, hello doggie. tmr can wear new clothes n new shoes n collect a whole load of hong baos le. YIPEE!!
Joy talked at
7:50 PM
random photos frm the past lunar yr.. going to pass soon anyway.. enjoy.

at the posh restaurant in sheraton towers. eccentric alisa goes wacky. last shot is kinda blur n i find her 3rd pose similar to how jj always pose.

my lucky sis who is blessed wif all the gd genes. *green-eyed monster*

my first french manicure. i tink tis salon is not tt gd. they cut my skin while trimming my cuticles n their brush strokes r like my own standard lah.

i found tis pic in a mag. its hand-drawn n i tink its super cute. tis is the current wallpaper on my hp.

my hp keychain. its frm happy hse. nice nice?
Joy talked at
7:48 PM
more pictures...

tis is the chinatown lights. daddy had more but i dun tink its tt fantastic. tis laser lights thingy is so red n gaudy. like a temple! (no offense) festive looking but still a far-cry frm texas. =(

my cookies fresh frm the oven. mommy said they were awful so looks r deceiving i guess. thank u bri who finished half a bottle in an attempt to support me before mommy threw it all away. bahx.

u can't deny tt they look gd rite? the black bits here r choc chips. yummy.
'J' for 'JOY' n the black bits r raisins in tis case.

my darling cookies in the jar. many of them nv got to see the insides of one's stomach but instead, they saw the insides of the rubbish chute..
Joy talked at
7:45 PM
yummy goodies. all my fav!!

mommy ordered 8 boxes of tis. it cost $16 for a box i tink. we kept two for ourselves. n guess wat? we finished all of them in a day!!

tis is how it looks i like inside. lovely rite?

tis is the cross-intersection. there's "jelly, berry, cheese n crust". (rhyming not intended!)

oops, only 1 left. greedy us?!?!

gong xi fa cai. tis oranges will get me my hongbaos so dun look down on them. lolx.
Joy talked at
7:44 PM
somemore for visual impact..

the breakfast i cooked today all by myself. tis is proof coz there's still the frying pan.

my masterpiece all ready to be consumed. n i got gd comments on my scrambled eggs although they looked kinda disastrous in the beginning. =P

eggy prawns. tis is mommy's invention. the egg yolk is mixed wif mayonaise n ketchup to enhance taste n colour before being squeezed out like the 50 cent cone frm mac. boiled tiger prawns r then put on top as garnishing. tis is practise for the mon's party.

my hist notes on SEA. my fav topic. n the bk wif the most scribbles. took a pic of it for remembrance since it'll go the ruth frm cj aft cny. beats throwing it away ba.

tis 'testimonial' is written frm trixie at the back of my SEA notes. bo liao ba. btw, she added "juz kidding" at the bottom only camera nv capture it. so i'm really lovable n cute. haha.
Joy talked at
7:40 PM
finally, the grand finale!! the most beautiful of pictures. (except pics of myself. duh!) presenting to u, the chua family
choc fountain!!

step 1: melt the choc buttons a little at a time.

step 2: use chopsticks to stir melting mixture. the heavenly aroma of melted choc hangs in the air. *saliva drips..*

step 3: 1kg of smooth molten choc fills the base. choc fragrance is stronger then ever.

step 4: switch machine to 'flow' n watch the choc get sucked up n pumped down. it is still not v smooth..

step 5: choc is completely smooth. doesn't it look lovely?
Joy talked at
7:39 PM
snap shots of the fountain at wrk n other must-have ingredients to maximise the exhilerating experience..

marshmallows n strawberries.. the essentials for any choc related food!!

green apple, bananas n kiwi fruit ready for the dipping!!
moving towards the tempting choc waterfall..

taking the plunge into its milky goodness..

comes out sweeter then ever. =) compare the 'before' n'after'..
Joy talked at
7:37 PM
makan reunion dinner le. i had quite pathetic stuff coz i dun eat sharkfin for moral reasons. (mommy stewed tt for 3 days leh.. too bad i dun eat. already 2yrs abstain le.) can't eat abalone bcoz of my operation too. shellfish ma. they had 2 abalones. supposed to hv 3 but mommy threw away one coz it looked browner then usual.. by feb 16, i'll be free to eat everything le. mommy kept one abalone for each of us to celebrate then. so they juz hafta wait for me to feast. haha. i'm ms impt!! well, alisa is nagging me to get offline le. so the final drips n drabs frm my hp.. last but not least...

ok, for kaypoh ppl esp dragon babies, tis brass or pewter
gourd is put in the south-east corner of ur rm to ward off the bad stuff which is extremely potent tis yr. yup, it looks old-fashioned but it's really kinda cute. i've somewhat grown attached to it le. u may not believe in fengshui but wat harm can there be? i'm gonna carry all the jade n crystal amulets mommy bought n painfully washed n prayed for. (muz wash at certain weird hrs where the gd god is said to prevail.) sounds superstitious but my dear mommy went to such efforts so muz appreciate. so fillal hor. hehe.

candy!! we hv lots of these trays lying everywhere but tis combi is the most colourful. bcoz i arrange de ma. all my fav sweets r here. i'm soo gonna get fatter!!

the corner stocked wif cny goodies. tis r for re-fills shld the goody trays get empty when guests arrive.. yummy!!!

trix enjoying the choc fountain even before it starts flowing. GREEDY! lolx. look at all the food on satay sticks!!!

