Monday, October 31, 2005
The theme now is "
the good old days".. when cher cld still afford time for us. but i guess everybody has to grow-up n move on n was reluctant to delete these coz they look so child-like n innocent. tis is dedicated to u
ting ting. i hope u take things in ur stride n may u be happy always. =)

[frm top]
1st pic: cher in victors hse shirt outside 'pet safari' at simei. so boliao... actually posed wif a constipated looking bunny. but well, at least she's
taller. haha. oops, no offence!!
2nd pic: cher at the same place reaching out to touch a giant mouse. haha. they look soo cute...
3rd pic: cher n ting try to be like 'mary poppins' in straw hats. they look like they belong in the wrong era!! but BIG smiles anyway.. =D
Joy talked at
6:45 PM
now gonna upload some pics frm my old nokia 7250i which i hv traded-in. i miss it together wif all my msg n pics but these 13pics r those i felt held the most sentimental memories. (i wld go bankrupt if i sent all 211 pics i had!) but its such a pity, i had to delete all those cute cute msg frm everybody esp
jason chen kai xiang who flooded my mailbox back then in damai. haha. but there were some smses frm a certain somebody who
used to be special n which i nv had the heart to delete. mayb tis forced 'clean-up' will allow me to
wash away the old n start a fresh...

[frm top]
1st pic: taken at dmss frm the sci block 2nd floor gals toilet. if i'm not wrong, its taken by ting. i tink its cool coz there's the reflection of the opp classrm block. i kept it coz it showcases our fav hang-out place - where we bitch, cry n relieve ourselves. as i rmbr, there were benches n fans in there for us to sit n chat. (now the teachers noe why gals need to visit the loo in pairs n why they take ages. lolx.) =P
2nd pic: main focus is ting n jj. jj mugging as usual... so guai, unlike now. haha. ting, being vain as usual. tis is a typical 4e4 cls scenerio. i hope there was no teacher present then... it wld be plain rude. i kept tis coz my time wif 4e4 (2004) is when i met the bestest frens of all time. ppl i wld rmbr forever n ever. i mean it.
3rd pic: is at bedok reservoir mac where we studied for our Os. tis was juz before the f&n paper. i kept it coz i'll nv see beez n ting in sch uni anymore le. (unless ur wanna model for me lah. haha.)
Joy talked at
6:45 PM
aft i left my dear damai, i shuttled between
mi n
mj. both gave me a great time tt i wld rmbr always. i couldn't keep many of the other pics but when i find more of them in my com or frm my frens, i'll try to upload them as a picture speaks a thousand wrds (n takes 3000X the memory as well. ain't it paradoxical?)

[frm top]
1st pic: joanne (st. antoney), geraldine (beatty sec) n qianyu (plmgs) they were my first frens in mi. although i had many more in tt 3mth who r now prob closer to me, tis 3 r still special. wherever u r, pls keep in touch. take care n god bless.
2nd pic: tis shows an empty LT2 in mj. the smallest LT n the one we use for hist n ao-math. tis was taken aft ao-math while 'bullying' mrs quek aft lesson, before break. its rare to see an LT empty esp frm where the teacher's seated. hmm, but it still looks intimidating. i wonder why??
3rd pic: tis was a good-luck present frm yingjie juz before the study break for promos. the flower has decomposed but i'm still keeping the rolled-up msg n vintage stars. i guess it muz hv taken alot of effort to shread magazines n fold those lovely stars. thank u for taking the time. it really made me feel special.
4th pic: tis was the rice design thingy anee, earth n i won 3rd prize in creativity for. it represents "light in ones heart" or something like tt lah. its tedious to form tt u noe. haha. but it looks nicer in the pic than it does in real life... haha.
Joy talked at
6:44 PM
darling family. though i sometimes get v irritated n pissed off, i still rank u guys no. 1. tis sounds cliche but its true. haha. so when i lose my temper n throw tantrums, although i still tink i'm right n make sense but i'll give ur the benefit of the doubt n i love u all loads n loads..

[frm top]
1st pic: my whole family excluding myself coz i'm taking the pic (duh?!?) frm left, trix, daddy, alisa, mommy n brian. brian is wacky as usual, dad is serious, trix n alisa all prim n proper n dear old mom all posed for the camera!
2bd pic: jail?? haha. no lah. my didi is crapping as usual behind some fake wooden deco at downtown east sakura (closed down liao) finally, something to control n keep him in check. lolx. =P
Joy talked at
6:43 PM
ok. here's briefly wat happened yesterday. went for indo massage n dinner at tis thai restaurant at parkway. juz realized i've been to parkway parade soo many times tis past few days. anyway, the food suck n service was lousy. daddy had to re-order his drink 3X as they keep running out. btw, it wasn't even dinner time yet - how cld they run out tt early?? anyway, bought my
wallet (the white one wif green glitter - $36.90) n my
pinky samsung baby (paid $198 + $100 trade-in = value $298) . a flip-phone at last.. haha.
lost my entry proof n was panicking last nite, tis was further worsened by mommy rushing me to fill in the warranty card for my new hp. finally, everything was settled n i went to slp.
mommy sent me to sch tis morn n was fretting as the new maid wants to
quit. tis will be a record man. 1wk. fantastic. haha. did chi As today which was slightly better then i had expected. the hall was brrr... waited 45 min for the SLOW invigilators to finish counting the scripts. when they finally released us, i was touched to see a certain person cry bcoz of me leaving for poly (i shan't say who but thanks) but perhaps, tis certain somebody was crying bcoz yet another person has to retain. lolx. haha. *grins* anyway, feeling nice n touched, i sat in hist class, my
last lect in mj forever. it was boring but for once, i didn't fall asleep. maybe i juz wanted to absorb all the sights n sounds i cld manage before it was too late. had small chat wif yj abt her wkend shopping sprees (trust mr chua to say she's the most frugal gal in a201) n yes, mayb "evelyn" IS a unisex name juz as "ying jie" is hor. lolx. left poor an ee to do oral presentation by himself n rushed hm to pei mommy.
was overwhelmed by mengzi who kept calling n messaging abt my bdae celebrations tmr. gosh, i'm touched again. =) i'm not kidding. no one has ever gone to such lengths (except mz n ting lah) n the only reason why the whole thing can't materialize is bcoz of troublesome me. =( but yet, they r still trying hard to accomodate. gosh, thank u so v much.
registered my
baby online, attempted to download a game but failed (gosh i wasted those internet surfing time!!) but well, personalized my phone more too. had
two durian cakes for tea - sinful but all so satisfying... mmm.. =P
maybe i shld hv gone for a jog but my muscles r aching frm yeasterday's rub... but well, its the tot tt counts. hehe. =X
Joy talked at
5:21 PM
Saturday, October 29, 2005
for all the kpos out there who wanna noe who my
eyecandy is... tis is wat i tink is accurate of him. but since i wun be staying le, it doesn't matter if he stumbles onto tis now as i'll be far far away n spared frm all embarrassments! haha. n since i already 'confessed' to suting, its no big deal liao.
- abt 1.7m ++ (quite short lah but still taller then yj's one!)
- shld be between 65 - 70 kg
- carry nike slingbag
- sci stream (arts hv cuties meh??)
- econ n math
- prob phy ba (since sotong say chem got no cute guys)
- plays volleyball (kinda dark)
- stay tamp area (saw him on bus 81 & 39)
- spike hair (but not gravity-defying, lightning-tempting kind..)
- quiet n brooding sort (guess frm appearance only.)
- hv a orange creative zen nano (i tink... its 'creative' anyway.)
- chinese (duh?!?)
- dun wear specs (i dunno abt contacts)
- typical tie shoelace kinda nike shoes
- nv wear those act-cool coloured wristbands (thank goodness!)
tis is to yj juz in case i fail to pt him out before i leave. happy searching. =)
i'll miss him when i leave. i heard poly guys r not as attractive but well, it was nv meant to be anyway. though i hope n pray he wld at least notice me before i filter silently out of his life n wat cld hv been.
pt of note (wat i discussed wif suting): since i'm leaving, i can go confess. no loss ma. at most, i'll juz escape to poly forever. i was crapping to tell him: "hey, i tink u're cute... wanna be frens?" then if he reject, i can either run away or save some face by saying, "haha, i tricked u! tis is juz a dare frm my frens n u were the unlucky victim. did u really tink i'll fancy u?" lolx. tis is mean but outwardly rejecting someone is meaner. muahahaha!! =P (juz kidding. i wun hv the courage ever.)
unrequited love hurts but being rejected hurts more.
Joy talked at
11:49 PM
to suting:
u dun hv to be so sad lah. i noe u'll miss me since i'm soo lovable. haha. bhb! wah. even kinda dedicated an entry to me. haha. =P i'll do likewise now lah.
i juz wan u to noe tt i
can go to yr2 but i chose not to for some unexplainable reason. so going to poly is my choice. i was not forced into it by anyone or anything. so dun be upset. u shld even congratulate me for being brave enough to attempt tis switch. it'll be diff but we'll both wrk hard towards going to uni together. mayb, we may even be in the same course a few yrs down the rd? haha.
its depressing tt it all has to end even before it really started in mj (6mth only) seeing u in sch, along corridors n all really brightens up my day. i dunno if i've ever told u tis before but u r really quite chio so if ur crush dun notice u, its his loss. but its such a pity we muz spilt even before i can show u my eyecandy n u show me urs.
but watever happens, we'll still keep in touch yeah? afterall, i've known u since sec 1 n tt is a fact tt wun ever change. will treasure our neoprints forever. take care n study hard.
p.s. (read my tag... it adds some stuff.)