the balance of the molten choc got freezed in tis ice-tray. i decorate de. nice hor? now we hv choc ice-blocks. sweet..
Joy talked at
7:33 PM
Friday, January 27, 2006
yeah. i heard my maple acc char already up to fire-poison wizard le. finally. haha. thanks. =) now muz go buy nice nice clothes to wear n nice nice wand to hold hor. haha. lolx.
n my bloggie songs hv prob. not all songs can play leh. so idiotic. then they say my acc at iwebtunes non-existant. so mafan. muz re-do everything.. n tt stupid email confirmation haven come yet. bahx. tis skin is oso getting kinda old le. muz change soon.
n guess wat? i tried to cook sausages juz now n bloody hell, the whole thing burn lah. oil was splashing everywhere. how am i gonna cook breakfast tmr? mayb i'll do scrambled eggs. i heard its the easiest dish in the world. been searching online for recipies the whole day. mommy will be so suprised. hehe.
Joy talked at
2:54 PM
Thursday, January 26, 2006
juz before i go off to slp n drift into my wonderland (where clouds are pink n trees are rosy) i juz wanna proclaim...
I L O V E M Y S E L Fmuahahaha. tts juz a prelude to the cny. aft tt, i'll juz simply... love myself even
more. haha. wat can i say? afterall, all gd guys r either taken, homosexual or
DEAD! whatever, another lonely v-day is looming near.. (stupid flower shops n heart-shape candy makers!!) *sulks*
Joy talked at
10:49 PM
i was paid $50 to help mommy today. haha. n i loaned her $45 to pay the electrician. its great to hv sufficient funds to even lend ppl money. haha. n i chipped my beautiful toenails so hafta stick nail stickers to hide the damage. look quite gd i find.
well, was busy in the garden for most of the morn, went grocery shopping at
shop n save as well as at
ntuc. alot of stuff sold out le.
ntuc was damn crowded for a thurs afternoon. even loyang pt hv parking prob. everybody all last min ba. had a nice lunch at tis new cafe at parkway n i tried some sort of berry desert. yummy. i tink i'm really putting on weight. haiz.
wanted to go tj n visit trix's booth but got no time.. well, today was a busy day. tts it i guess. nite nite.
Joy talked at
10:16 PM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
hmm. haven been blogging for a couple of days le coz wif cny coming n all, i'm getting kinda busy. so here r updates of my life.. juz the highlights.
sunday:mommy cooked western dinner of pork chops. the premium new zealand sort leh. n salmon n tuna cracker dips. haha. we oso hv opening ceremony for the choc fondue. lovely. i was personally responsible for 'spearing' the fruits. we had bananas, strawberries, kiwi, green apples n marshmallows (rocky mountain de) we almost finished all 1kg worth of molten choc but i made choc blocks wif the remains. yummy.
monday:slacked at hm.. realised we v long nv go rent vcds le. waste the unlimited membership. bahx. watched 'the island' n 'lords of dogtown' le so only left 'alexender'. yup, m18 but who cares? lolx. oso threaded hongbaos until finger pain le.
tuesday:mommy took half day leave so i went to meet her at her office n had lunch at
tea spa. i ordered parsley pasta. haha. it had a much nicer italian name but i juz rmbr it to be totally covered with mashed parsley sauce. it looked sorta gross like mouldy noodles but tasted not as bad as it looks lah. coz there were tons of cheese. my fav. so the cheese covered the taste le. speaking of conspicuous amts of cheese, i'm wondering, is there such a thing as a cheese fondue? mayb we can try to melt cheese in our fountain n dip breadsticks into it.. =P the triple mushroom soup was nmice n so was the tropicana iced tea.. they ran out of berry berry. aft lunch, we basically ran errands like collect daddy's office party snacks, buy more choc, etc.
aft everything is more or less complete, mommy went on a fengshui frenzy blowing $400 on fengshui stuff for 2006. but i guess its esp for my good since dragon is supposed to be in direct conflict wif the
tai sui god n i'm supposed to be plagued by sickness n ill-fortune tis yr.. so mommy was buying me lots of stuff to ward of the evil aura n bless the family wif prosperity n progress. so i now hv a solid brass gourd, a beautiful crystal health ornament n a set of jade animals. better be safe then sorry i guess. aft tt, we went to collect 8 boxes of strawberry jelly tarts tt look too beautiful to be eaten. but i've eaten alot still. haha. it can only keep for 3 days so might as well eat more in case they spoil.
aft tt, in the evening, came hm to decorate the garden wif ribbons tt mommy bought n hong baos i threaded. exchanged gifts wif neighbours, visited por por to deliver the goodies n collect the tables n got teased by my uncle abt boyfriend judgement juz bcoz i made a casual remark tt the gal on tv was lucky to hv a guy who drives a bmw convertible.
him: tt juz means his dad is rich. u muz judge based on future prospects n whether he can afford to buy u tt car in future.
lolx. spoken like a true financial dealer. i too watched love conceige n was disgusted by how horrible ann kok cld be. =(
today:met mommy during lunch to help her pkt mos burger while she gets her nails done. had yoshinoya all by myself n enquired on how to keep the choc machine. aft tt, did a french manicure n a full pedicure. it cost me $63 but mommy paid. all pinky now. though i keep wrecking the paint job. they help me touch up le but i spoilt it again coz i juz can't keep still. but not so bad lah. watched 'king cobra' there. but nv catch the ending. tis was the show i watched in thailand but off the tv near the ending coz i was scared. (try watching it all alone, late at nite in the hotel rm when everybody go shopping! will scared de ma.) i nv knew the title so i nv knew the ending. tis time, so suey cannot watch finish then i hafta go le. mayb i'll go rent it.
saw mommy's beautiful fren. she's really pretty u noe. n friendly too. nxt time i muz be like her. pretty n successful. i tink she's barely 30 only. wanted to go meet ting but she's busy wif ken so came hm. stopped at pasir ris to eat old chang kee n saw pae students frm mj. kinda miss being in sch now.
Joy talked at
4:40 PM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
woke up bright n early tis morn. supposed to meet earth at dover mrt for sp open hse. afraid tt blur gal will lose her way in the complexities of cityhall station, i offered to alight there to wait for her. so nice hor? as expected she's late. by 20 min!!! but nvm, she skip church to pei me so i shld be appreciative.
sp hv lots of sponsors n we had free ice-cream, drinks n souveniers but coz we were v early (they juz started), we had no goodie bags. the guides were quite friendly n the banking n financial studies looked quite impressive being the first in s'pore to be established n having the only trading pit in all educational institutions (like a sunken swimming pool like tt). saw some interesting exhibits at the engineering department too. there was tis lightning fusion thing tt was ok only but everyone seemed v hyped abt it. its juz purple streaks of light ma. took a video of it but i dunno how to upload here..
aft tt, we both lugged heavy bags filled wif leaflets to yio chu kang to visit nyp open hse. i almost alighted at kathib mrt. so paiseh. nanyang poly's open hse was the most impressive so far. in my opinion lah. everything was systematic n organised. the atmosphere was oso v high wif the hip-hop competition n stuff. n nyp guys r all v cute. mostly anyway. i wonder y ting nv say before. haha. adorable!! n the tours were somewhat interesting too.
n afraid tt i rmbr bus 72 wrongly, i took a long mrt ride back instead juz in case i end up in msia or something. met mommy at simei n had chicken rice opp katong mall. btw, mommy still owe me $46 as i paid for dinner. muz rmbr to claim later.
came hm wif a terrible case of stomachache. dunno izzit gastric or food poisoning frm the chicken. kept going toilet oso. bahx.
Joy talked at
11:44 PM
Friday, January 20, 2006
today, is tp open hse. i left slightly earlier to buy my eyelash curler, comb n mirror at tamp n had a lonely lunch at yoshinoya. all alone amidst all the sec sch groupies n uniformed couples. sad sia. tried their new chicken delight meal which was so-so only.
supposed to meet gaozheng at tp bus stop at 2.30 but he was late. so went in wif xinyu n her fren first. but tt stupid gal keep pang-sehing me to do mass dance. like some dance is more impt then me!!! watched some skits till gz came n we browsed somemore. leg tired n xinyu still persisted in jumping around. hyper-active n damn enthu man. well, at least she help me carry tt goodie bag most of them time.
saw geraldine who kept pestering me to join law n mgmt. saw ronald whose hair looks slightly better then i last rmbr it. saw jj who is still soo chio in her powersuit (thanks gal for specially coming to find me.) saw some other damaians n oso saw ky n edwin n the rest of 4e1. edwin actually got his left ear pierced!! so awful. read my lips, UGLY!! i hate guys who pierce ears. somemore he nv put ear stick but put a fake diamond earring. hey, juz bcoz david beckham looks gd in it doesn't mean the whole world shld blindly copy.
well anyway, me n gz went to the kopitiam opp tp to wait for all the i-guides to finish their de-brief n guess wat? they took a freaking long 2hrs. wasted 2hrs of my youth juz like tt. oso, nv in my life did i realize me n gz cld hv so much stuff to tok abt. mayb not as much as i wld hv yak to ting but quite substantial between me n a guy. (no, there's nothing between us but mayb wif he n xinyu.. u nv noe!!)
well, had mac dinner aft tt wif haz, maz, xinyu, gz n me. then dear haz accompany me back to tamp inte to wait for mommy. tmr mayb going nyp or sp. but nobody to pei me. sad sad life.
Joy talked at
10:41 PM
Thursday, January 19, 2006
kel sent me tis personality test..
in the colour love test, i'm a contemporary partner whose view of romance is decidedly more updated than most people's traditional perspectives. above all, i appear to value individuality. as a result, i'm likely to feel tt there r as many relationship styles as there r pairings of people, since everyone will bring something new to each coupling. tis flair for the new oso leads me to hv more cosmopolitan tastes than many other ppl do. my varied pastimes and interests make me the kind of unique, well-rounded individual tt others can admire.
Joy talked at
11:00 PM
juz came back. worn-out. went back to mj earlier then expected today. reached at 12.15 but bcoz john n ky so ahma. take damn long to come open tt miserable gate for me, i entered sch at abt 12.30. drank soya bean milk while chatting wif john, ky n two other damai gals. later went to see boon hui n menghui who v guai all copying chem tut. lolx. well, at least they bother to do.. but qui ping more guai. although oso last min, at least she do herself.
john joined odac (i still can't believe it!!) but the rest join chi cultural society.. cheena sia. anyway, when they had to leave for leasons, i went white sands. v long nv go le so i missed the bus stop n had to walk backwards. in the end, still had to wait quite a while before ppl ponning sch open the gate for me. had belgium choc ice-cream wif earth, yj n renfeng. yummy. the biz club cafe,
perkafe, serve quite quality ice-cream leh. gosh, it was crowded!! anyway, thank u yj for the 20 cent discount n rf for making me feel so wanted. i love u guys.
later proceeded to canteen for lunch n tt nasi briyani stall actually close-down leh. the food kinda ex n spicy but v nice to eat. portions r oso large. besides, they serve roti prata, nasi lemak n all the other yummy malay delicacies. so i had laksa yong tau foo instead. wanted to eat cheese tart but decided not to stretch my waistline further.
saw lots of familar faces esp in the j2 common lunch period. too bad i didn't see suting, her bf, eileen, xuan qi n mag though i saw all the resident cuties.. tis yr j1s can barely make it in the looks department. saw aug, jon, jo, euo, amelia, dianne n phoebe too. thank u for being so friendly n making my visit so pleasant. i wun ever forget u guys. =) oh, n i oso saw mr chua who tot i chose to retain n take another sub combi instead of advancing.. i tink it was bcoz i was in uni.
collected my locker stuff n college annual. how dare cp exclude my articles?? i put lots of effort into then u noe?!?! anyway, thank goodness i only appeared once in the cls photos n i'm kinda hidden. the teacher's day main shot of our cls oso hv me behind. only hv my shoe n a fat hand sticking out though. haha.
sorry, tis is getting draggy but soo much happened today. in rare chance, pooney went shopping wif me at tm. i had to go buy my $18 lip gloss frm red earth. luckily i hv 10% member discount. aft tt, we searched high n low for my eye lash curler n mascara but to no avail. then something freaky happened at ntuc while we were browsing at the beauty section.
boy: wats ur name?
earth: me?
boy: ya.
earth: earth.
boy walks away.
me: ur junior?
earth: probably. i dun rmbr.
boy: wats ur name? (p/s: i dunno why he ask again..)
earth: me?
boy: ya.
earth: (glances at me warily) why?
boy: coz u v pretty.
earth ignore him.
boy: dun like tt lah.
boy follow us all over the place.
boy: wats ur name?
me: me?
boy: ya.
me: why?
boy: u v cute.
me: err...
i fled. earth only caught up wif me at the cashier.
gosh. tts sooo wrong. coz first n foremost, i'm far frm cute lah. then greedy earth had a case of mouth itch.. haha. she had a
yakitori stick n wanted
gelare waffles. but due to price constraint, we settled for mix n match our own ice-kachang which was not bad n loads more affordable.
we then moved on to century sq to check out earth's boy shorts n socks. as it was getting dark by now, we both boarded bus 81. as i was walking to inte, i realised suddenly tt my bag shld not be so heavy. aft checking, i realized i forgot to pass anee's hist bk to yj!! haiz. anee!!! u owe me big time. u shld hv juz told me u weren't going to sch ma. anyway, nxt time u gotta come my hse collect le. come soon n bring money too hor. lolx.
later in the bus, me n earth was crapping again. n she promised to try get me a valentine date wif tt odac eye-candy. haha. ya, i noe she's kidding. but i wun say no. =D