Joy talked at
10:48 PM
today, celebrated my bdae
again. haha. n i'm not complaining. i guess mommy is feeling guilty for not going to a dinner party on my exact date so she's making up for it. well, had
pizza hut at east coast today coz everyone was against my initial jap n italian food choices. (but those r my ultimate favs!!) =(
anyway, tried their new triple cheese pizza which is well, ultra cheesy. but still not too bad. lolx. damn full. daddy then took us to gelare (YUM!) n i had a raspberry sorbet which is loads better than brian's orange-flavoured one. haha. =P
there was more adventure wif temu today. firstly, mom taught her abt the garden today... she insisted on walking bare-footed on hot ground. i wonder why. when scooping the fishes out of the pond, daddy said: "dun drip water all over the place k?" n guess wat she did?? haha. she shook the net n wiped it dry while the poor fish was still in it. everyone was shocked. although the fishy wasn't hurt in anyway, its fellow mates were so horrified tt they hid under the plants n fountain. gosh, n the fishes all used to be super 'brave' forever visible n cld even nibble our fingers w/o fear. they r traumatised now i suppose..
next, when told to scrub the pond of algae, she climbed right into it. w/o pumping out the water. tis left daddy stunned n ran to get mom for sos. =P
n i nv study chi again. As is on mon n i'm doomed. i noe i'm not intending to stay but as yj say, a cert is still a cert n since tis is an external cambridge exam, i shld take it seriously. oh, n ppl, though i leave, can someone pls pls pls collect the
yrbk for me? i paid liao n i wanna hv class pic as a momento (though i'll look awful anyway..) oso, i tink there's my articles in there - frm cp. thanks a million. rmbr hor!!
Joy talked at
10:17 PM

| | Angel or Devil?? [angel mostly] Oh, what a delightfully good person you are! Your halo might be a little tarnished from late nights at the sock hop, but you're still an angel at heart. If you brush yourself off a little bit you could fool people for sure. |
| |
Joy talked at
3:35 PM
now tt i've decided to transfer to poly, there r many things i need to do. firstly, how do i go abt registering my entry [izzit through jae??]. secondly, the course tt i wanna undergo. thirdly, lose weight so i can wear nice nice clothes. haha. but yeah, i can't waste another yr so muz make sure i take tis seriously n excel so can go uni ma. =)
tp or np??
courses interested in
- diploma in business (human resource or tourism & leisure)
- diploma in marketing
- diploma in retail management
courses interested in np..
- diploma in business studies
- diploma in mass communications (public relations)
or maybe a diploma in business admin in sp??
hey guys, if u hv any feedback, it is greatly appreciated. thanks.
Joy talked at
3:02 PM
Friday, October 28, 2005
to yingjie, nv ever doubt it when i say i dun regret my time in mj. the main reason is u. wif earth, mag n renfeng. its bcoz of ur friendship tt kept me going even when i felt like giving up. it gave me the will to persevere n come to sch. besides, who knows, tis cld be a blessing in disguise?? every dark cloud has a sliver lining. though i really hope u'll miss me, i want u to get on wif ur life too. we'll keep in contact. n stay happy forever. =)
i'm forever in ur debt
i couldn't hv done it w/o u
u really shouldn't hv
but i'm so glad u took the time
i'm happier, then u'll ever noe
wat i'm trying to say is
will always miss u guys. thanks for the wonderful memories. take care n study hard.
0 5 A 2 0 1 R O C K S M Y L I F E" may no longer exist (no more 17 ppl ma) but i'll always rmbr u guys n the times we shared. thank u for simply being who u r. =)
n to a certain somebody... if i irritate or irk u soo much tt u've to block me time n again, u dun hv to worry. frm today onwards, i wun be bothered by u anymore. honest. juz a note, i'm not someone u can accept when u want n reject as n when u choose. i dun deny tt i used to like u. but tts all in the past. its too late to turn back now.
Joy talked at
8:24 PM
ok. aft the lala mood i'm in bcoz of my bdae, i'm sorry but i bring depressing news (unless u absolutely hate me n can't wait to see me leave.)
i'm leaving mj n going to poly.
i noe i managed to advance. i noe its a priviledge many others dun hv. i noe its the most direct n fastest route into uni. but i've made up my mind. n i'm too stubborn to change it. first let me recount all tt happened..
yesterday when i received ms sue's call, i knew i did not promote but was only lucky enough to advance which although still means i can go into yr2, it means tt i passed only based on gd conduct n teacher's comments of gd behavoir n not bcoz of meeting the basic merit requirements. so chances r, i wun make it nxt yr n i can't risk wasting 2yrs which roughly translates to
3% of my life if i live to 75yrs old.
had a talk wif ms sue: "u shld noe by now tt being in a jc means no social life. judging frm ur situation now, shld u choose to stay, it means
negative social life. r u prepared?" n jo who said:"u shld stay. at least here, u'll be fighting a demon u already noe as opposed to starting a fresh n fighting brand new demons." n bee:"failure is not abt falling but its abt not knowing how to stand up aft a fall." started crying outside c3-1 n although i saw my cute guy coming out of the toilet, i was in no mood to actually admire - it was only today tt i finally realised, i've spent my entire time doing unnecessary stuff like boy-watching. left to go on a somewat cls outing to heartland mall for mac. met wilfred n xiao yan frm srjc.. couldn't go wif rf, kavi, yuvan, sam n euo to little india as mommy has an appt wif ms sue at 3.30.
came back, waited for ms sue to go through slides n discovering she has a bad sense of punctuality making us wait 40min but wat to do, we needed her help. went wif earth to see mr chua who evaluated our options now n he expressed shock tt i prob wasn't going to stay but i cld still sense relief in his tone "statistically, students who barely scrapped through wun do better then an av of Ds during their As." watched helplessly as i saw earth cry. for someone as strong as her to cry made me fall back to reality tt mayb, i juz wasn't suited for tis kinda lifestyle.
mommy met ms sue n mr chua n somehow mr koh. ms sue said:"to prevent her frm floating, the best way is to seal off one option." now, i've ended up wif a withdrawal form n instructions to research more on poly courses. of course, i need to go for chi As n complete my pw so as to tie up all my loose ends. as daddy said, "take it as a lesson learnt. it does not matter." so i guess i'll go poly afterall.
as for ppl childish enough to ostracize me juz bcoz i had the guts to go try out a jc system, i can't be bothered wif u. its my future i've to ultimately look aft. besides, as many hv pointed out, there will be others who drop out frm jc of those frm normal acad tt go poly. these ppl will be the same age as i am so there's nothing to be ashamed abt. or so i hope. but life is all abt changes n risk. tis is juz my first step in my new yr.
dun be upset. tis process has made me more matured n helped me noe tt my actions will lead to consequences i've to carry for life. i've nv regretted coming into mj. i'll nv will.
p.s. (mayb, juz mayb, u're the only one who can make me change my mind n stay but i guess u dunno. n u prob will nv noe.) - tis is not my eye-candy but i wun tell so dun ask.
Joy talked at
6:26 PM
further thanks to tis ppl who msg me aft yesterday's post. ruth, johnathan, marianne, shuyun, jiajin n yuting who so thoughtfully concluded my bdae at 12am tis morn. i love u guys. *muacks*
my passage frm sweet 16 to not-so-sweet 17 has not been an easy one. in fact, it was full of trials, tribulations n many many changes. but somehow, i've survied n mayb, become stronger. arnd tis time last yr, i was mugging for my Os. i did ok, wif L1R4 = 11 n L1R5 = 13. tis marked my end of stay in damai n chucked me into mj. but before tis transition came, i was chucked into MI - bartley for the first 3mths bcoz of my attrocious results. however, i nv regretted the time i spent wif 05B1 n og2. aft receiving my grades, i took the risk n plunged straight into the rigorous jc curiculum. sad to say, i did not adapt well which resulted in my situation today. during tis period, i met wonderful ppl who hv greatly impacted my life. n studied harder then i've ever studied before. i oso coped wif the departure of my dear aunty su n accepted the new temu. juz as things were falling into place, i've decided to embark on tis whole new journey. but well, life is all abt changes. i guess, i'll juz hv to live wif it.
specially to renfeng, yingjie n mag, thank u for making my birthday tis yr less rotten n helping n leading me through wat cld possibly hv been the darkest moments of my life..