Joy talked at
7:31 PM
my rm is so empty now.. haha. i chucked away most of my stuff. the econs n gp stuff went to trix. the hist notes r going to ruth. an ee is buying tt hist txt for $45 n i threw away all my lit notes. but i got keep the story bks for leisure reading lah. n my rm actually looks spacious for once. =) i oso hv lots of empty shelves. mayb i shld rent it out to my sibs for extra income. hehe.
now i waiting for anee n yj to reply my sms!!! y dun tel reply? idiot. shld i wear pe tee wif jeans or pe tee wif skirt or wear it wif mj sch skirt so i can blend in better?? but if i wear it wif sch skirt, i hafta wear shoes leh. but if i wear hm attire so i can wear slippers, i'll hv alot of stares leh. aiyah. headache. later surely feel out of place de. haiz..
i kenna scammed on maple n now its prob v hard to gain lvl or anything coz i keep dying n my exp keep falling!!! 1 more lvl to wizard le leh. but playing it is kinda becoming monotonous. bahx. actually, i dunno y i keep updating tis blog when nobody seems to be reading it. well, i'm bored. v bored. v v bored.
yesterday bri ask me why i dun go find job. well, ask my mom!! like i dun wanna wrk like tt. i oso want money ma. =( lets hope my savings stretch a little longer..
Joy talked at
11:18 AM
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
got tis test frm huiyan.. its at
the colour test:Joy, your true color is
You're blue - the most soothing shade of the spectrum. The color of a clear summer sky or a deep, reflective ocean, blue has traditionally symbolized trust, solitude, and loyalty. Most likely a thoughtful person who values spending some time on your own, you'd rather connect deeply with a few people than have a bunch of slight acquaintances. Luckily, making close friends isn't that hard, since people are naturally attracted to you - they're soothed by your calming presence. Cool and collected, you rarely overreact. Instead, you think things through before coming to a decision. That level-headed, thoughtful approach to life is patently blue - and patently you!
the second chance test:Joy, when it comes to second chances, you're a
Are those sensible shoes you're wearing? All the better to keep both feet planted firmly on the ground. You're a practical person with a calm, assured way about you - and you've got a good understanding of human nature. That's why friends often turn to you when they need advice on anything from romantic relationships to career choices. Sure, you don't leave much to chance, but you're never boring. That's because you know how to make things happen on your own. With your mix of confidence and smarts, you're sure to be a success in everything you do. Way to keep it real!
r u high maintenance?Joy, you're a
Total Middle!
Material Upkeep: Although you definitely appreciate a first-class lifestyle, you don't feel a constant need to indulge yourself. Sure, it's fun to spoil yourself with fancy dinners or designer clothes every once in a while, but you probably don't need everything in your life to be top of the line all the time. Congratulations! You know how to indulge yourself the right way - in moderation.
Emotional Upkeep: Demanding, aren't you? Well, when it comes to relationships, anyway. Seems like you tend to crave reassurance that you're the center of your loved one's attention. You need your partner to shower you with affection - expressed in both words and actions - in order to feel satisfied and fulfilled. It's completely normal and healthy to want to be appreciated and loved, but try to keep in mind that couplehood is a two-way street - you only get as much as you give.
Personal Upkeep: You definitely care about how you present yourself, but probably not enough to let your appearance dictate what you do, where you go, and who you spend time with. Sure, you take pride in your appearance, but you know that some things are more important than looks. That's a great attitude - looks like you've achieved a very healthy balance between narcissism and neglect.
r u a perfectionist?Joy, you're a
Total High!
Appearance: Like what you see when you look in the mirror? We thought so - with every hair in place and every crease in line, you have every reason to. Looking well-put-together is important to you, so you take great care with your appearance and maintain your excellent hygiene with a very consistent regimen. Since you take pride in how you appear to others, you don't feel comfortable leaving the house unless you think you look properly groomed.
Possessions: Looks like you take very good care of your possessions - without obsessing about them. Since you probably take pride in the condition of your things, you like to keep your surroundings in a relatively neat, organized state. But you know that every little thing doesn't necessarily have one spot it has to be in at all times, and you're just fine if everything isn't always in peak shape. That's a great attitude - being aware of, but not overly concerned about, your possessions is an effective way of extending the lifespan of your things without causing yourself undue stress.
Work: Whether a task is large or small, you always turn in top-notch work. How could you not? After all, you have a lot of pride invested in everything you take on, and you won't sign your name to anything unless it represents your best work. You're willing to burn your candle at both ends to get the job done and like to have your projects organized and carefully planned out. Although being a perfectionist at work guarantees a job well-done, it can sometimes make it hard to be flexible and open-minded. So, make sure to leave room for a little leeway.
the classic IQ test:Congratulations, Joy! Your IQ score is
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is
Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns - both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction - especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
Joy talked at
12:02 PM
went to hv dinner wif mommy last nite.. supposed to leave early n go shopping but i realized tt stupid me left my wallet in daddy's car. so i got no money, no ezylink, no discount cards. anyway, i made my way down to raffles place wif alisa's ezylink. thank god there was no inspectors but it's the same fare price anyway.
i was early as usual n i hate the feeling of being broke so i called mommy. my dear mommy rushed down n gave me $26 to hv a nice tea at
spinelli coffee company n oso onion rings at burger king. hehe. i updated my organiser n tried to look juz as busy n impt as the other customers who tapped away at their laptops or talk solemnly into their rather expensive looking mobile phones. wth, i'm in the middle of s'pore's financial district!!!
i wanted to go find the
sasa shop to check-out my mascara but blur me kept looking at the wrong places. i only found the shop at 6pm which means, its time to go meet mommy. bahx. will go
jalan there nxt wk when i go raffles place for my pedicure. mommy say we'll be having guests over on the first two days of cny. first day is her younger bro which is expected. second day is daddy's pals. tis is so bcoz mommy's fengshui is bad for the second day so muz stay at hm n the whole family's fengshui say tt our hse muz be v crowded on the second day so tis is the best alternative. =) anxious to create a statement, we lugged down to uob plaza (it was juz opp the big grassy area actually.) haha. n we bought a choc fondue set. u noe, the choc fountain stuff. its super cool lah. costs 300 bucks leh. shop only accept cash so mommy had to go bank withdraw. spoilt mommy always use credit cards ma. oops, hehe. but nevertheless, i'm super hyped abt it. imagine, 3kg of molten chocolate!!!
well, i saw tis ang mo pay $6 juz for a pack of abt 20 white choc coins. rich ppl. i wanted it too but mommy dun wanna pay. =( *sulks* aft tt, we drove down to the ice-kachang place at far east square. got stuck in the massive aft hr jam only to discover tt the shop close le. so we had shephard's pie n fancy drinks at don's pie club. we even sat in posh sofa chairs.
as we were driving along the expressway, we turned into suntec juz for the kick of it n ended up buying lots of frozen french pastries n sausages for the party at
carrefour. i even bought rocky mountain marshmallows n 4 punets of strawberry... all to match the choc fondue. yummy. will go buy kiwi n bananas soon. reached hm at 10pm.
love conceige finish le.
anyway, i'll be packing my rm today n going back to mj tmr. =)
Joy talked at
10:50 AM
Monday, January 16, 2006
decorated n pruned the
pussy willow (all by myself leh..) washed, wiped n pumped all 5
bicycles wif a little help frm bri n santi.. trix tire hv another hole n dad's brakes hv prob. but daddy is v pleased wif my effort n he promised to reward me. hehe. was more diligent wif my hair. shampoo, conditioner n tonic twice a day. =)
i will start
packing my rm tmr.. n i will watch jewel in the palace, my fair princess n meteor garden all over again to justify me buying all those dvds. n i promise to start reading mommy's banking n finance reference bks. i must. i must. i will oso enrol myself in fitness cls n not let the voucher juz rot away. n mayb i'll go down to eastpoint n check out
tmr evening i hv a date wif mommy. she wanna bring me go try tis highly recommended
ice-kachang. i will buy mini mascara, lip gloss n eye-lash curler frm
sasa n red earth for new yr. if mommy will consent, i'll get compact powder frm
stila. i juz lurve products frm
stila. check out their winter collection at kawaii!! anna sui stuff oso v cool a much more sophisticated n posh selection.. i like their nail polish too. *hint hint*
tis thurs going back
mj to visit. if there r no changes, my plan is to meet john n gang at 12.30.. hide at area behind hall aft the j1s leave for cls (paiseh ma) frm 12.45 to 1.45 when yj n earth hv lunch. mayb i'll play
sudoku tt new jap puzzle game tt daddy bought for me to pass time. will hv nasi briyani wif sausage n curry for lunch followed by chicken nuggets n cheese tart for snack. all these were my favs. n i dun tink i'll wear mj uni juz to blend in. coz i'll look dumb if ppl noe i left liao n is still wearing it. mayb will wear pe tee wif jeans or skirt ba. =)
Joy talked at
5:36 PM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Greed: | High | |
Gluttony: | Medium | |
Wrath: | Medium | |
Sloth: | High | |
Envy: | Medium | |
Lust: | High | |
Pride: | Medium | |
Take the
Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
got tis frm khangjing's blog. n i so totally can't believe it. its soo not through. how can my flaws be so big? impossible. they say lust is my biggest sin but wanting a great car n having a great com gives material satisfaction it really shldn't be considered lust n greed. =(
Joy talked at
12:29 PM
bought lots n lots of sweets, chocs n lollys to symbolise
tian tian mi mi at giant yesterday.. we actually bought out the whole stock of 'juicefuls' as gifts to daddy n mommy's collegues!! aft tt we hung around waiting to pick bri n alisa frm their enrichment. i saw bri's fren -
bernie - frm wushu sch team too. he actually looks like edison chen. the much younger version.. a bit mix-blood wif v nice eyes. mommy say tt boy got lots of manners n is v sweet. awww.. haha. i sound like a paedophile. but tt boy is gonna melt lots of hearts in future!!
mommy say i'm puttin on weight again. bahx. blame the new yr goodies. they tempted me. =P oh heck, once a yr a small indulgence ma. we kids had lunch at hm bcoz of the late breakfast of fried beehoon.. for some reason, daddy suddenly suggest we visit
chinatown. trix went marina bay to fly kite wif her og n alisa wanna stay hm watch her beloved
laguna beach (little did she noe it last episode last wk le..) haha. anyway, i wanted to watch
phil of the future n
the suitelife of zack n cody on disney but family time was more impt. such a sacrifice hor. hehe. nvm, i'll watch it tonight.
we drove around for an hr looking for parking lots n kept trying to make bri laugh so he wld pee in his pants. lolx. we parked at the dingy n old
pearl centre. in the end n had to use two lifts n a flight of stairs to exit tt complicated n ancient building. =) jostled wif the
immense crowd, we were pushed along witnessing the sights n sounds of the coming festive season. in was super crowded tt i bet it was nearing a stampede considering yesterday was the only day it did not rain in days.. little kids sat on their father's shoulders n hawkers were shouting their wares frm their pasar malam stores. cny songs were blaring n ppl were smoking. there were tour buses too. rds were jammed n the deco was not v fantastic but the experience was exhilerating literally leaving us gasping for breath - so packed tt we can't breathe ma. lolx.
had dinner at tis
taiwan restaurant coz we were too lazy to go find the jap one advertised on tv. the food was kinda
salty but nice all the same. we bought some sweets n stood at the pavement watching the laser lights. trust me, if u had been to
texas n saw their version of the cowboy cartoons n stuff using tis similar laser lights on buildings all around, chinatown's effect sucked. in texas, they plunged the whole neighbourhood into darkness. everything, every shop, every lamp-post will be black n the superior laser will act out a show so memorable it'll last forever. ppl jux sat on the rd marvelling in the superb graphics. marvellous.
daddy was super enthu. running around asking us to pose n
snapping shots wif his new hp. juz like a typical boy wif his new electronic gadet. *shakes head* haha. well, we left at around 11 tired but happy. luckily we couldn't contact ahma (she prob went out wif my aunts) so didn't manage to bring her or she'll be super tired. mayb nxt time.
came hm half-sleeping n my stupid contact lens gave me so much prob bcoz it had been on for more then 15hrs. haiz..
Joy talked at
12:11 PM
Friday, January 13, 2006