Joy talked at
5:59 PM
Thursday, October 27, 2005
ms sue spoilt my jubilant spirits of today. haiz. juz as i was trying to calm myself down for tmr's release of the bloody results. thankful tt i've not received the much dreaded phone call frm the sch, she had to call. rumours r spreading like wildfire tt shld u receive a call frm the general office, u've to retain but if ur ct calls u, u can advance but muz kinda re-test in march nxt yr. i dunno whether tis is true but though i wanna be given the option to stay, earth got a call frm the office. i dun wanna see her leave.
i tink there cld be some truth in tis as mr chua talked to sam, rf, jo n me aft lect today to say how we muz really buck-up n how we've to wrk together wif the teachers. but earth did not get tis pep-talk. so i really hv a bad feeling.
wat a sucky bdae. n when i call everybody trying to find someone to tok to, everyone's too busy for me. i guess i'm juz insignificant. too small to be noticed or cared for. =(
can earth pls pls pls stay...
Joy talked at
6:57 PM
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to joy chua
happy birthday to me!!
haha. anyway, today was kinda a more special day. thank u to everybody who bothered to rmbr... it really meant alot. special thanks to ppl who wished me. in order frm 12.03am tis morn. isabel, xinyu, yingjie, mommy, daddy, trixie, alisa, brian, magdeline, euodia, renfeng, earth, beefong, khangjing, amelia, jolene, kavitha, liping, anting, jason, suting, anee, karkoon n mr wan.
oso, thank u for all the wonderful presents:
mommy: my samsung hp + cute card
por por: ladybird pendant
trixie: unique keyring
renfeng: princess bag + pink teddy + perlini heart-shaped bracelet + mirror card (totally cool..)
earth & yingjie**: 'oink-oink' piggy bank + organizer
mag: bear bear hp accessory
mr wan: $20 hongbao
thank u for even bothering n i love u guys loads n loads.
** u guys really suprised me. i honestly tot ur forgot my present n were plotting something behind my back. haha. the locker idea was damn sweet. u guys r my bestest frens in mj. thanks a million.
n isa, ur slides were v nice, colourful n entertaining. even ms sue felt they were gd. haha. thanks alot.
p.s. (u forgot or didn't even bother. i guess it speaks for something.)
Joy talked at
6:29 AM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
26th oct. won rangoli comp - 3rd place in 'creative' catergory... got to go on stage n receive hamper of goodies frm ms lai. i kinda dig tis indian culture coz i get to put tatoos n draw hennas n walk around w/o getting into trouble. =)
had op dry-run today. i stammered, stuttered n stared at my paper. unlike an ee n ying jie n euodia who all received praises. =( haha. n i juz discovered tt the vending machines outside the LTs could be paid for using ezylink cards!!
oso, the new maid came today. she seems innocent so i tink i shld be able to get along wif her pretty smoothly... her name is temu or teru or something like tt lah. por por will be going hm tonight... it has been pretty nice wif her hanging around tis few days n i'm gonna miss her. but anyway, i can always go visit her n i can finally hv my own rm back!
guess wat, i went to - personality test thingy. n as quoted "Joy... intelligent? very... good looking? definitely..." haha. tis is sooo 'accurate'! lolx. a more elaborate analyis can be found at juz in case u're kaypo. =P
tmr's my bdae n no, i'm not hinting... juz worried tt no one will rmbr n it will contribute further to me having at absolutely rotten sweet 17!! results will be released on fri. i wanna pass n promote but i'm afraid tt i wun do well nxt yr if i pass only through moderation. i'm mentally prepared to fail but i tink i'll still be v upset n miserable if i really do. will u be here by my side then??
Joy talked at
6:25 PM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
tis is gonna be boring so skip tis entry is u wanna. juz scroll down till u reach the previous entry for today... n i'm juz playing aft a hard day of hsewrk. yeah, por por cooked, packed n washed but i cleaned n washed too. soon, the doc can't complain tt i hv no visible veins for injection liao. tis is a v long entry so dun say i nv warn u.Hot or Not? (for girls)
[Part 1] Self Confidence: 63% -> You doubt yourself in some situations.
[Part 2] Sensory Perceptions: 60% -> Somewhat sensitive to stimulation around you.
[Part 3] Body Language: 67% -> Quite good at utilizing on occasions.
[Part 4] Conversational Skills: 73% -> You can fit in with society.
[Part 5] Empathy For Others: 63% -> Occasionally empathizes with others.
You are a typical girl, like the majority.
Attractiveness level: 64%
muahahaha. bullshit. as if lor. =PWhat is your favorite fruit? [strawberry]
Here is the analysis:You love a good life. You live extravagantly and like everything around you to be beautifully crafted. You are optimistic, have an excellent sense of humor and enjoy having your friends around you.
How do you react to compliments? [say "thank u"]
Here is the analysis:If you are gracious and simply say thank you when you receive a compliment, it shows that you are confident and self-assured. You respect the privacy of others, and don't like to poke your nose into anyone's business. You are sure of what your values are, and are proud of what you believe.
The favorite place in your home [bedroom]
Here is the analysis:You are imaginative and colorful. You attract people just by the way you talk. This can make some people feel jealous.
umm... like there's something for ppl to be jealous abt in the first place!!Your Handwriting [small spaces between wrds]
Here is the analysis:You are a sociable and outgoing person. You enjoy attending parties and seek attention from people wherever you can. The closer you place your words together, the more afraid you are of being left alone. Loneliness is your one great fear.
What's on your mind? [heart-shape, wallet, high-heeled shoes, handbag]
Here is the analysis:You'll drop everything to be with the partner of your dreams, and you'll give their sentimental presents rather than expensive ones. Nevertheless, your spontaneous nature does have a limit, and when the romance is over, you'll head back to work to pick up the pieces.
Rings on Fingers [forefinger]
You are quitely confident and very responsible. You like to lead and can appear to be quite tough on the surface, but underneath is a gentle and sensitive character that enjoys the finer things of life.
Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavour [strawberry]
You are affectionate, giving and loving. You are very understanding of others which makes you a person others want to be with.
wah, i sound so great!The Pattern of Your Tableware [white]
Simplicity is your signature style. You like to stick to your daily routine and don't mind at all that there's not much excitement in your life. You are sensible and well in control of your emotions.
technically, my mom buys all the tableware. =)The color of your car [sliver]
You are fashionable. Most of the money you earn is spent on clothes rather than food and other necessities. You are friendly and confident in front of strangers. You value your friendships.
Your Pet's Name [named aft their character]
Choosing a name such as Blackie, Spot or White means that you are fixed by society's rules and traditions. You weigh out consequences carefully before taking any action. You are reasonable and think thoroughly before making a decision.
Get to know yourself betterYour view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you meet that person.
The seriousness of your love: Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education: Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you: You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success: You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed.
What are you most afraid of: You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self: You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
hmm. so r pretty true but i doubt the part abt having alot of dates. sigh.The Real You
Here is the analysis:
- You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
- You don't really care about other people's feelings. You do things the way you want and usually think only about yourself. You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties.
- You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
- Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
- Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
i can't deny the immature part but then again, the part abt attracting guys is far frm true.
What's your personality love style?
Here is the analysis:You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.
i knew all along tt i was a perfectionist but my standards aren't high - its juz tt s'pore guys r too bad to even meet tis basic requirements. (oops!!)
What does being a friend really mean to you?
You value your friendships: 55% You love your friends very much - so much so that it's actually quite a worry. You may not be able to cope very well when you do lose somebody's friendship. You are a very sensitive and fragile person, and are therefore likely to get upset easily. You care for your friends and are willing to do anything that they ask you to do. Sometimes this can make your friends think that you are a bit of a nuisance. Nevertheless, people do really love you because your highest priority is your friends.
Are You Nosy?
Nosy Level: 90%You have a wild and crazy imagination, and this can lead you to being very nosy as you strive to check out whether your theories are true. You get very occupied with your own thoughts and create fantastic stories out of the things that you think are happening in people's lives. It might be a good idea to concentrate more on your own life.
joy 'kapo' chua
A present for your boyfriend [handmade scarf]
Here is the analysis:You have strong attitudes towards things. You often manipulate a story you've heard. It is not completely lying. You just add things to what you have heard and retell it in a different way.
not tt i've a bf. but instead wat i wld give out of perfume, shoes, cd n scarf shld i hv one. me manipulative?? well, i'm a scorpio afterall.
Jealousy Test
Jealousy Level: 45% - harbor hidden feelings of jealousy
You easily get jealous of other people, but you manage to control your expressions and emotions. For instance, when a close friend tells you that she has met the man of her dreams, you might sincerely say to her "Congratulations!", but what you're really thinking is "You're so lucky! Why can't I be you?"
The Bus [a back seat on the entrance side]
Here is the analysis:You are more concerned with yourself rather than with others. Superficially, you are a quiet and imaginative person. As you choose to sit at the back, you can converse with your friends although you do not talk a lot.
ahem. i dun tok alot meh?? i tot i was like a chatterbox radio wif no knob to turn me off. =P
Your Hidden Talent
Here is the analysis:
The Mass Communicator. You have a cheerful personality and you are a naturally kind person. Your hidden talent isn't really that hidden at all: you shine among a crowd. You would make an ideal news announcer, flight attendant or model - any position that would give you an opportunity to deal with plenty of people. A tip for you is to avoid getting too deeply involved in others' personal lives - otherwise you might find yourself constantly being asked for help.
Who is your dream guy?