i'm so so so bored tt i kept playing solitaire. i broke my high score wif a all-time hight of 720. lolx. not bad for my standard ok. =P anyway, tis few days keep raining n everywhere so wet n gloomy. mayb i'll rewatch 'jewel in the palace' for the sake of passing time. besides, its too soon to be packing my rm n clearing out all my jc stuff. it'll be kinda depressing to officially close tt chpt of my life. hehe. so mayb as long as my bks cont'd to occupy some cupboard space there's still some link between me - the reject - n the academic world.
anyway, all my econs stuff can pass to trix. she's already reading further into the econ txtbk then i hv ever read even when preparing for promos. lit bks i can still keep to read for pleasure n an ee wans my hist texts if trix confirm dun wan. the europe one rite? but u wun hv it for free though. i'll be selling it. haha. if u dun wanna pay, too bad. lolx. i'm so materialistic. but then wif the money, i can go shopping so its too big a draw for me. =P i bought it for 60 plus i tink. coz the s.e.a one is the cheaper one at 30 plus only.. muahahaha. i'm rich rich rich.
Joy talked at
2:26 PM
today's horoscope: ur in dilemma over tt certain someone. but before u do anything rash, stop n tink. do u want him to like u bcoz u fancy him or u juz want the thrill of rejecting him.
wth. how wld i noe? all along i've always juz thought abt me, myself n i.. n now, i still tink abt me, myself n i. lolx. anyway, i decided to start a retirement fund. haha. at at end of everyday, all the coins in my wallet will be saved. every, single penny. it beats compulsory daily $1 savings bcoz tts so rigid n wat happens if u dun hv enough coins to form a dollar? so for now, all my coins daily. regardless whether there's 10 cents or 10 bucks. as long as its coins, they will all go into my piggy bank. the oink-oink one yj n earth gave me.. n i wun withdraw anything. not even half a coin before the whole pig is full. =)
oh n cny prepartions r coming in. mommy's stocking up on goodies. god, those cans of abalone r juz sitting on the table n i can't eat them bcoz of my stupid operation. n we hv lots n lots of tidbits n snacks some v radical like cheese sugee biscuits frm bengawan solo to spice cookies frm grandma's oven. yummy. i hv pedicure n eyebrow plucking appointments all lined up. daddy hv decorated the hse to look all red n goldish, bought new yr tapes n everything looks wonderful. all the
cai shen ye r grinning down on the family n everybody but me is in spring cleaning mode. =( i can hardly wait!!!
counting down to hong bao collection time. hehe. gong xi fa cai!!
Joy talked at
1:09 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
nothing significant happened.. but i was reading the newspapers n they say tis yr for the first time, poly intake is brought forward to april so tt in 3yrs time, poly graduates can enter the june intake of uni instead of waiting a whole yr. coz in past yrs, poly start in july n students get their results 3yrs later in july therefore missing the local uni's june intake n having to wait for the following yr.
but i dunno to say if i'm lucky anot coz ppl born in 1988 will hafta wait one whole yr before they can enrol in uni whereas me joining the 1989 batch dun hafta wait tt yr so it eventually, i'll enter uni at the same time as my peers isn't it right? but tt means double the competition. there wld be both the dragon yr n snake yr ppl fighting for the limited no. of poly-allocated places..
then technically, if i study v hard n ensure i'm in top form, wun i enter uni exactly at the same time as the poly gals of my age n the jc guys of my age too (they juz finish national service ma) so i wun be stereotyped as a an old bird hor. hehe.
n trix is freaking me out. she studies late into the night every night. i dun rmbr me studying for more then 1hr solid during my first 3mth. looks like she's gonna overtake me as mommy's darling n grandma's precious le. btw, i still lack the guts to tell my grandma tt i a jc dropout. although i did casually mention it to ah gong who tried to dissuade me n i left him wif the impression tt i'll reconsider so tt means other then my immediate family members n frens, no one knows. unless my mom hv been blabbering to our relatives.
god, i'll hv alot of explaining to do over cny..
Joy talked at
5:37 PM
stomping away to a new link...HASTA LA VISTA!!!xoxo, joy
Joy talked at
12:00 AM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
juz watched 'lords of dogtown' the first disc was kinda blah. nv really grab wat they wanted to portray but second disc was better. had more skating action n the gd frens spilt up to pursue their own dreams. it was sad to see them meet at regional competitions, representing diff teams.
for fame n fortune, they turned their backs on each other. angsty tempers n stuff. kinda vulgur actions but in the end, the reunite when they realize their 'bosses' were only interested in milking them for their worth n cared nothing abt their well-being. oso, the least blessed bro among them all was stricken wif brain cancer.
well, ending was unexpected but was a nice resolution. i mean who wld expect bad boys to do so much sentimental stuff n to go to such lengths to help their best fren die in peace.. aww. anyway, will prob watch
alexander n
the island later.
Joy talked at
2:55 PM
ok. its been a couple of days since i last updated n my memory is blurry le. but tis r abt wat happened.
sunday watched 'guess who' in the morn. its abt inter-racial marriage n conservative parents. kinda funny wif ashton kutcher as the leading man. later in the afternoon, it was raining v heavily as usual n alisa was preparing to go tennis. the rest of the family is stranded at parkway. the conversation went like tt.
me: u still going to play when its raining?
alisa: of course.
me: isn't mommy gonna fetch u?
alisa: parkway diff to find parking lot so troublesome for them to come pick me. u wanna come too?
me: its raining v heavily leh. the windows r frosted!!
alisa: (came to the window to look) ya hor.
me: i'll only brave tis storm for food.
alisa: mommy called. we r gonna eat at ichiban sushi.
me: great. tts my fav jap restaurant. i'm going.
alisa: well, i'll brave tis storm for training.
so we boarded a cab n went to parkway lor. we didn't really get wet n the cab driver was nice n funny. the rd was flooded so thank god i didn't hv to walk far to flag a taxi. btw, mommy did reimburse me the $9.70 cab fare. i even had 30 cents tip. haha.
mondayrotted at hm coz bri didn't rent any gd vcds. only hv mr bean. sick n idiotic show. bahx. somemore he rented 2 videos of the same show. how dumb.
tuesday hari raya public holiday so i went wif my parents go tamp ntuc early in the morn n had breakfast of durian puff n second breakfast at lao yu tiao (nxt to ya kun) had chee cheong fun, chwee kueh n soya bean drink. daddy had you tiao too. anyway, came back n watched 'day aft tomorrow' lovely show abt earth renewing itself n the survivors burned bks to maintain heat through ice age temp. lolx. i watched tis show in the cinema but its nice to watch it again. =) we were supposed to go watch king kong de but alisa hv alot of sch wrk undone so we cannot go watch. bahx.
then went temple. we were all under umbrellas then we saw tis guy got splashed wif water. v funny. oops. tt sounded mean. but the guy was laughing too.

juz in case ur dun understand how he got soaked, i drew tis painting. (i forbid u to laugh to laugh at my comic!) he was running towards to pasar malam. bcoz of heavy rain, the tentage was heavy wif water. his head bumbed a load of collected water n the whole puddle poured down on him. everyone was stunned.
alisa: *looks blur* wat happened??
daddy: luckily he's not a woman or he'll throw a big fuss. *evil stares frm the majority of the family*
todaymommy overslept so she took leave. so i'm stuck to doing wholesome stuff on the com. lolx. not tt i usually do weird stuff like surf porn. coz i dun do those. honest. =P so i'm juz doodling on
paint n helping her check her credit card or the club reward stuff. well, since i check, i hv a major influence on the stuff she redeems. i already got 2mth of free 'keep fit' gym lessons frm the club n of course tons of food vouchers to my fav makan places. muahahahaha.
n guess wat? starhub cable tv now hv a
free karoke channel for subscribers!! only need to connect mic n can surf for ur song using remote control. cool hor. for limited time only lah. but i'll go try it n if its gd, mayb mommy will subscribe to another channel. hehe. 6++ bucks more a mth only mah.
signing off now..
Joy talked at
12:08 PM
Saturday, January 07, 2006
woke up damn early at around 8 then went wif bri, alisa, daddy n mommy to marine terrace for breakfast. i had tissue prata. kinda like the
kosong (without egg sort) only tt it was towering n hv more sugar in the batter. mmm. sinful. bri then went for wushu training at tns. we then went to parkway coz alisa hv tuition at 'aspen' but coz we soo early, everywhere was still dark so we ended up having a second breakfast at
ya kun. for the first time, i went all the way up to the 7th floor of parkway. anyway, mommy bought picnic stuff at giant n we left to fetch bri frm wushu. aft tt, we went to the bmw wrkshp to collect mommy's car.
daddy's sony erricsson s700i conked out so he hafta buy new hp.. we went to the singtel 'hello' shop at parkway nxt to get his new w900i. i so dun tink the phone is worth sooo much but he likes it so wat can i do. it was super boring waiting for mommy to finish enquiring abt the basic stuff. bahx. so we had scoopz ice-cream again. yup yup. its expensive but its healthier then andersen ice-cream. i tried the watermelon flavour which was soo bland. shld juz stick to strawberry or durian nxt time. i oso saw ying jie wif her fren too. hehe.
shortly aft reaching hm, i left to go chinatown to celebrate mengzi's bdae. poo poo. the time change frm 3pm to 4pm. meeting place frm chinatown to tamp. wat a big diff. well, luckily i returned cher's miss call before going anywhere. mz had to go hm n eat bdae noodles so i went to aunty judy's place to wait for ting n loti to finish cutting their hair. somehow, i managed to find her hse all on my own w/o much diff. aft hanging around while they colour n relax their hair, we left for tm.
wenlong then msg me say he saw me pass mac. he was there waiting for marianne. such a pity i nv see them. well, some other time i guess.
it was raining - serve me right for not listening to mommy n not bringing umbrella. but we shopped around n went to genki sushi aft jj n ken (ting's bf) joined us. jj look spectacular as usual in her typical folded up jeans n predictable black tee. it was funny. we were crapping like some long-lost frens abt ting n her *ahem* while we waited for the love-birds outside
jj: hmpf. i'm the last to noe abt them dating.
me: last time we keep saying tt they got chance but they dun believe hor!!
jj: ya lor. but how come i last to noe?
me: ting say u nv contact her so she nv tell u lor.
jj: wat?!? u mean i'm supposed to call her everyday to ask if she found a bf ar?
me: lolx.
jj: u tink they hold hands le ma?
just at tis moment, the darlings came holding hands..
me: tt ans ur qn rite?
we all kept picking on them in watsons n at genki. n its no wonder ting's skirt keep getting tighter n shorter. can rival cher's fav le. haha. it was so embarrasing when i really dunno where to look when they fed bits of food to each other. omg. well, i left before cher cld come n ended up damn early for mommy at pasir ris. i wasted abt 1hr reading comics at popular for her to come.
well, tt abt summarizes my today.
happy bdae meng zi. 18 le hor. muz act ur age k. lolx. btw, i hope u like tt happy hse diary.
Joy talked at
11:19 PM
Thursday, January 05, 2006
tis is what i hv been up to tis few days while ppl r all busy at sch.
- read 'hostage' (quite a gd bk. kinda scary n sinister but thrilling all the same.)
- watched tons of cartoons.
- watched "first daughter" (nice.. i cried too. hehe. its abt how even royalty dun hv all tt they want..)
- watched "the wedding crashers" (funny. crude but funny..)
- called n enquire abt yoga lessons. ($110 for 12 lessons, not tt bad..)
- baked cookies which didn't turn out v nice..
- played maple.
- update my blog.
- slept n eat..
oh, n i found out john is in sargas 1. same is me last time. isn't tt coincidental? i can't wait to go back n visit..
Joy talked at