Here is the analysis:He is wild and adventurous. His path is often against the world. He does what he wants when he feels like. His type of girl is quite like him, independent and wise. If you love freedom and willing to risk, go for this guy.
i tink the person i've in mind already fits tis bill but there's a higher possibility he wun go for gals like me..
How well do you react?
Here is the analysis:You recover quickly from disappointment. But when you feel that things are going wrong, you will react immediately.
Whats your favorite mode of travel? [car - vroom!]
Here is the analysis:Your inner energy brings you through life. You will achieve your goal in life as long as you take it easy.
How well will you survive in this wild world?
Here is the analysis:You are quite pessimistic and wavering. People can simply find out what's on your mind from your facial expression or speech.
Your Sixth Sense
Your Sixth Sense Score: 60%You are too careful. Listen more to your inner feelings and take a chance. You will then find the pleasure in life.
argh!! tis is damn addictive man. i've spent so much time on tis but i juz can't seem to stop. oh dear. i'm hooked!!! some of the quizzes like v familar. like i got do before but yet ans v foreign... no. i muz go slp now. seriously lacking in slp. *snore*
Joy talked at
6:58 PM
chi As is coming n tmr is op dry-run. tis is all too sudden. i haven even prepared anything. not at all. the slides r all a mess n our grp is still not coming together. tis is wat they get when they force ppl who're barely close to do a proj together. they juz can't cooperate n communicate well. i mean, if they let us choose our own grp, mayb we wun do much better but at least we'll b having fun in then process n no one wld hate pw so much. i guess i muz start a 'i-hate-pw' fanclub. n my chi still kanna sai!! by luck if get like c5 muz thank god... hmm. if i more heng then mayb hope for a B. muahahaha... dunno my own limits sia. =P
stayed up till 2am two nites ago to summarize the idiotic wr. slept damn little last nite as i had to wake up so early tis morn then tonight prob oso can't slp early bcoz being grp leader muz show example n compile everything as its not fair tt isa hv to do it all the time. n i bet none of them. i repeat none of them will submit their parts by 8pm, the stipulated time. wat to do. i guess, we're all fated to hate tis sub for the remaining of tis yr.
everybody pangseh me. nv come to sch, an ee better thank god tt i nv listen to him n bring laptop coz he overslept n nv come to sch. if i had really took the trouble n brought it, i wun forgive him. in fact, i'll personally slaughter him - skin him alive n hang him upside down by his toenails frm the 3rd floor!!!
deadtired today. even refused yj's invitation to watch 'flightplan' although it seems to be quite a nice show. but muz save $ n not be as frivilous as i was in the past. oh btw, seeing how damn pathetic we're at hsewrk, mommy is going to hire a new maid coz its cheaper to get someone completely brand-new i guess. tis time, she wants us to draw the line clearly. no more buddy buddy. no more late-night secrets. we muz call her by name - no "aunty". n she muz call me her mistress. cool huh. miss joy. lol. but yeah lets not get carried away. she's here to do her job n we're the paymasters..
Joy talked at
2:55 PM
bye bye aunty su. i'll miss u forever n ever. sent her to the airport at 5am tis morn. had a farewell dinner last nite wif pizza n kfc. we even had a mango cake wif a big candle to mark the 10 yrs she has been wif us. somehow, i do not feel any diff as when she's here but the knowledge tt she's beyond my reach leaves me pining n kinda depressed but life has to go on n the pain will eventually subside de.
tis is the msg she sent me at 12:03:24 am tis morn. it got me all sad n crying again. its like ur 2nd mother is leaving for gd. "joy is me aunty su here just want to say thanks somuch 4 everything. n i will missu always remember to take care of each other help mummy,daddy n ur didi too. good luck to u in everything u do.i love u always k." tis is quoted exactly frm her sms w/o any change. it may not mean much but its juz heart-breaking. i hate changes. i hate having to adjust n adapt. i hate. i hate. i hate. =(
went to sch for chi only. as my whole pw grp didn't turn up, i went to parkway to meet mommy n por por only to be their extra pair of hands to carry the sundry stuff they bought. ate kuay chap. yum. had a long chat wif por por as daddy changed all the house locks - precautions r a must as u nv noe if anuty su did give anybody outside our hse keys. por por was sharing wif me all her encounters wif unpleasant domestic workers. for someone whose last two maids stayed only 3mth each n current one although breaking the record n staying for 4mth is starting to reveal less than perfect 'true colours'.
her past few maids hv been sent hm bcoz of theft. apparently my aunt has lost quite a few branded stuff including diamond earrings n pearl necklaces. she even mentioned a few methods which tis foreign domestic workers use to 'smuggle' their loot out. many a times wif accomplices - neighbouring maids. some r pretty hilarious but it mayb possible!! tink abt it...
- hide loot behind toilet mirrors or underneath toilet bowls or even among pails n brushes. [who wld hv looked at these places??]
- bundle loot in masking tape or plastic bag n toss it over to the neighbour's maid for safekeeping. [so if suspected, they do not hv any incriminating evidence on hand.]
- hide loot in bra. [for modesty sake, who wld go search? - haven u been watching movies?]
- stuff loot into sanitary pads. [not kidding! tts where my grandmother found her lost $30.]
- put loot in her *ahem* underwear. [for modesty sake again.]
- burry loot in garden till its safe to retrieve. [mths later when hopefully the employer hv already forgotten his loss.]
- pass loot through windows to outsiders who wld either help ship them back hm or sell them for commission.
hmmm. can't tink fo anymore rite now but by the looks of it, they r pretty talented in coming up wif all these scheming plans. it really makes one shudder as to wat sorta risk u r bringing hm by hiring a maid. unlike in the gd old days where maids coming frm hometown villages r really 'docile' n obedient. if u find one maid in s'pore tt does not dream of turning frm sparrow to phoenix or in fariy-tale context, a cinderella dream, call me. she may juz be the maid i've been looking for!!
i'm not saying tt all maids r thieves but its best to put up one's guard. i take acknowledgement of wat i've said but is in no way trying to offend or hurt anybody. honest. shld u hv such adverse reactions, i did not do it deliberately.
Joy talked at
2:36 PM
Hot or Not? (for girls)
[Part 1] Self Confidence: 63% -> You doubt yourself in some situations.
[Part 2] Sensory Perceptions: 60% -> Somewhat sensitive to stimulation around you.
[Part 3] Body Language: 67% -> Quite good at utilizing on occasions.
[Part 4] Conversational Skills: 73% -> You can fit in with society.
[Part 5] Empathy For Others: 63% -> Occasionally empathizes with others.
You are a typical girl, like the majority.
Attractiveness level: 64%
haha. bullshit. as if lah. =P
Joy talked at
3:41 AM
Monday, October 24, 2005
today was a damn slack day. spent the first period in c3-1 wif earth n jon but mainly tok to earth only since she was fawning over the earrings i gave her. haha. well, at least she said they were cute n appeared to like them. such a pity i dun hv time to wrap it in the nice nice pink wrapper wif sliver hearts.
yingjie gave her aloe vera gel which was kinda my suggestion hor. lol. after going frm teva slippers to sunblock lotion. earth was overwhelmed by its smell.. went to lib at 8.30am to send wr to ms sue. gosh was the lib crowded n packed like sardines literally. haha. i guess meridians r prone to last min wrk. managed to secure a com wif internet w/o much trouble - lucky ba. settled everything n went for chi. mock test on sections B to E frm tis yr june As paper. 24/60. not tt bad considering how i skipped the entire tian xie han zhi n finished everything in less than 30min.
paid 3 bucks for a henna on my ankle n together wif earth n an ee took part in tis design competition wif coloured rice organised by the ics. we did tis candle with flame engulfed in a heart. kinda nice but a far cry frm the other contestants. the only enjoyable part was tt we were encouraged to play wif our food. lolx. went to airport n slacked there the whole time till yuvan, yj n rf came.
had bk , crapped somemore. bought 8 days n argued wif an ee the gossip monger. haha.
i'm a princess, earth's a palace maid n an ee is the court jester. muahaha. n yj, i'm not jealous coz i'm a gem too. haha. bhb. anyway, purple is a ROYAL colour not a gay colour. so dun insult it. =P
once again, happy bdae pooney. i hope u're more matured.
Joy talked at
5:02 PM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
talking to suting aka sotong on msn. progressed so far frm her convincing me tt junyang is cute to eye-candies in mj n outside of mj.
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
later ur eye-candy happen to be mine too. coz mine is in sci
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
tt will b horrendous
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
who's ur eye candy?? lol
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
my taste not as bad as urs surely
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
juz in sci lor
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. who la? take wad subj de??
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
u nv say... n u wan me to say.
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
haha. econ
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. and??
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
dun say liao
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. say la
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
maths and econs too! lol
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
erm. econ sit around where?
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
den the third one? sit behind my class
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
i not really sure but its not bio ba. i tink its chem
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. chem gt shuai ge meh
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
if not phy. dunno. i not in chem so how i noe
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
sci got so many cls oso dunno which cls take wat combi
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. icic
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
cuz i take chem econs maths ma. dun hav shuai one leh. lol
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
so urs is in phy ar?
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. yup
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
u juz treat him as eyecandy or u like him??
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
he dun even noe me lah
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. icic
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
at least if like fren of fren mayb got hope
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
maybe he really noe one of ur fren leh
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
hope so
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
see him on the bus though. tt means he stay tamp area. haha
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. icic
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
u still gt see him on bus leh. lol
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
u nv meh
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. but seldom see him outside of sch ma. lol
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
i tot u saw him at foodcourt?
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
if he's at century sq foodcourt, there's a possibility he stay at pasir ris, tamp or simei area
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. tt's y i say seldom ma
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
maybe bedok? lol
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
bedok still quite far lah.. u stay sengkang rite?
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
yup. y leh
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
go target guys there. leave east side guys to deprived ppl like me. haha
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
wah liao
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
sengkang here dun hav leh. lol
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
like the east got alot like tt. if hv alot, i wun be considered deprived liao!! haha
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. in sch u still hav ur one ma. lol
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
see but cannot hv ma. its like window-shopping
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
makes u feel worse
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
icic. hah
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
but still can see ma. better than can't see at all rite
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
tt one more deprived ah. lol
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
can't see then wun desire ma
I wan to watch NARUTO!!!! says:
hah. tt's quite true. lol
Joy i'll nv trust again says:
i always speak logic
well, tt was the conversation minus the boring bits n combination of some stuff so it flows better but the jest is there n i tink it makes quite gd sense. mind u, it takes effort to change the colour of the nicks to facilitate easier reading!!
i guess i'm super bored on top of being helplessly lonely...
Joy talked at
11:49 PM
happy birthday to me. haha. nope, my bdae is on the 27th but my family celebrated it in advance. i had tis expresso cheesecake - the cake of the mth frm ssc. yummy. actually, i wanted a double or triple choc cake but i guess i need to keep my weight in check. considering how i may wanna fit into nice nice clothes for poly nxt yr. n thank u trix for ur cool n yes, i acknowledge its price (since u convenietly attached its receipt) key-ring frm ig heaven. u're the first person to give me a present... i dun even noe if i'll receive any others... oh, n mommy will buy me a new hp. yeah yeah!! i tink i'll settle for the samsung one ba. =)
went for indo massage today. ouch. it hurts... n everybody keep harping on how i muz be disciplined n stick to my diet n exercise regime. i guess all the snacking n sitting around during the exam studying is starting to show around my waistline. haiz. i hate perspiring n i love food esp junk food. how to lose like tt. sianz.
did my first day of hsewrk today. my maid hv not left yet but mommy say we muz start getting used. i can't believe it. the stupid detergent wrinkled my skin! frm now on, i'll only eat on disposable plates n use disposable cutlery so i can spare myself the washing! n i wun wash toilet too coz a lizard juz jumped on me in the shower n it had the cheek to stare at me out of its beady eyes! trust me, lizards r way worse than cockroaches. at least, u gain a certain thrill whacking a cockroach n seeing it all mutilated... sadist but true. as for lizards, its juz not the same since i tink a lizard has flesh n blood... time to buy more lizard traps. tons of them to catch those pesky pests.
saw xinyu, maz n haz at parkway when we went to packet dinner- sakae sushi! my fav... haha. they nv see me but me, being so observent as usual, i spotted them. bought earth a pair of cute earrings which i like v much so if u dun like them, give them back to me hor. haha. =P n yeah, my pw hv finally been completed but its way over its 2500 wrd limit. now muz go summarize.
Joy talked at
10:15 PM
Saturday, October 22, 2005
juz came back frm hans. i got full mrks for my summary. haha. 14/14 for content. yeah!! *smug* lol. anyway, was v full juz now as i indulged in a char siew bao for tea-break so i settled for a toasted thai chicken sandwich at master cafe, w/o adding soup n drink. so it was a mere $4.50 n mommy was happy. haha. uncle robin - the boss of masters, showed us pics of her new-born baby, melanie. double eyelids. soo cute. =)
aunty su went to buy suitcase n tidbits at parkway 'giant' today n por por went wif her sisters to watch some concert at kallang stadium. while poor me was stuck in some classrm struggling wif my sub-standard chi.
the cute waiter served me too. well, cute by trix's standards lah.. read lots of foreign mags there n was convinced tt countries like UK n USA hv v little censorship laws considering tt 1/5 of the mag's content reveal nude pics. n its NOT porn. juz models advertising perfumes of jewelery. tis sorta pics will prob nv ever appear in a s'pore ad no matter how artistic it is.
n i wun be going out wif xinyu, haz n maz tmr le. for some reason [perhaps telepathy] they cancelled on me juz as i was going to call them to postpone. hmmm. well, i'll be seeing them on nov 3 anyway. [haz invited me to go celebrate hari raya wif her family] n i'll get my bdae present then. haha. i love gifts! =P
Joy talked at
9:59 PM
found tis cool poem webbie,
wif tt, i wld like to dedicate a few poems to some ppl v special to me. ya, it is copied but it'll represents alot n is much better than any i cld ever write. i love u guys loads n loads.
ting [who sometimes lament tt we're too busy for her - tis is wat i promise u.]
As you sit in silence,
Wondering why
I'll be your shoulder to cry on
Until your tears run dry.
When you've been hurt,
And can't believe what they've done
If you need someone to talk to
I'll be the one.
If a close friend hurts you,
And you don't understand
Remember I'm here,
I'll lend a helping hand.
Burdens are lighter when carried by two,
And I just want you to know
I'm here for you.
to all the ppl i met in mj [esp:
mag n
renfeng] - i may leave after tis yr but thanks to u guys, my short stay here at mj will be v memorable. thank u for everything.
You turned my darkness into light;
You made everything all right.
You picked me up when I was down;
You turned my life around.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
blessing is what you are to me.
When I needed you the most, you were there;
Even if it seemed like you didn't care.
When I didn't think I could make it another day,
You chased all my doubts away.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
treasure is what you are to me.
The world is full of many people, it's true;
But there is only one of you.
You fill my heart with love;
You're a God-sent gift from above.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
angel is what you are to me.
Lost and alone, I will no longer be;
Because you are here with me.
There is no reason to be sad;
You've taken away all the bad.
If I didn't have you, what would I be?
best friend is what you are to me!!
Joy talked at
3:36 PM
Don't tell me you love me if you are not sincere
For a lie that strong can ruin my life and bring on a new fear.
Fear to be loved, fear to love ever again
It can cause my fragile heart to break, tear and bend.
Think of all in life that will be missed
because of one small broken promise
So, when I put all of my trust deep within you
Please don't tell me you love me, unless you truly do.
Joy talked at
3:23 PM
my por por is spoilt. haha. i guess she's so v pampered at hm. but well, she deserves it having toiled so hard in her youth but its kinda funny to see n hear an old woman behaving juz like me. =P lolx.
when she first cam eon thurs nite, brian offered her his rm. she surveyed it n proclaimed: "so messy. so many toys. so dirty. i dun wanna slp here." then she plonked her bags into my rm. then she said "i can't slp on the floor hor." so i gave up my bed n sacrificed my sleeping on the hard floor [wif double mattress of course - but its a far cry frm having a proper bed.] she then said, "muz hv aircon hor. i cannot slp w/o aircon." when told tt the aircon hv timer to switch itself off at a pre-set time, she exclaimed: "cannot! muz whole nite or i wun slp de." ok, i'm not complaining since i love the aircon too. but gosh, was it cold... tis morn, the aircon off itself at 6am. right after the 'beep', she tossed n turned n remarked: "ah joy ar, no more aircon. v hot leh." n tis is before the aircon coldness dissipate. haha. ok, i'm not being mean... but it kinda reflects me. like how stubborn i am to refuse to off the aircon or where jacket n cover blanket when i'm feeling rebellious. leaving my poor mom n dad to sneak into my rm in the middle of the night juz to cover me up. but i guess i'm thankful for tt or else i wld hv fallen sick so many times.
but it is evident tt my 'princess' genes runs in the family esp frm my mom's side. haha. =D
Joy talked at
2:40 PM
juz came back frm the cemetry. 25th oct is my grandfather's death anniversary but we went to pay our respects today for convenience sake as today today is a sat. trix n brian gotta study so they did not come n alisa fell ill yesterday. reached ahma's hse early in the morn n had breakfast at the kopitiam downstairs. wif vicki, xiang rong n xiang le. they did not change much frm the last time i saw them but xiang rong was much more vocal n he greatly suprised n shocked me when he swore the four-letter wrd quite a few times - beng already sia.
ms sue called to say earth did not submit the pw tt we were all rushing through last nite. i dunno wat happened in the end but isa said tt our wr is more or less ok liao. i couldn't go wif my grp to meet ms sue at 10.30 bcoz of tis prayer thing n wif denise jie jie in aust, being the eldest available grandchild it was best tt i attended so yeah. burnt lots of stuff n ate lots of stuff too. gosh, i'm soo bloated.
later hv chi tuition at katong. will be my last lesson...
Joy talked at
2:30 PM
I sometimes find I'm drifting
Through this life without effect;
I often wonder if I'm truly
Worth what I've been blessed.
I search through days that have been hard,
To try to understand,
The many trials that I have known,
The life that I have had.
You see me in my daily grind,
So confident and strong;
Yet when I am alone, I question
Just where I belong.