4:04 PM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
today everybody go back sch n poor me left at hm. yesterday, my sibs collect pocket money i dun hv. so mommy say if i make myself useful she'll pay me. like packing my rm or arranging the mags, etc.. now i'm tinking of baking. hehe. found some recipes le..
n mommy allow me go for
yoga. yipee. the yoga accessories r soo cool. i wanna buy the pink nike mat n white nike bag. =) we oso going
korea not bangkok for tis yr's annual hol. SNOW.. awesome. (earth, ur not the only one tt can go skiing!! hehe.)
mommy's complaining abt our small hse again. mayb we'll move. hehe. i'm dreaming of tt terrace hse at yio chu kang. its damn big. tt hse will prob give me my own floor. imaging tt. i can hv a walk-in-wardrobe n mayb even a personal sitting rm. cool. its kinda cheap for tt size too. it even hv a roof-top garden n swimming pool in the master bedrm balcony. if we juz strike 4D then dun hafta worry le.
Joy talked at
2:46 PM
Monday, January 02, 2006
i watched 'national treasure' hv nicholas cage n tis other girl as leads. i tink the gal v chio n smart too. its a v fascinting show abt all the clues n puzzles to piece together to find the greatest treasure left behind by the knights of the round table.
they oso talk abt the free masons (powerful secret society) n stuff. its kinda thrilling for a disney show but my bro loved it too. it makes ur brain move as u relate to past scenes.. of course, bad guys get arrested n gd guys live happily ever aft. but its kinda like indiana jones wif more graphic imaging. v creative show abt a map behind the declaration of independence, the explosives, the ancient ship, the hidden passageways beneath the church, etc.. reminds me of the da vinci code..
highly recommended. i tink its available for rental coz when i went to rent shows yesterday, i saw it there as one of their most popular vcd. =)
yesterday went parkway again. the little ones wanna buy sch shoes.. n went marine parade popular for stationery. at popular, got tis 2 guys say hi to me. they noe my name leh. so tt means i met them before. but coz lazy me nv wear contacts or specs, i can't recognize. so juz smiled in their general direction lor. but frm their silhouettes, they look cute. lolx. mayb tuition or pri sch ppl ba. coz i dun associate any familiar sec sch peeps. too bad. we oso went expo for 'times' bk fair. bought abt 100 bucks worth of bks. but it was soo worth it. mom bought lots of cook bks esp jap kind - my fav. dad bought lots of hard cover mystery novels. trix got lovey dovey kind n i bought only one thriller abt hostages. i wanted a bimbo one too. hv shiny pink cover leh.. but its $13 so not tt worthwhile. my purchase was selling at $8 but coz hourly special, i bought it for $2 only. original price is $14 leh. i feel so proud of my bargain. but its kinda scary so i haven read beyond the first few pages.
condo oso had a
new yr party. there was free food so we went to the function rm for lunch. there was tis grp of teens. tts funny coz we like nv notice tis condo hv ppl our age de. anyway, i tink they r sec sch or jc lvl coz they look matured yet hair got no colour. all the pri sch n baby age kids v eager to draw winning tickets. the prizes quite shiok. even got big microwave oven sia. but we nv win lah. still, had fun watching the kiasu housewives scramble to dapao food or force their kids to go draw lots.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOMMY N DADDY!! MAY U HV MANY MANY MORE SUCH DAYS. love u guys loads. sorry, their actual anniversary is 1st jan.
lunch time..
Joy talked at
12:15 PM
Sunday, January 01, 2006
rained today. it so totally wrecked my exercise schedule n spoiled my new yr. haha. well, perhaps i did't hv tt solid a resolve to wake up early. anyway, i went for breakfast n market wif my papa n mama.. n watched 'the kid' which is an interesting show.. abt past, present n future all interwined..
daddy say if i dun intend to wrk n still wanna pass time, i shld go learn something.. hmm. mayb i shldn't wrk afterall.. wrk so hard get peanuts only. bahx.
mommy ask me go learn proper speed typing or shorthand writing or a third language but i was thinking otherwise. how does yoga n aerobics sound? i wann go hv a fit n toned body. besides, it'll prob cost as much or lesser as shld i enrol wif
marie france bodyline.. went to surf on '
amore fitness'. n the following seems appealing..
- power yoga: a high-beat, high-energy workout employing strong flowing movements n dynamic breathing techniques. improves flexibility, concentration, physical n mental strength.
- aerobics (new body): a high intensity, low impact aerobics workout using bands n hand weights, wif no jumping or running. expect a combination of aerobic exercise n muscle training, excellent for fat burning n toning.
- kick-boxing: a high-intensity workout tt draws inspiration frm martial arts. kicks n punches r incorporated to integrate both the upper n lower body in a total workout. improves muscle strength n tone.
anyone wanna join me?? =)
Joy talked at
5:53 PM