I often try too hard I find,
To analyze and guess,
To scrutinize, investigate
My life I will confess.
For somewhere deeper, there must be
Some meaning to this life,
Some way to make a difference,
Give a reason for this strife.
Is there some hidden meaning?
Some agenda to be found?
A greater purpose waiting
If I care to hang around?
It teases and it taunts me,
Always slightly out of sight;
A hazy vision out of reach,
Where darkness hides the light.
I struggle to bring clarity
To what awaits me there,
And yet this weak illusion
Always fades before my stare.
It seems the harder that I try,
To focus through the haze,
Just serves to add more questions,
Through my endless, tired gaze.
Perhaps I'm trying just too hard,
To understand it all,
For can we ever truly know
Just what we have in store?
Each incident, each moment passed,
Just adds upon the next,
But in the end, will I find truth ...
Or will I be perplexed?
Perhaps I make it harder
Than it has to be sometimes,
But will my searching bring to me
My meaning over time?
Or will it leave me broken,
And confused as I feel now,
While questions bring no solitude,
To this, my wrinkled brow.
Joy talked at
3:15 AM
Friday, October 21, 2005

at changi airport quite long ago. i tink to celebrate mother's day at swensons. i'm in phobus shirt as it was after sports day..

in aust. some street lah. tis is to show how much i love my sibs. we dun always get along but arguments add spice to our otherwise mundane existence.
Joy talked at
10:19 PM
today is mj's open hse. zzz. v tired. reached hm only juz at 8pm. =( now still muz rush pw proposal. tis sucks big time but wat to do, ms sue wants it by tmr of she'll wash her hands of us. i noe my pw grp is way behind but its not easy lah.
today was pretty fun. can get paid to paint designs on ppl's hands. haha. tons of glitter. my fav... hehe. such a pity the profits were to be given to charity. if we cld keep the money, i bet we wld all try harder. much harder. now, i even doubt if we broke even which doesn't matter anyway since the start-up capital came frm the sch. heck care lah.
met trix, john, edwin, ky, desmond, shuyun, rosalind n other 4e1, 4e2 ppl frm damai. miss them so much but they still equally immature but can't deny tt john did grow taller by tt little bit. lolx. they say mj open hse lost to vj n tj but definitely won tpjc which according to them was blahx. haha. it was quite happening wif deejays n mass dances but part of me felt tt mj was trying too hard to impress. but anyway, its a day to rmbr. why did i say mj was desperate to show-off? they even went to the extent of hanging up all their banners [even the teacher's day n student council investiture banners!!] the tentage which housed the cca booths were so cool. totally carnival like. =) music blaring n colours galore. unfortunately, i doubt we were sponsered unlike some other branded jc.
its official, sci guys r cuter than arts guys. oops, no offence. there r some gd-looking art-farty guys too lah. when the day was getting boring n draggy, n earth n mag pangseh me, yj n i toured the other booths. for some reason or craving (haha) we went to the sports com area.
me: u wanna hv eye-candy, muz go to where all the sports cca are. we go to the domain of cuties - tennis n bb court.
(walk there liao.)
yj: wow. tis is now juz the domain. its a haven. (giggles)
actually we went there after seeing earth at odac. the guys at odac still ok, can pass. haha. then went to see volleyball hoping to see my cute guy. yj missed him but i pointed him out to earth since her eyesight not so gd so wun criticize my judgement or make funny noises when she nxt see him. haha. oops. =P there oso hv some sec 4 guys tt look gd but well, they're younger.
received my paper 8 results. i knew i went out-of-pt. frm eagles mating to fighting but i dun deserve a 15.5/50. tis brings down my whole total frm a D to an O. there goes my only hope of an a-level pass n my only hope of getting promoted. bloody hell. triple O. tis sucks. i knew i shldn't hv complained abt my lack of 2pts. now i lack 4pts to E for lit. who wld hv tot i wld live to see the day my econ do better than lit. =( pls pls moderate. but i figured tt if i pass only bcoz of more lenient marking n sympathy mrks, i wld be in no situation to get through my As. it'll be much worse off than.
anyway, got lots of glitter on me n my arms r starting to itch... but well, its a nice day which ended well with mass dance to 'mambo no. 5' n 'let's get it started in here' whose steps i cld not rmbr... n to my juniors, i wish u all the best for ur coming Os n pls dun hesistate to try out 1st 3mths in any jc as trust me, its the best time i ever had. pon sch, hv fun... shiok ar.
the most boo boo part was the clean-up afterwards. but luckily a201 got quite an easy task of lib duty. =) such a pity. yj was too involved in her biz club booth to help out considering tt her eye-candy was helping carry tables. hehe. his small skinny frame lifting a huge, heavy table. gosh, u missed out on nice stuff. =P
as of now, bye bye jc, hello poly...
Joy talked at
10:05 PM
Thursday, October 20, 2005
my por por hv come to stay... gonna slp in my rm tonight n mayb a few more nights... the fact tt aunty su is leaving is stating to sink in. i muz tink of a nice present to buy her which she can rmbr me by. muz be positive. coz we r giving her a chance to break out of poverty mould n make it big in her own endeavour.
i promise not to make her departure anymore diff my crying... n i promise to love n take care of my family as well as she has. tink on the bright side gal!!
Joy talked at
10:07 PM
today, went to sch late... wanted to miss gp. came for boring chi n got back my lit papers. i did ok. a D. my only a-level pass but i dunno wif paper 8, how badly i'll do. but there's nothing i can do now anyway. my pw got rejected again as only a low 'approaching expectations'. i hate it... muz re-do proposal n i dunno wat the heck is expected. dammit! waste my time only. =(
did the open hse preparations today. found out tt the ppl in s204 wasn't tt bad. at least some of them did contribute... haha. it was pretty much a failure n my arms now itch bcoz of all the paint testings which were to runny... bahx. well, we've decided to use a sponge tmr... i muz rmbr to bring the cotton buds n table cloths. =) can't wait for tmr... haha. although i dun tink we'll even break even but its juz for the fun of it. besides, john n gang said they'll be coming to mj. [wondering if john did grow taller at all!]
went out wif ting to chat abt life in s-11... long time nv tok liao. but i still wan more nxt time. haha. came hm tired n finished my tribute to aunty sue. gosh, i'm tearing up again. i dunno how i'll cope w/o her by my side... but i guess life is all abt changes n adaptation. it'll be painful but at least the memories will last... frm jalan tua kong [siglap rd] to flora drive [loyang ave]... she has been a part of tis family n i'll miss her always. its juz so hard to say gd bye. so damn hard!! =(
anyway, gotta go attempt my wr proposal now. bye bye.
running away is not an option but a prefered choice-
Joy talked at
9:06 PM
daddy had a pay-cut. my life has officially gone topsey-turvey!! mommy says tt our lives hv to take 180 degree change. muz be more frugal even to the extent of having less air-con, no cable n no maid. i can die ar. since birth, i've nv ever went w/o a maid. then, i tot its was horrible having to change frm two maids to one. now, even worse... muz do my own housewrk, my own everything. n i'll really really miss aunty su when she goes hm. its been 10 yrs... more than half of my life.
there were many ups-and-downs, it was eventful n sometimes unpleasant. but at the end of the day, she was still there... more than a maid. somewhat like a fren or a sis. she may hv her flaws but i'm sure, i had mine too... although i knew abt tis painful good-bye in advance, i couldn't help but cry when the news was broken to her. she's soo rooted in my life, i can't bear to see her leave. esp when its so soon - nxt tues. mommy wants to let her celebrate hari raya puasa wif her family.
my heart melted when she kept reminding me to love my siblings, love my parents n most importantly, love myself. i really felt like crying all over again. she came into my rm juz now to ask me to forgive all her wrong-doings n tt she was v sorry. i was shattered. too devastated tt tis pillar of support is going hm... back to the place where she came frm 10 long yrs ago. i loved her. i did. n i'm too sorry for all tt i hv ever done wrong.
as mommy say, tis was inevitable. she would ultimately hv to return to indo. back wif her elderly parents, her ailing grandmother... get married n settle down. mommy's going to give her some $ to set up a small eatery to cook all the wonderful dishes tt we hv always loved.
gosh, i crying again... last wk, we celebrated her 33 yr old bdae. it wld be the last bdae we wld celebrate for her. she promised to sayang me in her heart wherever she may b. n letting her go, cld be better for her. aunty su, thank u for all u hv done. u've changed n influenced my life in unimaginable ways. i love u. n will definitely miss u alot. all the best. remembering u always n always. take care.
Joy talked at
8:53 PM
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
tis is so depressing. i bet my bdae tis yr will be one full of sorrow, pain n hurt.
its sweet 17 except it is now bitter. why did things turn out tis way?? n i was soo looking forward to it lah. not anymore i guess. i dun wanna grow up. god, fly me to never-never land. where i can stay in a tree hse, learn to fly with peter pan n tinklebell. i wan my childhood back. desperately..
empty inside. its like i'm floating in the arms of death..
Joy talked at
5:30 PM
its raining now. even the heavens is crying for me. its damn sad lah. as of today, i can say bye bye to my chances of getting to yr 2. hist managed a 33. a bloody 2 mrks for an AO. bloody hell. the whole world is against me lah. keep short of 2 mrks to get to nxt level. so near yet so far. wat the ****!! i bet tis entry will be super-duper draggy but i dunno wats happening in my life now. its juz a total wreck..
yala, i noe mr chus say will moderate. will use best 2 grades... given tis possibility, i may juz scrape through but hell, i dun wanna juz pass so narrowly. i noe its my fault for not studying harder than my hard or being more stupid than i expected but i juz can't be bothered anymore. an F when i studied. i really did lah. i went for consult. i did pass-yr qns. i tried. dammit.
lit tmr oso dunno how liao. idiotic me actually mistook the two mating eagles for two fighting eagles. i even said they "collided in mid-air". its so totally off-tangent lah. haiz. i so w/o hope. tis sux. my life sux. it is now worse as i'm kinda grounded bcoz of my terrible results. n the stupid sci cls demand to see the blue n silver glitter n glue tmr. n i can't go anywhere n everyone seems to be busy at something... mag n earth r prob going to bras basah's "art friend" to find tis body art thingy but "art friend" close damn early like at 6+ n they r both still in sch.. sianz... now yuvan oso busy.. =(
i miss damai. of rather i miss the ppl. at least there, i reaped the results of my hardwork. its been soo long since i last saw an A (except for math. but tt doesn't count...) i miss ting, cher, jj, haz, maz, xinyu, etc. hell, i even miss annoying ming fung n all those super competitive guys. at least i had fun. damai will be a 'home' mj will nv ever be. tis is the biggest mistake n greatest regret ever. i hate myself. i hate. i hate. i hate.
now an ee got me thinking abt my pw. if i cannot pass, will i really bother to put my heart n soul into it? i really doubt tt. haha. will prob be in some dark corner wallowing in self-pity or on the top floor of some hdb flat contemplating a vertical plunge of something. i'm not kidding. honest.
Joy talked at
5:02 PM
Emotion TestHere is the analysis:
Your emotional controlled rate: 43%You know how to let your emotions show but you still find it difficult to do so as often as you should. You should be prepared to let your emotions out more often. When you feel sad let yourself cry, when you feel angry, let your anger show and when you feel happy allow a smile to cross your face.
Allowing your emotions out in this way will do wonders to your physical and mental health.
What kind of chair do you prefer? [cushioned]
Here is the analysis:You want your partner to be a little bit more relaxed, calm and composed.
Psychological TestHere is the analysis:
You are easy to understand.
How ambitious you are depends on the height that you answered, which is: top.
You try to please everyone, the size of this personality as seen by others is medium.
Diamond means stubborn personality.
You are also superior and impressive.
You are an opportunist.
Your husband or wife is the one you need when you are in trouble.
The Most Miserable [alone in a deserted village]
You are basically a person who enjoys reminiscing.
You are a very emotional person indeed, easily influenced by people and your surroundings. For example, if society is sad about the death of famous people, you will share these sentiments, or when watching a sad movie, you will be so engrossed that you will end up being sadder than the main actors in the movie.
In love, you are a very confused person. Sometimes you like to be left alone. Sometimes you want to be loved. Sometimes you need him. Sometimes you don't.
Colors and NamesHere is the analysis:
The one who will never forget you is Xinyu. [yellow]
The one who you can consider as your real friend is Earth. [orange]
The one you really love is Cherlyn. [red]
This may be your soulmate: Jia Jin. [white]
The one you will remember for the rest of your life is Ying Jie. [green]
erm.. haha. i dunno if tis can be trusted but yeah, juz for the fun of it...
Joy talked at
4:34 PM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
u shld love me for who i am n accept me for wat i represent. if i really change, it shld only be for myself n myself only. i noe u care but i dun respond well to criticisms. tis reverse psycology thingy nv did n nv will gel wif me. its juz me. an escapist. i run away frm all my probs n wat u're doing will make me wanna run away even more. i really dunno wat u wan frm me. i tried my best to accomodate u but its not working. i so tired. v tired. i'm sick of tis cycle. wanna get out but i dunno how. its like being stuck in tis web of lies n deceit wif me always having to give way. why can't u juz act ur age? n dun be so stingy n calculative? i hate everything n everyone.. but somehow, i can't bring myself to say i hate u. bcoz rite inside i dun. =(
Joy talked at
4:48 PM
i missed an E by 2 mrks. 2 bloody, miserable, pathetic mrks. got 43% for econ... i noe there's ppl who did worse but tis grade sucks too. half of me wish i did poorer so i wouldn't b so upset now coz i missed an E by 2 ****ing mrks. i noe mommy say nv to swear but i hate myself. if only i had bothered to memorize mcq ans. if only i had bothered to repeat my mcq. if only i had tried tt tiny bit harder, i cld hv gotten tt blasted 2 mrks. if only i had known how much tis wld mean to me, i wouldn't slack through the wkends n neglect my mcqs.
got another shock of my life when i only managed a 52.5% for gp. my eng standard had nv been so bad. all through damai, i'm not being snobbish but i was always the top or at least amongst them. its juz one shock after another. n now, being here in mj for 6mths le, i can't say tt i'm still struggling to adapt.. i muz hv been hit by some stupidity virus or something to become so dumb. well, mayb i was juz dumb all along... =(
today's lit debate was a blast. renfeng as the v bold 'mistress overdone' exhibited excellent stage presence. posing sexily, twirling her pink feather boa. as quoted dramatically: "happiness is a virtue..." she fit the role marvelously. sam looked totally "priest-like" n added much comic-relief with his usual lame jibes n quirky behaviour. jeremy as the supposedly "irresponsible" duke of vienna n mag as the passive, wholesome house-wife in her blue d&t apron. [she looked sooo homely.] they assumed their roles n showed such team spirit tt led them to triumph over a202 for the much coverted first prize. winning for the class $100 worth of swenson vouchers. wow!! tis was after a keen 'battle' with a106 of which muslim won the best speaker award. it was two periods of fun n laughter. definitely one of the best lit lessons ever.. haha.
random thought: shld i go blading now?? of mayb i shld juz go slp..
Joy talked at
4:24 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
today was a blah blah day. in the morn prize giving ceremony, phobus came in last in all 5 houses n lessons were also v sian...
received my chi n math papers today. got 72 for math n received a kinder bueno frm mrs quek for being 1st in cls n 2nd in level. i finally overtook yingjie n top the cls but i wasn't as jubilated as i tot i wld be when tis day ever came. i guess she looked so miserable i juz cld not celebrate. [yj, dun worry k? tis cld b juz a one off thing.] i got c6 for chi which is an improvement frm my mid-yr d7 but i still hv a long way to go if i wanna get a gd grade in the coming As. =(
mayb its a gd thing tt math was the first paper to come back. mayb it can help cushion the blow i'll experience when the other papers come back.. i'm so screwed lah. oh, n my exercise plan is a total failure. i can't seem to kick lazy me off the sofa n onto the running tracks or into the swimming pool. bahx. i dun wanna stay fat forever. haiz..
went tm again after sch. (the east really lacks gd shopping centres) ate pineapple rice n prawn fritters at the new foodcourt wif yingjie, renfeng, yuvan, an ee (childish guy) n nicholas. (even more childish guy) talked abt tmr's lit debate against a106 n went to toys 'r' us to get tis hot pink feather boa as prop for renfeng's character, mistress overdone. duke - jeremy. mariana - mag. friar - supposed to be sam who withdrew for some reason.. got matching orange n pink bottles wif rf in bimbo moment. gushed over cute milk bottles n dolly diapers tt i nv had as a kid. oh man, my second childhood, or mayb, i hv nv really exited my first. =P
went to the basement food paradise to indulge yingjie in her binging. sinful. *shakes head* lolx. xinyu called which totally freaked me out as i tot she was going to spoil my mood wif econ qn. the call soon became a conference call wif haz n maz. n gosh, it was only 50min later did i realize tt i had called xinyu back bcoz i missed her call n tt lenghty chat was charged to my outgoing n not my free-incoming. i'm soo dead. my hp bill will definitely soar skyhigh since stupid me tok during peak hrs. i can i be so dumb. bloody hell, idiotic sia. grr... so angry!!
off to manicure land. lol. coughing madly.
Joy talked at
6:27 PM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
counting down to my b****day. haha. =P *grins*
~ young at heart always!! =)
Joy talked at
11:14 PM
at last i cld go shopping... haha. met ting, 12pm at tamp small mac coz cher pangseh her again. haiz. she was soo miserable (cher, if u're reading tis.. i noe u tink its not ur fault but u can't keep playing her out all the time.) so pei her go cut hair n witness her change frm a young lady to a small girl girl. haha. met jj at bedok n had ban mian for lunch. i'm so jealous. jj can wear anything n still look so gd. tis is not fair n the both of them eat so much n still stay so slim or rather, THIN. *fuming*
took 197 to parkway parade (brr... so cold) rain, rain, rain. bahx. got my hair all messed up n wet n dirty. lol. me whinning again. =( jj bought two u2 singlets. but as usual, picky me can't find anything to buy. boo boo. i also got tis choc smelling pen which was intented for trix but gave it to aunty su coz its her bdae today. the only thing i got for myself was tis pinky mint in mirror box frm ig heaven. sweeet. haha.
kept eating today. gobbled. munch. swallowed. indulged in an expensive "frozen chocolate" frm gelare. makan ebi up-sized value set wif free coke n had strawberry cake. yummy but sinful. haha. ting, 3 mayb an odd-no. but i had still had fun today. lurve u guys loads. *muacks*
argh!! cramps. =(
Joy talked at
10:14 PM
Friday, October 14, 2005
i hate pw. its official. juz when we finally can take a breather n relax, wr dateline muz come in. pls lah. its so totally not fair tt we hafta pass tis kuku sub to enter a local uni. its such a waste of time. i noe its meant to foster a creative streak in jc students, get them to innovate but its till damn stupid. i've nothing against doing proj but spending soo much time on something tt will not help ur grades is stupid. really.
the govt spend 10 yrs of my life in tis edu system teaching me to follow rules n listen to instructions... i've grown accustomed to tis sorta mould now wan me to tink out of the box. impossible man. how to suddenly in mths develop creativity? pls lah. i bet everybody is struggling wif these massive tasks n looming datelines.
my grp's idea abt e toy rental system is oso teacher tink n we develop lah. haiz. another grievance is tt in being creative, one is still restricted my one whole long list of requirements n 'must-dos' like tt how to fully become creative? therefore, it defeats the whole purpose sia.
tis whole attempt is fantastic but its a total flop. we're only doing tis bcoz its forcibly imposed upon us. wats the pt then?? haiz. i hate pw. hate it. hate it. hate it.
Joy talked at
10:56 PM
wah, today so eventful. heard so many secrets (but since its secrets it shld b kept secret..) sat through boring chi n econ (went through promo papers which hv by now become quite obvious tt i flunked). came hm n tried to salvage my damaged nails frm yesterday's pathetic endeavour to much more horrendous results (earth, i forbid u to laugh!). finished 'gemming' my mp3 le. haha. daddy say it looks indian now but i love it coz its all bronze n shimmery (coool...) went for a much needed facial n checked out my beloved hp at tm. i can't believe the price plunge soo much but yeah, after up-grade n trade-in, i can get it for only $198... anyway, mommy say she'll buy it for me anyway so i'll juz wait i guess... but honestly, i dun wanna trade-in my nokia 7250i. it holds so many memories (my first hp tt i need not share) n all my photos... sianz.. but $100 value leh. wat to do?? =(
Joy talked at
10:09 PM
Thursday, October 13, 2005
pon sch + pack rm + paint nails = disaster
Joy talked at
12:02 AM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
How You Are In Love |
You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. You give and take equally in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
** yeah. my first crush lasted 7 yrs. haha. since pri sch leh. sad but true. anyway, gotten over it liao...
Your Blog Should Be Purple |
You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own memo or survey.You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say. |
** hmm, well, my blog is not purple but its one of my fav colours anyway (coz purple it the colour of royalty mah) hehe.. n as for writing abt me n myself only its coz i love myself more than anything else ma.
The Keys to Your Heart |
 You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. Your ideal relationship is traditional. Without saying anything, both of you communicate with your hearts. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
** izzit? i dunno leh. marriage of course not lah. but flirting is soo not me. =P
Joy talked at
6:28 PM
gosh, i muz be so deprived. haha. but yeah, juz wanna say creative is not tt bad lah. they replaced my 5gb zen micro wif a 6gb one coz dear daddy complained on my behalf. but i'm still so pissed tt i lost all my songs. some were irreplacable n i did not hv any music while i was studying (can u imagine how crucial tt was??)... but anyway, creative may now be a tiny, little bit better on their service - hopefully!! but alot of adjustments still need to be made if it ever dreams of breaking into the US or anywhere else for tt matter.
n i love my daddy n ahma. they r soo sweet. i juz told dad tt my mp3 headphones spoil n he went all the way down to creative hq during lunch n picked up a cool orange pair for me. tts so sweet. *muacks* n yesterday during dinner, i sweepingly-mentioned how much i adored tt mcdonald badtz-maru bookmark toy n she went to buy it for me today. gosh, my grandma loves me so much not only to rmbr wat i wanted but oso endured eating a burger to buy it. can u imagine, a sixty-plus old woman, walking into a mcdonald knowing zero english to enquire abt my toy n eat a burger early in the morn? the toy may only cost $2 but its the gesture tt she cares which is so totally awesome. she even called me to tell me not to buy in case i waste $. so thoughtful sia. i love u. i love u. i love u. haha. =D
Joy talked at
6:09 PM
now, abt today. v bo liao day. hv inter-hse games which doesn't concern me so earth, ying jie, renfeng n me walk around like so extra so we left at 11am. haha. but alot of ppl smarter. either nv come or left even earlier. anyway, mommy allow me to skip tmr. ya, hv pw lect but since i always dun pay attention n they'll upload slides onto ivle anyway so its ok lah.
earth went hm coz her flu is soo bad. rf, yj n me go tm jalan. coz v long nv watch movie le so went to watch 12.05pm screening of corpse bride. it was nice. a cartoon which can still appeal to teens. hmm, i knew the ending beforehand bcoz of some stupid person but since both of them wanted to watch n being such a nice person i oso watch lor. haha. bhb. =P its a nice show. really. n i cried. laugh if u muz but i was so damn touched tt emily gave up her chance for happiness to return victor to victoria. i tot it was soo sweet n love was all abt sacrifice. aww... haha. but in tis show, hell or rather, the netherworlds seemed much more attractive than the dark n scheming 'world of the livings'. there was tis whole contrast of the colours n joyous mood down there tt the pun tt ppl r literally 'dying to come in' was so apt. emily who i felt was freaky n annoying turned out to be a real gem n her past was so tragic - the demise (or crudely put - murder by the lover) of the beauty. =(
after tt, had lunch at yoshinoya. mmm... salmon bento. yum.
Joy talked at
5:57 PM
well, forget abt the rest lah - i'm too lazy to type. haha. yeah, yesterday was my last paper. by right i shld feel liberated n relieved but somehow i'm not. well, i guess i noe i wun do well so no mood ba. went to ahma hse to accompany mom n dad n her for dinner but vicki n third aunt turned up so the more the merrier. daddy drove us to united sq n we had nice nice food at tis chi restaurant n we had ben n jerry's ice-cream at their cafe. yup, a shop not those tub kind. ahma was so shocked tt a scoop cost $5. well, i reasoned tt since i'm gonna gain the weight anyway, i might as well eat quality only wif max satisfaction. (note: i'm not a fussy person except when it comes to my ice-cream. heez.) i did feel kinda guilty for spending so much but i suffered so much in my mugging hell tt i do deserve some sweet things in life.
anyway, i had a mango n lime sorbet which they claimed was fat-free unlikle vicki's mudslide n daddy's cookies n creme. haha. i feel so much better now. =P
n anunty is throwing her weight around again, pissing my bro off again. i noe he can be unbearable n all tt but u can't be too much oso ma. i can't stand her sometimes... she act like she's totally buddies wif u then steals ur stuff (main culprit anyway) n act all so pitiful. makes me puke sia. feel like shouting "know ur place!!" ass-hole. treat her so well n is nv rude too (how many maids actually get to use "the body shop" soap n eat restaurant food n get new clothes??). well, i can't afford to antagonise her since there is now soo many laws n recent spate of killings. figured, no pt risking.
Joy talked at
5:35 PM
hmm. my first absolute not guilty entry. haha. wanted to come in yesterday but went eat dinner wif ahma, vicki n company so came back too tired liao. hmm. i had written down soo much stuff on paper but tired to type so will juz include tis part meant for 29 sept, 8.44pm.
another scene in my mundane n depressing life wif a somewat cute n entertaining character, brian a.k.a 'b.boy', making an ass of himself as usual.
act 272, scene 6525 [272 days/6525 hrs into 2005]
b.boy was played on the field n got BIG mosquito bites - tis was during the period of rife (means: widespread - juz trying to act smart) dengue incidents. mommy is mad.
mom: u dun go sch tmr.
boy: but why? i wanna go.
me: since when u like sch so much ar? ... oh!! u tmr celebrating children's day rite?
boy: ya! hv alot of presents so i muz go! at most i promise dun play field lor.
mom: promise, promise., since when u keep ur promises?
boy: even if i dun play, walk around in the building still can get bitten ma.
mom: then wat did i tell u to do? [ans: put mosquito repellent]
boy: err... study hard lor.
trix: zzz... spray spray, roll roll...
boy: err... listen to teacher?
trix: zzz... spray spray, roll roll...
mom: jie already give u so big a hint le! ur memory ar.
boy: oh, i noe!
(everyone looks expectingly)
boy: stay away frm houseflies!!
(laughter) - muz be present to witness how innocently he put it n how exasperated mommy was.
boy: orh! run away frm mosquitos!
(more laughter)
boy: aiyah, i thirsty already. aunty, give me a drink.
he really amazes me sometimes.
random fact: i'm a pessimist so i dun react well to reverse psycology n i'm not v understanding u cld say i'm self-centered. lolx.
Joy talked at
5:15 PM